Our subconscious convictions and conditioning dictate and control all of our conscious actions. You can recondition your subconscious mind by identifying yourself with the eternal verities.
You can change your life, change your thinking, develop a marvelous and wonderful personality by filling your mind with the concepts of peace, joy, love, good humor, happiness, and goodwill. Busy your mind with these ideas. As you do, they will sink into the subconscious level.
Let's learn in this guide, how to change your life, stay motivated in tough times and become the best version of yourself using the following steps.
#1. "If it Ain't broke, Don't Fix it."
If you want to learn how to change your life remember that old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." There's some truth in it, as changing things just for the sake of change is unproductive.
However, in order to move ahead, to ' tackle new challenges, change is often necessary. It's easy to just keep doing the same thing over and over again.
It's even more tempting to resist change when what you are doing was developed by you.
We often fall in love with our own ideas and are reluctant to embrace changes even when they would lead to Improvement.
Another reason many people refuse to consider change is fear of failure.
Nobody wants to suffer the pains of defeat, but no endeavor can succeed unless it is attempted, and with every attempt there is the risk that it may not work.
To ensure that you are willing to change, review and reassess everything you do in order 'to make necessary changes, you must condition your subconscious mind to be adaptable.
If you continuously reinforce open-mindedness and flexibility, your subconscious mind, instead of resisting changes to the status quo, will become a vehicle for adapting new concepts.
Successful people take risks. They do not limit themselves to approaches that they have always used .
#2. Only You Can Change You And Your Life.
If you are rigid in your thinking and not adaptable, you cannot change your life unless you overcome that rigidity. Nobody can do it for you unless you change your thinking.
The first thing you must accept is that you are the only one who can change your life. This is the beginning of a real change in your entire personality.
Mentally divide yourself into two people: your present self and that which you desire to be.
Look at the thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, or hatred that may be enslaving and imprisoning you. You have divided yourself into two for the purpose of disciplining yourself.
One part of you is the human mind working in you; the other is the Infinite seeking expression through you. It all depends on how you see yourself.
#3. Story of An Asian Farmer on How To Change Your Life.
In an Asian country, there is a legend about a farmer who went to a wise man in his village and told him about his life and how things were so hard. He did not know how he was going to make it. Feat of the future dominated his mind.
He wanted to give up; he was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
The wise man asked him to go down to the lake and bring back a bucket of water. He then poured the water into three pots and placed each on a hook over the fireplace. Soon the pots came to boil.
In the first he placed a bunch of carrots, in the second he placed a few eggs, and in the last he placed a handful of tea leaves. After they'd boiled for half an hour, he removed the pots from the fireplace.
He took the carrots out and put them in a bowl; he then took the eggs out and put them in another bowl; and lastly he poured the tea into a third bowl. Turning to the farmer, he asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"
"Carrots, eggs, and tea," the farmer replied. Then the wise man said: "Pick up the carrots and tell me what you feel." The farmer did so and said, "The carrots are soft." Then the wise man ordered the farmer to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, the farmer observed that the egg had become hard.
Finally, the wise man asked the farmer to sip the tea. The farmer smiled as he tasted its rich flavor. The farmer then asked, "What does this mean?"
The wise man explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong and hard.
However, subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak- The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its soft interior, but the boiling water hardened its inside. The tea leaves were unique, however. They had changed the water.
"Which are you?" he asked the farmer. "When adversity knocks, on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a tea leaf? " , As you look at the problems you face in your life, ask yourself:
"Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a fragile heart and a fluid spirit, but after the loss of a job, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Or am I like the tea leaf?
The leaf actually changes the hot water the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases fragrance and flavor.
If you are like the tea leaf, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are the greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a tea leaf?
If really wish to change your thinking, and learn how to change your life become like the tea leaf?
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#4. Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life.
Remember this great truth: You do not have to go along with familiar practices or systems or react mechanically as you formerly did. React and think in a new way. You want to be an achiever.
Therefore, from this moment forward, you must refuse to identify with the negative thoughts that tend to drag you down, and adapt your thinking to solving the problems you face in a new and different way.
#5. Be Persistent If You Truly Desire To Change Your Life.
The story of one of America's greatest statesmen is not a story of easy success but one of dogged persistence.
He failed in business at twenty-one and was defeated for the state legislature in 1833. He was elected in 1834. His sweetheart died in 1835. He had a nervous breakdown in 1836. He was defeated for speaker in 1838. He was defeated for elector in 1840. He was defeated for Congress in 1843.
Finally, he was elected for one term in Congress in 1846, only to be defeated again for Congress in 1848. He was defeated for the Senate in 1855, was defeated for vice president in 1856, and was defeated again for the Senate in 1858.
Finally, in 1860 he was elected President of the United States. These were just a few rough spots in the life of Abraham Lincoln.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than talented people who are unsuccessful. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not. The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Everything changes in this universe. There is nothing we can do about it. Governments change. Maybe you will wake up in the morning to a new president or a new king, or to a revolution somewhere. Everything is in a state of flux.
#6. Story Of King Solomon - Setback to Success.
When faced with major setbacks, it is tempting to give up and succumb to depression, but always remember the old legend about King Solomon.
Feeling blue, the king asked his advisors to find him a ring he had once seen in a dream. "When I feel satisfied, I'm afraid that it won't last. And when I don't, I am afraid my sorrow will go on forever. Find me the ring that will ease my suffering," he demanded.
Solomon sent out all of his advisors, and eventually one of them met an old jeweler who carved into a simple gold band the inscription "This too shall pass." When the king received his ring and read the inscription, his sorrows turned to joy and his joy to sorrows, and then both gave way to equanimity.
Yes, your current problem shall pass away. You can't be frustrated forever.
And there is something you and I can do about our attitude toward these constant changes. It's not what happens, it is what we think about what happens that matters.
All endeavors cannot succeed. Interspersed with the joy of success is the bitterness of failure.
By dealing with failures constructively, we can often turn those failures into successes.
The lowest point in Lee Iacocca's career was when he was fired from the Ford Motor Company. How he turned his defeat into success in his new job as CEO of Chrysler is well known.
In his autobiography he reported that immediately upon starting his new job, he was faced with an even more devastating defeat. Chrysler was on the verge of bankruptcy.
A lesser person might have quit right then, rather than move from one failure to another Iacocca refused to let this defeat him. He called on all his inner resources.
He had tasted failure before, and this time he wasn't going to let it push him down. He channeled his strengths in adapt- ability, innovation, creative thinking, and perseverance to confront this crisis and beat it.
#7. The Master Thoughts.
Attitudes are the immaterial stuff of which we build ability, equanimity, and prosperity. They are how we direct our lives, and our changed attitudes can change everything else. What is your attitude of mind?
These, of course, are master thoughts, which can bring about great and wonderful experiences and results. Because when you change your mind you change your body, for your body is a shadow of the mind.
Your body is the mind condensed. It is done unto you as you believe. It is negative thinking that keeps so many people from being resilient when things go wrong.
They won't let their subconscious mind open up to making necessary adaptations and changes.
Your master thoughts enable you to overcome this negativity. You can if you think you can. You have within you the seed of resilience and you can germinate that seed through the Infinite Power that strengthens' you.
Nearly everyone knows how impossible it is to fight a domineering, negative thought or emotion; but you can.
When the negative thought comes to you fear, resentment, condemnation, hate, or whatever it might be-deal with it immediately. Decapitate it. Don't let it grow up and become strong, challenge your dominion, defeat you, and give you sickness and failure.
Because if the resentment grows in your mind, it begins to, dominate you; then you color everything in your life with fear.
It colors everything you do, say, and think, and in addition, it keeps you from using your creativity to innovate and adapt to new situations.
It is said that Thomas Edison failed in his attempt to develop the incandescent bulb one thousand times before he succeeded, but he never let negative thoughts stop him from continuing to adapt and fine-tune the process.
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#8. Learn from Your Failures To Change Your Life.
If you interview the great army of failures, you will find that multitudes have failed because they never got into a stimulating, encouraging environment, because their ambition was never aroused, or because they were not strong enough to rally under depressing, discouraging, or vicious surroundings.
Most of the people we find in prisons and poorhouses are examples of the influence of an environment that appealed to the worst instead of to the best in them.
Whatever you do in life, make any sacrifice necessary to keep in an ambition-arousing atmosphere, an environment that will stimulate you to self-development.
Keep close to the people who understand you, who believe in you, who will help you to discover yourself and encourage you to make the most of yourself.
This may make all the difference to you between a grand' success and a mediocre existence.
Stick to those who are trying to do something and to be somebody in the world people of high aims, lofty ambition. Ambition is contagious. You will catch the spirit that dominates in your environment.
The success of those about you who are trying to climb upward will encourage and stimulate you to struggle harder if you have not done quite so well yourself.
#9. Final Steps On How To Change Your Life By Changing Your Thinking.
- You do not have to go along with negative thoughts or reactions. Begin to positively refuse to react mechanically. React and think in a new way. You want to be peaceful, happy, radiant, healthy, prosperous, and inspired. From this moment forward, refuse to identify with the negative thoughts that tend to drag you down.
- Don't fear change. Don't be held back because you think your boss or others will not agree. Be prepared to adapt, to create, to amend, to hone your ideas to meet challenges on the job.
- Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than talented people who o are unsuccessful. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
- When the negative thought comes to you, deal with it immediately. Don't let it defeat you. If the resentment grows in your mind, it begins to dominate you; then you color everything in your life with fear.
- By constantly thinking of positive approaches to solving problems, and feeding your subconscious mind with thoughts of flexibility and willingness to adapt, you will overcome your fears of making changes and build up resistance to negative thinking.
- Whatever you do in life, make any sacrifice necessary to remain in an environment that will stimulate you to self-development Keep close to the people who understand you, who believe in you, who will help you discover yourself and encourage you to make the most of yourself. This may make all the difference between a grand success and a mediocre existence.
- Failures may happen, but don't let them destroy you. Everything passes. It's not what happens, it is what we think about what happens that matters.