Well do you why does communicating erotically increase sexual arousal and make men crave you? Well, it all has to do with the brain. Here’s why.
Believe it or not, the brain is the most powerful sexual organ in both the male and female body, even more so than genitalian responsible for a person’s sex drive, it should come as no surprise then that dirty talk excites the mind.
However, there are differences in how men’s and women’s limbic systems work in the brain. For instance, consider the hypothalamus, which is a section of the brain responsible for the production of many of the body’s essential hormones.
Two sections of the hypothalamus are the preoptic area and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Each of these have distinct functions in male and female brains.
According to a study published in the journal Hormone Research , the preoptic area, which is involved in mating behavior, is over two times larger in men than in women, and it contains two times more cells.
For men this means more testosterone is circulated to stimulate the desire for sex.
On the other hand, a lower testosterone level and smaller hypothalamus in women means their sex drive is not as strong as a man’s.
This is why it should come as no surprise that dirty talk is generally more effective on men.

“Talking dirty can enhance sex because it's another layer of sexual behavior beyond physical sexual acts.”
In fact, some men can get so aroused by dirty talk that they can reach orgasm, even without genital stimulation. For others, it can help put them in the mood, and for all, it’s a great channel to share wild fantasies.

5 Expressions to stir up an overwhelming craving for you in any man.
If you’re looking to make a man wild with intense sexual desire then these are the phrases to do so. These 5 expressions will stir up an overwhelming craving for you in any man, and make him want you day or night.
“5 Expressions to stir up an overwhelming craving for you in any man..”
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Don't Stop...
If your man is getting you hot and bothered then you may want to whisper these two words. Letting him know that whatever he’s doing is turning you on will get him going, too.
Though they may not always show it, guys are just as self-conscious as women when it comes to sex, and even the most macho of men question whether or not they’re performing well and satisfying their woman.
The good news is that saying these two small words will let him know that you’re enjoying what he is doing to you.
When he knows he’s performing well, it will give him the encouragement he needs to keep it up.
This is another phrase best used in person, in the heat of the moment. However, if the two of you are engaging in sexting then this phrase can be used to let him know that you like the messages he’s sending you, which will give him the green light to continue.
“ You were incredible last night ”
Men dream of hearing this line, especially coming from a woman they fancy. An easy way to drive your guy crazy with lust is to let him know how good he was between the sheets.
Stroking his ego will not only keep him committed to you, but it’ll make him want you more and more.
In fact, Researchers at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Nagoya Institute of Technology, and the University of Tokyo, among other Japanese institutions, found scientific proof that compliments drive people to perform better.
"To the brain, receiving a compliment is as much a social reward as being rewarded money.
We've been able to find scientific proof that a person performs better when they receive a social reward after completing an exercise.
There seems to be scientific validity behind the message ' praise to encourage improvement, '" said Norihiro Sadata, one of the study’s authors
“ The things I would do to you if you were here right now. ”
If you received this message from the guy you’re into, how would it make you feel?
My guess and that it would get your mind racing, your body revved up, and you counting down the minutes until you can be alone together.
This phrase is great because it lets your man know that even though you’re not together, he’s on your mind… and not just in an innocent “I wonder how he is” sort of way.
It will also get him imagining the endless possibilities of what you would be doing to him, so when it comes to turning him on, this phrase is a knock out!
Letting your man that you think about him sexually when you’re not together will stoke his ego and affirm your attraction to him.
Text him this steamy line and he’ll be on edge until you see each other next.
“ I’m not wearing any panties … ”
This is an invitation for him to find out what’s hiding under your skirt, and it should only be used if you’re comfortable with him doing so.
After all, saying this to a man whose advances you plan to push away isn’t fair, and of course you’re only going to want to say this if it’s in fact true.
If you opt to text this line then you may want to start your message with, “I wish you were here” before revealing the shocking news.
This will make him feel special, as though he’s the only one on the receiving end of this message.
A word of warning though; if you’re just getting to know the man you’re messaging then you may want to hold off on sending this phrase.
Since it’s pretty promiscuous, you don’t want to give him the impression that you’re easy or looking for sexual attention from just anyone.
“ You’re so big ”
As cheesy as it sounds, this works ..... BIG time.
Letting your man know that you appreciate the size of his manhood is like writing him a cheque for a million dollars. He’ll be over the moon. Again though, honesty is key here.
If you feel like he may take a “size compliment” the wrong way, or that it could evolve into a conversation about other penises you’ve seen (no one wants that), then you may opt to compliment his goods in a different way.
Telling him “It feels so good” or “It’s so smooth” will also do the trick.
Since men put a lot of importance on their sexual ability, complimenting your man on his penis will make him feel comfortable and confident.
This goes without saying, but never EVER compliment him in comparison to another guy.
Language of Desire By Felicity Keith - Your Solution To Living The Passionate And Romantic Sex Life You Always Craved.
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