May 20, 2024

10 Smart Hacks On How To Stay Motivated When It Gets Tough

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Motivation and enthusiasm is the secret ingredient of success for the most successful people as well as the generator of happiness' in the lives of those who possess it.

The word "enthusiasm" comes from the Greek, and literally means to be possessed by God. It means an absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit.

You must believe that the energy of the Infinite Power animates you and the creative ideas that unfold within you reveal everything you need to know.

You must have faith in the response of the Infinite Power to help you attain your goal. This generates motivation and enthusiasm, which is awakened by your positive faith. Gradually a new world of achievement opens up for you.

People with pleasing personalities are enthusiastic and motivated about their lives, their work, their relationships, and their goals. Enthusiasm comes from deep within ourselves. Enthusiasm and motivation cannot be faked.

Feigned motivation through artificial gestures, phony smiles, and exaggerated comments is easily detected.

If you believe that what you are doing is worthwhile, meaningful, exciting, and achievable, it will show up in your demeanor and your actions.

In this guide, I will share some powerful tips on how to stay motivated and be enthusiastic when it gets tough.

#1. How To Stay Motivated And Enthusiastic About Your Work.

Why is it that one employee can often accomplish three or four times as much as another employee?

The difference is not always that of ability. It is often a difference in the character of the effort. Successful people try harder. 

They add motivation and enthusiasm and a splendid zest to their work that increases the quality as well as the quantity of the result.

I have often heard employees say in the morning that they fairly dreaded the day's work, that the hours dragged and that they were glad when the ordeal was over.

They felt no enthusiasm or motivation for their employment.

Should anyone hope to succeed in life who considers a day's work an ordeal, who goes to it as a slave lashed to his task?

It is the employees who take hold of their work as though they love it, who take pride in it, who are made of the winning material.

There is nothing that troubles an employer more than to see employees doing things in an ambitionless, indifferent manner, as though they regard their work as a necessary evil to be done to keep them from starving.

Employees who go to their tasks with energy, determination, motivation and enthusiasm give confidence to the employer that the thing they undertake will not only be done, but be well done.

When employees drag themselves about as though existence were a burden, when they take hold of the work with repugnance or dread, the employer knows that they will never amount to anything.

#2. Enthusiasm And Motivation is Contagious.

The world has always made way for motivation and enthusiasm. It multiplies your power, raises whatever ability you have to its highest level.

Enthusiasm and motivation attracts business: It is so contagious that before we know it, we are infected with it, even if we try to brace ourselves against it.

If your heart is in your work, your enthusiasm will often cause a would-be customer to forget that you are trying to make a sale.

There are people who do splendid work when their enthusiasm is up. When they are enthusiastic, they are productive, prolific in , ideas, original, creative, strong, and effective; but let their enthusiasm cool a bit, and they are all down at the heel.

All their standards drop and they are good for nothing during the ebb tide.

They just have to wait for flood tide. You meet them one day, and you would think they were going to do marvels, and perhaps the very next day they are low-spirited and pessimistic; their work drags, and they are shorn of their power until they get a fresh supply of energy.

#3. Krista Hawkins Story of Motivation And Enthusiasm.

Krista Hawkin is a woman who never loses her motivation and enthusiasm. She fires up hundreds of potential customers every week, and is famous for it. She's not a manager, a sales executive" or a leader in the usual sense.

She gives tours of a Hyundai Motors manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Alabama, one of the most technically advanced facilities in the world, turning out a thousand cars a day.

Krista is well known for turning tourists into customers with her passion and enthusiasm.

She takes a personal interest in the men and women on her tour, encourages them to ask questions, and answers them fully, enthusiastically, and in nontechnical terms.

Experts know that everyone who works for a brand represents it to the outside world, and every interaction is an opportunity. to put an energized, enthusiastic face to the brand. Krista means it, which is why she's effective.

She says she sees what the plant has done for the community and the state of Alabama, which makes it easy for her to be happy. She never uses the term "employees."

To , her, everyone is a team member, and the quality of the vehicles is directly related to the energy of the people making them.

She does not start a tour with the purpose of selling cars; her goal is to entertain and inform visitors, and it has paid off in increased sales.

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#4. Stay Motivated And Maintain Your Enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm and motivation is fragile. It can easily be lost. It is a great art to learn how to keep up your motivation amid discouragement, but it is one you can easily acquire. It is simply a question of controlling thought. We can keep the negative thoughts out of our minds

There is nothing that will dampen the enthusiasm and take the edge off of an endeavor more quickly than to flood the mind with destructive, discordant thoughts.

We can control the emotions and mood, and the best way to keep out the darkness is to flood the mind with sunlight. One way to generate enthusiasm and motivation is to assume the part you wish to play arid then play it with enthusiasm.

If you are ambitious to do big things, you must always be enthusiastic about yourself .

#5. Story of Tom J. On How to Stay Motivated And Enthusiastic.

Tom J. knew it would be a tough job to persuade his manager to upgrade their computer system.

To overcome his boss's concern, about the added cost, he prepared an exciting presentation on how the proposed system would speed up the work and minimize errors.

He knew his boss was usually reluctant to accept ideas, and his first thought was "Why bother? He won't do anything anyway." But Tom was so enthusiastic about the project, he overcame his reluctance and made an exciting and spirited presentation, and won his boss's support for the new system.

There is something in the atmosphere of enthusiastic people who believe they are going to win, something in their very appearance that wins half the battle before a blow is struck.

Set your mind toward the thing you want to accomplish, so resolutely, so definitely, and with such enthusiastic determination, and put so much grit into your resolution, that nothing on earth can turn you from your purpose until you attain it.

#6. Story of Lucy A. On How to Stay Motivated And Enthusiastic.

Lucy A. was seeking her first j b as an administrative assistant in the medical field. She had an associate's degree in medical administration from a community college, but was turned down several times because of lack of work experience.

So she gave herself a pep talk: "I want this job. I have the technical know-how. I am a diligent and conscientious worker. I can be a real asset to the doctor." When she went for her next interview, she was determined to get the job.

She repeated her pep talk over and over again on the way to the doctor's office.

She entered the office confidently, and answered the doctor's questions with such enthusiasm that he offered her a job.

Some months later he told her that when he saw from her application that she had no experience, he had ' decided to  just give her a courtesy interview and reject her, but her motivation convinced him to try her in the job.

She carried that enthusiasm into the work itself and became a valuable member of his administrative staff.

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#7. Are You a Lifter or a Leaner?

There are two kinds of people just two kinds of people no more. Not the good and the bad, for it is well understood the good are half-bad and the bad are half-good.

Not the happy and the sad, not the rich and the poor, not the humble and the proud. No.

The two kinds of people on earth are the people who lift and the people who lean. Wherever you go, you will find the world's masses are ever divided into just these two classes.

And, strangely enough, you will find, too, it seems that there is only one lifter for twenty who lean.

Are you a lifter? Are you a leaner or whiner? Do you lean on others? You are here to grow, to transcend. You are here to meet problems, difficulties, and challenges and to overcome them.

You are not here to run away from them. The joy is in overcoming. If the crossword puzzle were filled out for you, it would be very in-sipid. The joy is in solving the puzzle. 

The engineer rejoices in overcoming all obstacles, failures, and difficulties in building a bridge. You are here to sharpen your metal and spiritual tools while you grow in wisdom, strength, and understanding. You are here to build motivation and enthusiasm in your life and the lives of those with whom you relate.

#8. Motivation And Enthusiasm Leads to Achievement.

When we are motivated and enthusiastic about something we are doing, the excitement, the joy, the inner feeling of satisfaction permeates the entire activity.

It is not always easy to be excited about many of the things we have to do on a day-by-day basis, but it is possible if we only make the effort. What goes on in the mind is what determines outcome.

When, you really get motivated and enthusiastic, you can see it in the flash of your eyes, in your alert and vibrant personality. You can see it in the spring of your step. You can see it in the verve of your whole being.

Enthusiasm and motivation makes the difference in your attitude toward other people, toward your job, toward the world.

It makes the big difference in the zest and delight of human existence.

You must, of course, be enthusiastic about yourself and your abilities, but it is also necessary to be enthusiastic about what you are doing the product you are making or selling, the music you are composing, or the essay you are writing.

How can you become motivated and enthusiastic about something? You must first believe in what you are doing.

Learn as much about the product, the idea, or the concept that you are engaged in.

Get as much information as you can. Delve into your subject. Live it. Stay motivated. The more you learn, the more you make your subject part of your life, and your enthusiasm and motivation for it will grow.

#9. Learn The Life Stories of Great People To Stay Motivated And Enthusiastic.

When we study the lives of great men and women, whether they are in the field of government, business, science, or the arts, we see that the one common ingredient all of them possess is motivation about their work and their lives.

Motivation enabled Beethoven to compose his greatest symphonies despite his deafness.

Staying motivation enabled Columbus to persuade Queen Isabella to finance his voyage of discovery and to keep going when it seemed impossible to succeed. You, too, have this power.

Release your talents and abilities and develop a zeal and enthusiasm to learn more about your inner powers. You then can lift yourself up to astonishing heights.

Ask the Supreme Intelligence within you to give you what you need and it will respond to you.

Realize Infinite Intelligence is guiding you, revealing hidden talents to you, opening up new doors for you, showing you the way you should go; and the Guiding Principle within you will lead and guide you in all your ways.

#10. Final Steps On How To Stay Motivated And Be Enthusiastic.

  1. Set your mind toward the thing you would like to accomplish, so resolutely, so definitely, and with such enthusiastic determination that nothing on earth can turn you from your purpose until you attain it. 
  2. Successful people try harder. They add motivation and a splendid zest to their work, which increases the quality as well as the quantity of the result.
  3. When we are motivated and enthusiastic about something we are doing, the excitement, the joy, the inner feeling of satisfaction permeates the entire activity. It is not always easy to be excited about many of the things we have to do on a day-by-day basis, but it is possible if we only make the effort.
  4. Enthusiasm and motivation is contagious. When you are enthusiastic, your eyes sparkle, your voice vibrates, your step becomes springier. It permeates every aspect of your demeanor and personality. Your boss sees it; your subordinates and coworkers feel it; your customers are influenced by it.
  5. Enthusiasm and motivation is fragile. It can easily be lost. It is a great art to learn how to keep up your enthusiasm amid discouragement, but it is one you can easily acquire. It is simply a question of controlling thought.
  6. We can keep the negative thoughts out of our minds. There is nothing that will dampen enthusiasm and take the edge off of endeavors more quickly than to flood the mind with destructive, discordant thoughts. We can control the mood, and the best way to keep out the darkness is to flood the mind with sunlight .

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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