February 12, 2024

Science Behind Power of Affirmations And Positive Mindset

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A lot of Self-help books talk about the power of affirmations and having a positive mindset and positive thinking attitude.

In the 21st century we all have heard of them. But if you’ve never tried them before, the idea can seem a bit daunting.

Let me start the power of affirmations with a simple example so that you understand it a bit and than we will dig deep in.

Example: You're awesome!

But you don't need me to tell you that, you need to be telling yourself that.

Developing a positive mindset is one of the powerful and transformative habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle. 

It is an essential element to your overall health and well-being, one that will transform your life and fill you with new joy, energy and passion.

In this post, we will learn how to use the power of positive affirmations to re-program your mind. So let's begin.

How to Have a Positive Mindset And Manifest Like Magic.

Developing a positive mindset is also a critical ingredient to your life success and your ability to manifest like magic.

The power of affirmations can raise your vibrations to help you feel good and also help you to let go of your ego, anger, doubt and fears.

Professionals, athletes and business people all use a variety of powerful positive thinking techniques to help them achieve their goals.

The mind is a powerful thing that, when used positively, can help you achieve whatever you want.

Affirmations are one positive thinking technique we’ll focus on in this guide that will help you to build a more positive mindset.

Affirmations are simply positive statements that describe a desired situation. “I’m awesome!” is an example.

It’s a positive statement that describes your desire to be awesome and have an awesome life.

Affirmations are generally repeated several times in order to activate the subconscious into action. 

Like many learning modalities, repetition is key to reinforcing the learning and embedding of the new thought into your mind.

The challenge for most people is that they often repeat negative words or statements concerning a particular situation or event in their lives and, consequently, by magnetic power of the Law of Attraction, create an undesirable result.

Think of a time when you’ve said to yourself, “I can’t do it”.

Maybe you’ve said, “I can’t speak in front of a group”.

And perhaps on top of this statement you’ve added a few supporting arguments such as, “Who would want to hear what I have to say?” or “Jill is a much better speaker than I am” or “I’ve never spoken in front of more than 3 people before”.

You may dearly wish to become a better speaker and be able to speak in front of larger groups.

But if you continue to tell yourself that you can’t speak in front of a group in addition to all the reasons why you can’t, the chances are not likely that you will even take the first step.

At least not until you start telling yourself that you can speak in front of a group as well as all the reasons why you’d be a great speaker.

Feel the Difference Using the Power of Affirmations.

Feel the difference in saying statements such as, “I can speak in front of a group”, “I have a message to share that many people are interested in” or “I have all the skills that I need to become a great speaker”.

Whichever words and the statements that you choose to tell yourself work to create your dreams or destroy them.

Most often we’re not even fully aware of the words and statements that we’re choosing to repeat in our minds or the impact they’re having on what we wish to create.

Unfortunately, your subconscious mind accepts as true whatever you keep saying to yourself.

Subsequently you will eventually attract corresponding events, people and situations into your life that reflect whatever “truths” your subconscious has accepted.

For instance, “I can’t speak in front of a group” or “I’m not good enough” will lead to situations that support those statements.

You may not be selected to speak at the next company meeting or you may experience intense stress and anxiety when you do speak.

Or consider this example of a girl name Marie – she was constantly telling herself, “I don’t really want this job anymore, I’m ready for a new challenge” and within a short period of time, her wish came true. 

She handed in her resignation and got offered a new job within days that gave her the challenge she needed.

You could liken your subconscious to a bed of soil that will accept any kind of seed, whether good or bad.

Your subconscious is easily influenced by the thoughts and mental focus of your conscious mind, reacting to and following its instruction and guidance.

 What your conscious, rational mind thinks, your subconscious accepts.

While you are certainly aware of the activity in your conscious mind, your subconscious is incredibly powerful and makes up a large percentage of your mental activity, even if you’re not aware of it.

The use of positive affirmations works to re-program your mind because:

  • Affirmations keep your mind focused on a goal while simultaneously influencing and activating the power of your unconscious mind. 
  • They are positive statements which will transform you from the inside out, helping to change the way that you think and act.
  • Affirmations make you feel more positive and energized. They help to raise your vibration, visualize your dreams and reflect your true nature, thus helping you to achieve your goals.

How can you learn to use positive affirmations to your advantage?

Repetition of your affirmations help focus your mind on your goal, which then automatically creates a corresponding thought or image in your mind.

In turn, the affirmation affects the subconscious mind as it accepts the thought or image as just another “seed” in its soil which it will continue to nurture and grow until a new thought or image is “living” in the soil.

By using the power of positive affirmations consciously and intently, you can literally transform your habits, your behaviors and your attitude and have a dramatic effect on the results that you see in your life.

Athletes, for instance, are well-versed in the use of affirmations to help them achieve their goals.

Tiger Woods Example on Power of Affirmations And Positive Mindset.

The famous golfer Tiger Woods is a great example of an athlete who’s learned to harness the power of his mind to launch himself to phenomenal success. 

Woods learned the secret of success from his father when he was very young– if you wish to be successful, keep your mind in peak condition.

From a young age, Woods listened to a subliminal tape of positive affirmations every day which helped keep his mind in focused alignment with his goals and free of any negative thinking which could have derailed his success. 

Woods also posted affirmations to his bedroom wall, so that he was consciously and unconsciously receiving positive messages all day. “My power is great”. “I smile at obstacles”. “I focus and give it my all”.

Before long, these statements became firmly embedded beliefs in his subconscious, eventually leading him to top of the world of golf.

How do you harness the power of affirmations?

Let me give you a few simple rules to remember when using affirmations:

  • Always state your affirmations in the positive and focus on what you wish to have happen. 
  • Be specific. If your desire is to lose weight, do not make an affirmation such as “I’m not fat” or “I’m losing weight”.
  • Such statements actually focus on the words “fat” and “weight” and will bring images to your mind of what you don’t want. Instead say, “I’m getting slim” or “I love eating healthy foods” which will create more positive images in your mind. 
  • Affirm in the present tense, not the future tense. Saying, “I will be wealthy” is telling your mind that you intend to be rich one day, in the indefinite future, but not now. 
  • To say and also feel, “I am wealthy now”, will cause your subconscious mind to work at making your goal happen now, in the present. 
  • Make your affirmations short and simple. A short phrase or one sentence will do. Your affirmation should be like a mantra that you can repeat over and over again without even giving it a thought.
  • Repeat your affirmations daily and regularly. You can repeat your affirmations every time your mind is not engaged in something important, while waiting in line or sitting on the bus, for example. You can also schedule short 5 – 10 sessions each day during which you repeat your affirmations.
  • Don’t force it, just say it. Relax any physical, emotional or mental tension while affirming. The stronger your concentration and the more feeling you put into your affirmations, the more effective and faster your results will be.

Seeing results from your efforts depends on a number of factors such as the amount of time, focus, faith and energy your invest in repeating your affirmations.

The strength of your desire and the size of your goal can be factors as well.

Sometimes results happen quickly but generally some time and practice is required.

When you first begin using affirmations, focus on the positive feelings you generate when you repeat them.

Soon you’ll notice a positive shift in your energy and begin to see results unfold as your use of affirmations helps you tune into You and your true desires.

Below are a few sample affirmations to help get you started on creating some affirmations of your own, in these and other areas of your life

Affirmations for Health:

  • I feel energetic and full of life. 
  • I nurture my mind, body and soul in loving ways.
  • My body is strong and healthy.

Affirmations for Abundance:

  • My life is filled with abundance in so many ways. 
  • The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful.
  • I am deserving of all the abundance that flows in my life

Affirmations for Love:

  • I celebrate and welcome love into my life every day.
  • I enjoy giving love to others.
  • I love so many things about my life

Affirmations for Romance:

  • I have a wonderful partner and soulmate. 
  • I attract only healthy relationships.
  • I am sexy, attractive and intelligent and deserving of a loving relationship.

Affirmations for Weight Loss:

  • I am my ideal weight.
  • I choose to make healthy food choices.
  • I enjoy exercising regularly

Exercise: Tuning into your Power of Affirmations to Develop a Positive Mindset.

This simple exercise is designed to get you into the powerful habit of repeating destiny-tuning affirmations to yourself each and every day.

As these messages become ingrained in your mind, the power of your unconscious will be unleashed.

In fact, your unconscious mind will not stop working until your outer reality matches what you have been affirming to yourself on the inside.

So prepare to re-program your mind and start manifesting the things you want in your life!

Here’s what you need to do.

Write out your own affirmation which relates to the ONE thing that you most want to manifest into your life right now.

This affirmation can be anywhere from 1-4 sentences long, as long as each sentence is highly related to your chosen goal. When writing your affirmation, use the guidelines in this chapter to help you.

For instance, make sure that your affirmations are short, simple and are stated in the positive.

Repeat your affirmation out loud to yourself for 5 minutes every day, for at least 60 days (90 is optimal).

As above, it is best to repeat your affirmation to yourself at the same time each day, to help you get into a routine.

Over time, these affirmations will become ingrained in your mind, naturally resulting in thoughts and choices more in tune with your destiny.

So once you have repeated your affirmations for 60-90 days, simply relax and let your unconscious mind work its magic.

I will stop here. I believe you definitely enjoyed reading this powerful guide on the power of affirmations and positive mindset. If you really loved reading please do not forget to share or comment.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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