April 10, 2024

9 Creative Ideas On How To Make More Money And Build Passive Income

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There are really only two ways to end up with more money for investing or additional luxuries—either spend less money in the first place or simply make more of it.

Personally, I’m a fan of making more. I would rather make extra cash and have more to spend than to always be denying myself things I want for some distant future gain. 

The fact is that making more money means you can both invest more and spend more on the things you want—travel, clothes, art, concerts, fine food, quality medical care, world-class entertainment experiences, quality transportation, education, hobbies, and all sorts of time- and labor-saving devices and services. 

This is common sense.

If you are really serious about your life let's learn how to make more money and build passive money so that you never have to worry about money again and you can live the life of your dreams.

#1. How to Make More Money.

The first step to making more money is to decide how much more you want to make.

I’ve talked extensively about using the power of affirmations and visualization to see yourself as already in the possession of that money.

Not surprisingly, story after story exists in the world about superrich individuals who have used these daily success habits to bring more abundance into their lives.

The second step is to ask yourself, What product, service, or additional value can I deliver to generate or make that money?

What does the world, your employer, your community, fellow businesspeople, fellow students, or your customers need that you could provide?

Finally, the third step is simply to develop and deliver that product, service, or extra value.

#2. How to Make More Money Idea #2: Become an Intrapreneur

Today, many of America’s smartest companies are cultivating entrepreneurship amongst their employees and executives.

If one of these companies is your employer—or if you can convince your boss to give you a percentage of the newfound money you generate from overlooked areas of revenue, you can almost instantly make extra cash and increase your income.

Perhaps your employer has a customer list it isn’t selling additional goods and services to.

Perhaps your workgroup is so good at managing projects, its members have extra time that they could “hire out” to other departments for extra pay.

Maybe there’s a piece of machinery, a vendor relationship, an overlooked marketing idea, or other unusual asset your employer isn’t using to full advantage. 

You can create a plan to turn this asset into cash and approach your employer with a proposal to work on the asset-maximizing project off-hours for extra pay. It may even garner you a well-deserved promotion.

#3. How to Make More Money Idea 3: Find a Need and Fill It.



America’s most successful inventor

I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others…. I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent.

Many of the most successful people throughout history have identified a need in the marketplace and provided a solution for it, yet most of us have never asked what’s needed—or even what’s possible.

They took small steps for success.

If your dream is to earn more money—either with your own business or in addition to your job— identify a need that isn’t being met and determine how to meet it.

Whether it’s starting a Web site, for a particular group of collectors, becoming an influencer on social media , providing a unique education for people who need rare or unusual skills, or developing new products or services to address emerging trends you see in society, there are always needs you can find to create a business or a service around.

Many of these former “met needs” are inventions and services we now take for granted.

But the fact remains that people discovered something they needed in their own life or stumbled on the needs of others, then created the gadgets and services we enjoy today.

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#4. The Key to Earn More Money is Creativity And New Inventions.

  1. The Baby Jogger was invented by a man who wanted to go jogging but had child care responsibilities. What he created for himself was soon in demand by nearly everyone who saw it.
  2. eBay, the world’s largest online auction service, was born in 1995 when founder Pierre Omidyar engineered a way to help his fiancée trade PEZ candy dispensers.
  3. Avon decided that its direct-selling approach was ideal for the newly emerging Russian democracy, where Avon representatives could not only act as personal beauty consultants to Russian women who were unaccustomed to wearing cosmetics but could also serve as delivery outlets at a time when retail infrastructures were practically nonexistent.
  4. Internet dating services were invented when smart entrepreneurs matched the desires (and busy schedules) of single people with the computer technology that was sitting in front of them 8 to 12 hours a day.
  5. Mark Zuckerberg Launched the World's Most Popular Social Media Network - Facebook.

What need could you identify? Need is literally everywhere you look.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a college student wanting to make extra cash, a housewife wanting to earn an extra $500 a month to make ends meet, or an entrepreneur looking for the next big business opportunity—there is always a need that could be your opportunity to make some serious money and build passive income.

#5. The Possibilities Are Endless To Make More Money.

Do you see a similar need in your own life? What about a longing or aspiration in the lives of others around you?

Is there something that needs to be provided, solved, addressed, or eliminated?

Is there something you find annoying that could be alleviated if there were some gadget or service to solve that particular problem?

Do you share a common goal or ambition with others in your industry or social circle that you could achieve if only someone gave you a system or process for achieving it?

Do you enjoy certain activities that could be made even more enjoyable with a new invention or service?

Look at your own life and ask what is missing that would make it easier or more fulfilling.

#6. How to Make More Money Idea #6: Think Outside the Box.

When Dave Liniger, founder and CEO of RE/MAX, was a successful young real estate agent, like everyone else he grumbled about paying 50% of his commissions to the broker whose office he worked in.

Experienced and an out-of-the-box thinker, he began to look for an alternative—a better way to sell homes and keep more of what he earned at the same time.

Not long after, Dave happened upon a simple, independent rent-a-desk real estate office that—for $500 a month—provided a desk, a receptionist, and limited other services to real estate agents who were experienced enough to find their own customers and do their own marketing.

Like Dave, these agents didn’t need the backing of a big-name entity to be successful

But unlike more professionally managed real estate brokerages, the rent-a-desk idea didn’t offer outstanding management, a large brand name, lots of offices, and the ability to share expenses across thousands of agents. Why not create a hybrid?

Dave mused. Why not create a firm that offers more independence to agents, that lets them keep more than 50% of their sales commission but still provides more support than going it alone? Real Estate Maximums—RE/MAX for short—was born.

And since its inception in 1973, because of Dave’s commitment to his goal and vision and his dogged determination not to give up during the very challenging first 5 years.

RE/MAX at that time became the fastest-growing, largest network of real estate agents in the world, with more than 92,000 agents in 50 countries who share overhead, enjoy expense control, and are part of a bigger entity but who also remain independent enough to determine their own advertising budget and decide how much of their income they want to keep after their expenses.

Because Liniger’s out-of-the-box idea was backed up with hard work, persistence, and passion, and because it met a need for thousands of real estate agents, the dream has grown into an almost billion-dollar-a-year business.

How far might you go if you were willing to do some out-of-the-box thinking to make more money and earn extra cash and build passive income?

#7. How to More Money Idea #7: Start a Business on the Internet

As an income generation specialist, Janet Switzer works with countless Internet entrepreneurs, helping them earn more money from their online businesses.

Today, an Internet business is one of the easiest to start and operate—even while you keep your current job.

You can find a need and fill it for a very narrow market, yet still reach thousands and even millions of people with that interest all over the world and build passive income model.

You can create your own YouTube channel, make Instagram videos, even sell e-books, audio files, software, training materials, special reports, how-to courses, and other information products that are downloadable—meaning that you never have to ship a single box or send an envelope. 

Of course, other items are equally easy to sell, too. It’s simply a matter of finding out who needs what, how best to reach them, and how to convince them to buy.

Additionally, the good news is the Internet is now a mature marketplace. Hundreds of other Web sites, newsletters, and clubs already have visitors, subscribers, and members who could be perfect prospective customers for you, once you offer a percentage to the other Web site owner, or affiliate. 

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#8. Money Flows to Value.

Wherever you decide to put your energies, the key is to become more valuable to your current employer, customers, or clients.

You do that by getting better at solving their problems, delivering products, and adding services that they want and need. You may need to get more training, develop new skills, create more relationships, or put in extra time.

But the responsibility for getting better at what you do and how you do it is totally yours.

Always seek out opportunities for more training and self-development.

If you need an advanced degree or some kind of certification to move up in your chosen trade or profession, quit talking about it and go get it.

#9. Create Multiple Sources of Income To Earn More Money.

The best way to enjoy greater income and develop economic security in your life is to create several sources of income.

This protects you from any one of those sources—usually your job—from drying up and leaving you without any cash flow.

You can work up from simple ways such as hauling trash with your truck on the weekends, tutoring someone, or giving music lessons to investing in rental properties, consulting, or marketing on the Internet.

There are endless possibilities for multiple income sources.

You can buy and sell art. One of my friends whose main source of income is professional speaking loves Oriental art. Twice a year, he travels to China and Japan and purchases art very inexpensively.

He keeps what he likes and sells the rest for a handsome profit to a growing list of collectors he has cultivated. His travel and his own art is in essence free, plus he makes a handsome profit off of the art that he sells.

I know the principal of a private school who does the same thing during his summer vacation with antique Chinese furniture, which he then sells out of his home and garage.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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