Most of us worry about problems that develop in our work and our lives, but we can learn to cope with it.
However, there are times when problems seem too burdensome and we just cannot face them. Fear has replaced confidence in our subconscious minds.
Fear is the most extensive of all the morbid mental conditions that reflect themselves so disastrously in the human system. It has many degrees or gradations, from the state of extreme alarm, fright, or terror, down to the slightest shade of apprehension of impending evil.
But all along the line it is the same thing a paralyzing impression upon the centers of 'life, which can produce, through the agency of the nervous system, a vast variety of morbid symptoms in every tissue of the body.
Fear is like carbonic-acid gas pumped into one's atmosphere. It causes mental, moral, and spiritual asphyxiation, and sometimes death" death to energy, death to tissue, and death to all growth.
Countless people stiffer from the dread of some impending evil. It haunts them even in their happiest moments.
Their happiness is poisoned with it so that they never take much pleasure or comfort in anything. It is the ghost at the banquet, the skeleton in the closet. It is ingrained into their very lives and emphasized in their excessive timidity, their shrinking, and their self-conscious bearing.
We often fear that decisions we make on the job will result in failure, criticism from the boss, demotion, or even termination.
This can lead to headaches, ulcers, and emotional problems. Fear is one of the greatest causes of misery on the job, failure to advance in one's career, and even getting fired.
In this guide, we will learn how to conquer your fears and slowly take control of your life, happiness and peace of mind again.
#1. If You Don't Conquer Fear It Will Dominate Your Life.
Worry, anxiety, anger, jealousy, and timidity are early symptoms of fear. Unless they are identified and dealt with, they will metastasize into fear.
Fear is a major cause of unhappiness and inefficiency, and has made more people cowards and failures, and forced more of them into mediocrity, than anything else.
All work done when one is suffering from a sense of fear or foreboding has little efficiency. Fear, strangles originality, daring, boldness; it kills individuality and weakens all the mental processes.
Great things are never done under a sense of fear of some impending danger.
Fear always indicate weakness, the presence of ,cowardice. It is a slaughterer of years, a sacrifice of happiness and ambitions, and a ruiner of careers.
Fear depresses normal mental action, and renders one incapable of acting wisely in an emergency, for no one can think clearly and act wisely when paralyzed by fear.
When you become melancholy and discouraged about your affairs, when you are filled with fear that you are going to fail and are haunted by the specter of poverty and a suffering family, before you realize it you attract the very things you dread.
#2. To Fight Your Fears First Realize There is No Need to Fear.
Tell this to yourself over and over again. Gradually, your subconscious will accept it. And your subconscious will believe it, because you believe it in your conscious, reasoning mind.
Whatever your conscious mind really believes, your subconscious will dramatize and bring to manifestation. Do not vacillate or equivocate. Your subconscious mind knows when you are sincere. It knows when you really believe; then, it will respond.
If instead of giving up to fear, you persist in keeping prosperity in mind, assume a hopeful, optimistic attitude, and conduct, your business in a systematic, economical, farsighted manner, actual failure will be comparatively rare.
#3. To Conquer Your Fears Change Your Thoughts from Fear to Faith.
We have the capacity to easily destroy or conquer your fear by simply changing the thought. Fear depresses, suppresses, strangles. If it is indulged in, it will change a positive, creative mental attitude into a nonproductive, negative one, and this is fatal to achievement.
The effect of fear, especially where the fear thought has become habitual, is to dry up the very source of life.
Faith that replaces fear has just the opposite effect upon the body and brain. It enlarges, opens up the nature, gives abundant life to the cells, and increases the brainpower.
Fear wreaks terrible havoc with the imagination, which pictures all sorts of dire things.
Faith is its perfect antidote, for while fear sees only the darkness and the shadows, faith sees the silver lining, the sun behind the cloud. Fear looks down and expects the worst; faith looks up and anticipates the best. Fear is pessimistic; faith is optimistic. Fear always predicts failure; faith predicts success.
There can be no fear of poverty or failure when the mind is dominated by faith. Doubt cannot exist in its presence. It is above all adversity.
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#4. Inspirational Story On How To Conquer Your Fears.
Andrew L. was a highly talented violinist. He was the best violinist in his high school orchestra, and his teachers encouraged him to pursue a concert career.
Andrew had no problem playing his best in an orchestra and playing solo to a small audience. Then, when the school orchestra was awarded the honor of performing a Beethoven violin concerto at a large concert hall, Andrew was chosen to play the violin solo.
He performed beautifully in the rehearsals, but on the night of the concert, when he faced an auditorium filled to capacity, Andrew froze.
He was so consumed with fear that he could not play and had to be escorted off the stage.
From that moment on, Andrew refused to play. He chose to pursue another career, but always dreamed of living a life of music. Could Andrew's musical career have been salvaged?
Of course it could have. Other men and women have overcome stage fright to become great actors, musicians, singers, and orators. They refused to let one or even several defeats stop them. They had faith in themselves.
A powerful faith is a great asset because it never frets; it sees beyond the temporary annoyance, the discord, the trouble; it sees the sun behind the cloud. It knows things will come out right, because it sees the goal that the eye cannot see.
#5. Overcoming Fear.
In setting about the overcoming fear, we must first understand what it is we fear. It is always something that has not yet happened:Â it is nonexistent.
Trouble is an imaginary something that we think of, and which frightens us with its possibility.
Most people are afraid to walk on a narrow place high above the ground. If that same narrow space were marked on the floor or a room, they could keep within it perfectly, and never think of losing their balance.
The most dangerous thing about walking in such a place is the fear of falling.
Steady-headed people are simply fearless; they do not allow the thought of possible danger to overcome them, but keep their physical powers under perfect control. An acrobat has only to conquer fear to perform most of the feats that astound spectators.
#6. Take Charge of Your Mind To Fight Your Fears.
We must learn to establish control over our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and responses. We must not let fear make decisions for us.
We must take charge and say to fears, "I am the master, I am going to order my thoughts around, I am not afraid to make this decision."
Tell your mind what to give attention to, then you'll be like an employer ordering employees to execute his or her instructions. You must take charge of your own mind; not permit others to govern it for you.
Creed, dogma, traditions, superstition, fear, and ignorance rule the mind of the average person.
The greatest desert in the world is not the Sahara; it is in the mind of the average person.
Too many people do not own their own minds; they make no effort to think for themselves.
They let their minds be ruled over by strong-minded family members at home or governed by the opinions of their bosses or strong-minded coworkers on the job. Do not let this happen to you.
Build up the power of your subconscious mind to resist domination by others and assert your ability to control your own destiny .
#7. Examine Your Fears To Conquer Your Fears.
The head of sales for a major multinational corporation confided that when he first began working as a salesperson, he had to walk around the block five or six times before he could get up the nerve to call on a customer.
His supervisor was both very experienced and very perceptive.
One day she said to him, "Don't be afraid of the monster hiding behind the door. There is no monster. You are the victim of a false belief."
The supervisor went on to tell him that whenever she felt the first stirrings of a fear she stood up to it.
She stared it in the face, looking it straight in the eye. When she did that, she always found that her fear faded and shrank into insignificance.
Sarah M.'s boss, Agnes, was a tyrant. She constantly micro man aged the work of all her subordinates. She was quick to criticize, and never praise or even acknowledged good work. Sarah dreaded to go to work and literally trembled when Agnes came close to her work space.
She noticed that Rebecca, a coworker, never seemed fazed by Agnes's diatribes.
Sarah asked her how she could remain so serene under such conditions.
Rebecca said, "When I first came here, I was terrified by Agnes and was about to quit, but I needed the job. I decided that not Agnes, or anybody else, could ruin my life, unless I let them.
I realized that the only person who could make me miserable was me.
If I let Agnes make me feel inferior, I will be inferior.
So when she berates me, I let it go in one ear and out the other. I block out her negativity and concentrate on the good things in my life. I just nod my head and say, 'Yes, ma'am,' and go on with my work. Try it. It won't happen immediately, but after a while, you'll be able to let Agnes's ranting bounce off you with no effect."
Sarah followed Rebecca's advice. Although the work environment had not changed, her perception of it and her reaction to it made the job more tolerable.
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#8. In Conclusion - 5 Steps To Conquer Your Fears.
- Fear and worry make us attract the very things we dread. The fear habit impairs health, shortens life, and paralyzes efficiency. Doubt and fear mean failure; faith is an optimist, fear pessimist.
- Faith is its perfect antidote, for, while fear sees only the darkness and the shadows, faith sees the silver lining, the sun behind the cloud. Fear looks down and expects the worst; faith looks up and anticipates the best. Fear is pessimistic; faith is optimistic. Fear always predicts failure; faith predicts success.
- Eliminate from your thinking all false beliefs, biases, and superstitions. Order your mind and thoughts to accept whole heartedly that what you are seeking already exists in the Infinite Mind and all you must do is to identify it mentally and emotionally and it will come to pass.
- Too many people fear to use their own minds. They let their minds be governed by the opinions of their bosses or strong minded coworkers on the job. Do not let this happen to you. Build up the power of your subconscious mind to resist domination by others and assert your ability to control your own destiny.
- You are so much greater than any material failure that can come to you. No matter what reverses, what disappointments or failures, come to you, you are superior to them. Never lose your equammity.