April 17, 2024

7 Little-Known But Powerful Manifestation Methods That Work Fast

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Any of the manifestation methods and manifestation ideas introduced in this guide are more than enough on their own to put you in a frequency of vibration that can manifest whatever you want. 

But people naturally tend to enjoy mixing things up and having a little more variety where they can. With that in mind, please enjoy the manifestation methods presented in this guide.

You can use the manifestation ideas shown in this guide depending upon a situation -- that one of them is perfect for your particular situation.

This is really the entire point. You get to choose. Go with your favorite item (or items) until you feel the need to try something else.

Above all else, your priority here is fun and joy. So read through these 7 little-known manifestation methods, visualize clearly what you want. Order something off of it. Keep ordering what you want. And let the Universe do the rest.

#1. The Mission Accomplished Manifestation Method.

This manifestation tip involves combining the elements of visualization, meditation, positive affirmation, AND gratitude ...all in a condensed time frame of only 1 or 2 minutes.

You can choose to make these sessions longer, but by practicing doing them in a matter of only 60 seconds, this method becomes something you can easily do throughout the day whenever you’d like to easily address a doubt or uncertainty that comes to mind.

#2. This Manifestation Method Involves 4 Steps.

Step 1: Remove your attention from whatever “problem” you were worried about by closing your eyes, taking 3 deep breaths, and centering yourself.

With each ‘in breath’ visualize positive white light energy entering your body through the center of your chest. With each ‘out breath’ visualize that same positive energy now being shared outwardly with everything around you, stretching as far as it would like in all directions.

Relax more and more with each breath.

  • Inhale (good energy inward) ...
  • exhale (good energy outward, feeling relaxed) ...
  • inhale (in) ...exhale (out, feeling more relaxed) ...
  • inhale (in) …exhale (out, feeling MOST relaxed).

On that last full breath, breathe in a heart-felt thank you to the Universe for the power it has given you to make the positive change that’s about to happen ...and feel yourself completely centered. Know it to be true.

Step 2: Go to a peaceful and safe place in your mind (like a sunset on a beautiful beach ...or a pine green forest), set your intention for what you want, and affirm that it is now done. 

Imagine all the energy of existence ...from the core of your being to the furthest reaches of the Universe, and picture it shifting. It doesn’t matter how the shifting “looks” -- all that matters is that it’s happening.

Step 3: Now that the energy has been molded to match what you want -- with your eyes still closed -- give the Universe the instructions and blueprints it needs to materialize your new desired physical reality ...by painting the picture in your mind of what this reality is.

See yourself as the version of you who no longer has the problem you were worried about.

Feel the way you would feel. Your desire is now fulfilled. This is the absolute truth of your reality RIGHT NOW. It’s happened for you already, and now you’re just enjoying the moment in pure gratitude.

Remember, you’re no longer looking for the solution or what you want. Everything is already solved, your happy ending is here, and all you notice right now is the feeling of profound ease and satisfaction.

Step 4: Affirm this is now officially done for you with a “key phrase” and a “thank you” right after. As you say your phrase, feel the energy of this new reality ripple out into the Universe.

Here are some options for your “mission accomplished” manifestation method in this final step (feel free to pick any one of these that feels right OR choose something that isn’t on the list below that works for you personally):

  • This is complete.
  • This is done.
  • It is done.
  • It is complete.
  • So it is done.
  • So be it.
  • It is done, so be it, thank you.
  •  Thank you for this manifestation.

Feel free to try out different phrases. If you’re worried you don’t have the best one, that’s just your ego trying to “protect” you. Your phrase doesn’t have to be perfect, it only has to make sense with how you might speak.

The key part is the feeling of gratitude and certainty you experience while you’re saying your phrase. You’re officially declaring this to now be done. 

You’re claiming it. You’re intending it. You’ve achieved a new version of reality. It’s here, and it’s just about to pop. You might even want to use the phrase “mission accomplished.”

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#3. The “Vibrating In Harmony” Manifestation Method To Get What You want.

This is a quick simple grounding exercise that’s great for the beginning, middle or end of your day. Its purpose is to center you and reset your frequency so that you emit a more positive attractive vibration.

Step 1: As you’re sitting or standing comfortably, visualize roots connected through the bottom of your feet all the way through the ground to the center of the earth.

These are truly strong roots that hold you in warmth and safety.

If you do this barefoot on grass or soil, it might feel a bit more potent physically, but you can just as easily do this wearing shoes on the top floor of an apartment building and make just as powerful of an impact energetically (there’s no such thing as ‘separation’ to the Universe).

Either way, the roots are strong and the earth is in an exchange of positivity with you. You are gifting the earth love and light just as much as it is gifting it back to you.

Step 2: With yourself firmly and comfortably rooted and supported, breathe in the energy of: love, light, acceptance, forgiveness, warmth, self-love, and self-worth (and anything else that you wish to add to your vibration).

You can do this for 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 90 seconds -- even five full minutes if you want. Whatever feels good. As long as it feels like a perk and not an obligation, you’re doing fine.

As for what this should look or feel like, that’s up to you entirely -- whatever most closely matches the look and feel of the words and ideas you’re breathing in. If you can’t come up with anything, a white mist or light ball of energy always works as options.

#4. The “Reasons Into Reality” Manifestation Method.

This is a wonderful scripting and visualization exercise for setting a more magnetic and powerful point of attraction. 

Do ONE of the following steps:

Step 1: Create a list of at least 10-20 REASONS or benefits to what you want and why you want.

For example, if you’re looking for a general desire to attract more money and abundance in your life, you might list a new home, a new car, helping a loved one with their bills, or even just the feeling of total financial freedom as reasons for why you want this.

If you’re looking to find a romantic partner, you might list reasons like how wonderful it is to wake up next to somebody you love, having a fun partner to go on adventures with, having a date to all the parties you like to go to, having someone to kiss, hold, and love, having someone to play and laugh with as you make your way through a happy and joyful life, or any other similar reasons.

Once your list is done, review it, and reorder it by whatever reasons are most important to you.

The reason with the highest priority should be at the top of the list.

The writing part really centers your vibration, which automatically makes your point of attraction a lot more potent.

And prioritizing it afterwards is a great way of reviewing and reinforcing the energy of each one.

Step 2: Create a list of at least 10-20 possible WAYS that the Universe can bring your desire to you.

The purpose here is NOT to decide HOW it will happen (leave the part to the Universe).

It’s more for thinking of possible ways it MIGHT happen as a way of reminding yourself on many levels that there are endless possibilities the Universe has to deliver what you want in this actual time and space reality.

So for money, it’s POSSIBLE you can get a promotion, a better job, a winning lottery ticket, win an expensive car you can either keep or trade in for money, etc.

For love, it’s possible for you to meet your ideal mate walking in the park, arranging a blind date through a friend, matching with them on a website, bumping into each other at the supermarket, grabbing for the same book, grabbing for the same magazine, catching each other’s glance while passing on the street, etc.

The truth is that whatever you come up with is only the tip of the iceberg, and the Universe has WAY more options and possibilities for bringing you what you want.

Exploring all the ways that you can think of -- while simultaneously acknowledging the many hidden ways you aren’t thinking of yet -- is an awesome way to keep your vibration high and invite your desired manifestation to you even faster.

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#5. The Present Moment Manifestation Method.

Imagine a typical day that you might experience when what you want has come into your life. It’s only “typical” because whatever wonderful things you’re experiencing are now normal everyday events.

If you’ve met all your financial goals, for example, then living in a beautiful beachfront home is really just a standard (but also awesome) day for you.

And if you’ve met the perfect mate, cuddling with them on the couch as you binge watch your favorite show is a regular thing now as well. This is the frame of mind that you’re coming from for this visualization and manifestation idea.

You want to choose a moment that’s really awesome, but also one that the version of you who has what they want would experience on a regular basis.

Choose a ‘scene’ to run through. It can be anywhere from 90 seconds to 5 minutes or even 10 minutes.

  • What’s happening in this scene? 
  • Where are you?
  • Who are you with?
  • What are you wearing?
  • What do you look like?
  • What are you doing?
  • Are you indoors or outdoors?
  • What season is it?
  • Are you relaxing or are you doing an activity?
  • What are the sights, sounds, and smells around you?
  • Are you wearing different clothes than you used to wear?
  • Is your hair styled differently?

Do this meditation for at least 90 seconds. But 5 or 10 minutes is even better.

This is also a great visualization to do as you’re drifting off to sleep, since this experience will be your last thought of the day and therefore a clear instruction for your subconscious mind (AND the Universe) to begin working towards while you sleep.

If you do it right before bed, you might also be pleased to notice that you get to sleep quicker and more easily AND you sleep more soundly throughout the night since you’re infusing positive emotions that carry you through into the morning.

#6. The End Result Manifestation Method.

This is another ‘end result’ visualization where you take a snippet (of only a few seconds) of what it would be like to have what you want …and replay it in your mind over and over again.

This manifestation method is basically a modification of The Present Moment  Manifestation Idea.

Only in this visualization, rather than imagining an entire highly-detailed scene, you choose a specific 30-second “clip” and just play that out a few times. You can even go deeper and choose just 5 seconds that REALLY highlight the moment for you.

Just play it over and over again, and really enjoy it. Maybe focus on the sights of the experience on the first replay, then the sounds on the next, then the smells, the feelings, the sights again, the feelings again, the sights, the feelings, the sounds, etc.

Just play it over and over again.

Do this for 90 seconds or five minutes or as you’re going to bed. The more you play it in your mind, the more real it will feel both consciously and subconsciously, and that’s when the magic really starts happening.

#7. The “Two Years From Now” Letter Scripting Manifestation Method.

Picture yourself 2 years in the future finally living your dream life. Imagine what it’s like. Imagine who you’ve become. You’re as happy, fulfilled, and successful as you always wanted to be. 

Looking back from this vantage point, what would have had to happen in order for you to be living this dream life?

Whatever that is, script it out as if you’re writing your past self a letter to let them know what they have to look forward to.

Remember to use “I am” and “I have” statements. Keep it all in the present tense.

It’s either happening right now (“I’m living in the perfect apartment”) or it’s already happened (“I found the perfect apartment”).

Begin some of the sentences with standard gratitude phrases like “I am so grateful now that…” When you’ve put yourself in this state of mind and you’re writing from this vantage point, it’s easy to be excited, grateful, and content.

If you don’t like the idea of doing this from the vantage point of 2 years, then describe “the past year” instead. Or even the past 6 months. Or any time frame that feels good to you.

But I personally recommend you first try it as your future self of at least 2 years from now.

You’re choosing a minimum of 2 years because if you pick a shorter time frame like only 6 months, your ego might be able to sneak enough doubt in to dilute the effect and weaken your vibrational setpoint. But 2 years is more than enough time to be believable.

And remember, it’s not like you had to wait a full 2 years for everything to come.

Maybe it only took you a year and a half, and you’ve been enjoying everything for the past 6 months, and you’ve simply waited until the 2 year mark to document it back in a letter for your past self.

Maybe it took even less time. The beauty is it could have happened AT ANY POINT in those two years, which keeps things ‘soft’ enough so that you can just enjoy the feeling of having it now (as the version of you 2 years in the future) without any feelings of doubt or resistance getting in the way or creeping in.

You can script 1 page ...or 3 pages ...or even 5 pages. Whatever feels fun. Whatever doesn’t feel like a chore.

As long as you’re enjoying it, it’s doing what it’s supposed to. And if you do this every day (or even every other day), you will be SHOCKED and AMAZED at what happens in your life.

Remember to end your letter on a note of pure gratitude for extra impact. Thank your earlier self for sticking with the techniques.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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