June 4, 2024

How To Make Your Wish Come True 11 Powerful Steps

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How to make your wish come true - Wishing gets a lot of bad press. As kids we're told, “If wishes were horses beggars would ride.” What a crock! If beggars knew how to wish, they could charter a limousine.

Wishing has been at the heart of human accomplishment since our ancestors first dropped from the trees and began to pad along the path toward civilization. Wishing is the most powerful force at our command. But most of us don't know it exists, let alone how to command it.

The secret is this: Don't just make a wish; make it presentable. The power of your wish comes from the way you present it to your conscious and subconscious. If you present it effectively, you will harness the genie-like power of your mind and cause your wish to come true.

If you present it ineffectively, your mind will shrug it off as just another one of those good intentions, ill-timed and unachievable.

Below are eleven steps that will help you to understand how to make your wish come true or how to make your dreams come true by making it so presentable that your mind will just naturally make it come true.

As you read each step, apply it to the wish you have decided to work on first.

#1. To Make Your Wish Come True - Write It Down.

If you think your wish is fixed so clearly in your mind that you don't have to put it on paper, you're kidding yourself. Write it, or kiss it good-bye.

When you write your wish, you give it the kind of clarity, focus, and urgency that you can't give it any other way. You hang it out there in the world right in front of your eyes.

You turn it into something real, something that stares back at you from the page and dares you to make it come true. If you want to make your wish come true, write it down.

If you don't want to make it come true, then don't write it down. If it's not written, then it's not a wish —period.

#2. To Make Your Dreams Come True - Be Specific.

A presentable wish is specific down to the last detail. When you can picture precisely what you want—when you can feel it, hear it, touch it, smell it, and taste it—that's specific.

The more specific you are, the better your chances for getting what you want. If you want money, how much money? by when? If you want a new house, what kind of house? where? how many rooms?

If you want a better job, in what field? at what pay? for what company? If you want a richer relationship, with whom? what will it feel like? sound like? look like? When you make your wish specific, you give yourself a host of powerful advantages:

You can track your progress - If you don't know what you want, how will you know when you get it? For that matter, how do you know you don't already have it?

You avoid ambiguity - If you say, “I wish for either A or B,” then your mind can't tell which alternative you want it to focus on, so it won't focus on either. But if you concentrate on a single specific wish, you free your mind to act without restraint or confusion.

You avoid unintended results - Vague wishes can be dangerous because they can be granted in unintended ways. For example, if you wish for “more freedom at work,” you might find yourself fired. If you wish to “lose weight,” you might find yourself with a serious illness, one symptom of which is weight loss.

If you wish for “lots of money,” you might find yourself the beneficiary of a large life-insurance policy, but the person you love the most had to die for you to collect it. Wish for exactly what you want, and you won't find yourself with what you don't want.

You focus your brainpower - Have you ever noticed that you tend to pay attention to the things you're interested in? You buy a new car, and you begin to notice how many other people are driving the same car. You fall in love with a redhead, and you begin to notice how many other people have red hair.

You read a book about nature, and you begin to notice the sunsets and the songbirds, though both have been there all along.

When you're specific about what you want, you alert your brain to notice all the people, information, and resources that can help you cause your wish to come true.

Everywhere you look, you discover helpful coincidences—what the rest of the world calls luck—but these are coincidences you have made possible by being aware of exactly what you want. The more specific you are, the more luck you will create.

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#3. Set a Deadline to Make Your Wish Come True.

A wish without a deadline is just an idle daydream, with no beginning and no end. 

A deadline imparts a sense of urgency, the way you feel when you're about to leave town. But a deadline isn't meant to make you panic, it's meant to make you focus. Don't wear it like a straitjacket.

If you find you're going to miss a deadline, go ahead and change it. Be comfortable with it. But keep your eye on it. If you want to make your wish come true, know exactly what you're shooting for—and when.

#4. Make it Something You Can Measure.

You can be winning and think you're losing because you aren't keeping score. Measurement is your way of keeping score.

Measurement lets you see how much progress you have already made and how far you have to go. If you can't measure your wish, you won't know when you've made it come true.

Some wishes are easy to measure, such as making a certain amount of money or losing a certain amount of weight.

But how do you wish for things that aren't measurable, such as a better marriage, or a more satisfying job, or a sense of inner peace? It's easy—just turn those wishes into something you can measure.

Turn them into specific actions. For example, suppose your wish is to have a better marriage.

To turn this unmeasurable wish into something you can measure, ask yourself these questions:

  • 1. What specific changes can I make in the way I act toward my partner in order to improve our marriage? 
  • 2. Will I make these changes all at once or gradually?
  • 3. By what date will I complete them?

Once you have identified specific measurable actions you can take to improve your marriage, you can phrase your wish in terms of these actions.

For instance, instead of wishing for a better marriage, which you can't measure, you might wish to rub your partner's back a couple of nights a week.

You might wish to vacuum the house once a month instead of letting your partner do all the housework.

You might wish to cut the grass every other week instead of letting your partner do all the yard work. You might wish to take the kids to soccer practice on Saturday mornings so your partner can sleep late.

You might wish to take out the garbage, or wrap the birthday presents, or clean up after a dinner party—anything to lighten the load on your partner and sweeten the relationship.

The same approach applies to wishing for a state of mind, such as happiness, joy, or contentment. You can't measure these things, so wish instead for the specific actions that will lead to the state of mind you want.

For example, if you wish to feel inner peace, and you feel it most when you're on a camping trip, wish to spend more time camping.

If you wish to feel fulfilled, and you feel it most when you're performing community service, wish to spend more time serving your community.

If you wish to feel happy, and you feel it most when you're with your family, wish to spend more time with your family.

Wish for something you can measure, and you will consistently measure success.

#5. Wish Only For What You Can Control To Make Your Dreams Come True.

A wish is about what you do—not what anyone else does— because that's the only thing you can control. There is no place in your wish for what you want someone else to think, or do, or feel, because you can't make those things happen. Concentrate instead on the things you can make happen.

For instance, you can't wish to be loved, because you can't make that happen. But you can wish to be loving. You can't wish for that heartthrob next door to go to dinner with you, because you can't make that happen. But you can wish for the courage to ask that person to dinner.

You can't wish for someone else to make you happy, because you can't make that happen. But you can wish to spend more of your time doing the things that make you happy.

If you wish only for what you can control, then success will always be in your hands. If you wish for something you can't control, then success will always be in the hands of someone else.

#6. Wish For What You Want, Not What You Don't Want.

Your mind moves you toward whatever you think about. If you think about what you want, you'll move toward it. If you think about what you don't want, you'll move toward that instead.

Rather than saying, “I wish I wasn't broke,” tell yourself, “I choose to have $100,000 in the bank.”

Rather than saying, “I wish I wasn't fat,” tell yourself, “I choose to lose thirty pounds.”

Rather than saying, “I wish I wasn't stupid,” tell yourself, “I choose to educate myself.”

Rather than saying, “I wish I didn't slice my tee shot,” tell yourself, “I choose to hit my tee shot straight as an arrow.”

Rather than saying, “I wish I wasn't so lonely,” tell yourself, “I choose to make some friends.”

Ask for what you want, and you'll get it.

Ask for what you don't want, and you'll be stuck with that instead.

#7. Begin Your Wish With “I Choose.”

The real secret to success is not self-discipline; it's choosing to succeed. The moment you make a choice, you eliminate all the doubt and hesitation that exist when you're trying to make up your mind. Instead of worrying about what to do, you just do it.

You throw a little switch in your brain that commands you to do whatever it takes to carry out your decision. You summon all the powers of your body and mind to execute your choice.

A wish is a choice set in motion. The most effective way to set a choice in motion is to begin a wish with the words “I choose.”

These words then transform your wish into a powerful command to carry out whatever you have chosen to do. Whenever you say “I choose,” you choose success.

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#8. To Make Your Wish Come True Make Your Wish Emotional.

Your wish should include an emotional payoff so you can use the power of that emotion to help you cause your wish to come true.

For instance, if your wish is to improve your marriage, you might say, “I choose to lovingly help my partner with the chores.” If your wish is to get up each morning at six, to give yourself some personal time before you go to work, you might say, “I choose to cheerfully rise each morning at six.”

If your wish is to increase company revenues by 50 percent, you might say, “I choose to joyfully increase company revenues by 50 percent.” I can go into a lot of psychological mumbo jumbo about why this is important, but instead of telling you about it, I would rather show you. Play along with me and you'll see what I mean.

Choose an emotion you would like to feel when you make your wish come true.

Now, add that word to your wish. For instance, if joy is what you want to feel, and your wish is “I choose to find a new job,” change your wish so that it reads, “I choose to joyfully find a new job.

Then say your wish aloud, with the emotion word included, and make sure you feel the emotion when you say it. If you're saying “cheerful,” feel cheerful. If you're saying “happy,” feel happy. If you're saying “triumphant,” feel triumphant.

Now remove the emotion word and repeat your wish without any emotion at all. Notice how flat it feels. It's no longer charged with passion or spirit.

Your wish is like an electrical appliance, and your emotions are like a wall socket. You'll get a lot more done if you stay plugged in.

When you build an emotional payoff into your wish, you tend to work harder at it because you enjoy it more. The harder you work, the more likely you are to make your wish come true.

Before you know it, you'll enjoy the work as much as you enjoy the results. From that point on, the results will take care of themselves.

#9. To Make Your Dreams Come True Be Brief.

Less is more. The shorter your wish, the greater the emotional impact. A single short sentence is perfect. To keep your wish brief, act as if each word costs you $10,000.

#10. Believe in it To Make Your Wish Come True.

Why would a gardener take the trouble to plant a seed, water it, fertilize it, and tend it—perhaps for weeks—before seeing any return at all on the effort?

Because he believes the seed will grow into something worth the effort. Perhaps it will turn into a flower, or a fruit, or a useful vegetable.

Whatever the expected result, the expectation must come before the result.

The only gardens we bother to tend are the ones we believe will grow. When you make a wish, you have to believe you will succeed, or else you won't be willing to make the effort.

With belief comes action. With action comes results. Without belief there is neither action nor results

#11. Take Immediate Action To Make Your Dreams Come True.

The final step in making your wish presentable is to send your brain the most powerful message of all:

Act now. If you don't, you'll fall prey to the Law of Diminishing Intent: the more time that passes before you act, the less likely you will be to take action.

Before you get up from your chair, do something to put your wish into action.

Make a phone call, create a plan, read a useful article in a newspaper or magazine, write a letter. Do something to get the ball rolling. Do anything.

The important thing is to take some kind of action right now, before you lose the moment, and with it your chance to make your wish come true.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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