The law of life is the law of belief A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Become a positive thinker, have a positive attitude and believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you. According to your belief is it done unto you.
Negatives never accomplish anything. There is no life in a negative, nothing but deterioration, destruction, and death. Negatives are great enemies of success.
People who are always talking down everything, who always complain of hard times and bad business, poor health and poverty, attract destructive, negative influences, and neutralize all of their endeavors.
Constructive thought abandons those who are always thinking destructively and using destructive language, because they are thinking nothing kindred with the positive, nothing to attract it.
The creative principles cannot live in a negative, destructive atmosphere, and not a single achievement can take place there.
So negative people are always on the downgrade, always turning out failures. They lose the power of affirmation, and drift, unable to get ahead.
This guide will show you how to become a positive thinker, have a positive attitude, to improve your mindset and your health with simple shifts to your thinking and actions.
#1. Negatives Rob You of Your Power.
Negatives will paralyze your ambition if you indulge in them. They, will poison your life. They will kill your self-confidence until you are a victim of your situation instead of a master of it. The power to do is largely a question of self-faith, self-confidence.
No matter, what you undertake, you will never do it until you think you can. You will never master it until you first feel the mastery and do the deed in your mind. It must be thought out or it can never be wrought out. It must be a mind accomplishment before it can be a material one.
Too many people let fear thoughts, failure thoughts, dominate their lives. This leads to settling for non-challenging, dead-end jobs, resulting in mediocre incomes, mediocre lifestyles, and minimum satisfaction in their careers.
Even when they have constructive, innovative ideas, they are afraid to suggest them. "What's the point?" they think. They're sure to be rejected.
Men and women with positive attitudes don't settle for being , "average guys or gals." Fear is replaced with confidence and their careers flourish.
#2. Be Positive in Your Relationships with Others.
Be sure that when you hold an evil thought toward another, an unhealthy thought, a discordant thought, a disease thought, a deadly thought, you call, "Halt! About face!"
Look toward the sunlight; determine that if you cannot do any good in the world, you will not scatter seeds of poison, the venom of malice and hatred.
On your job and in your life pursuits, always hold kindly thoughts, charitable, magnanimous, loving thoughts, toward everybody.
Then you will not depress them, and hinder, but, will scatter sunshine and gladness instead of sadness and shadow, help and encouragement instead of discouragement
#3. Become a Positive Thinker And Develop an Optimistic Attitude
There is no more uplifting habit than that of bearing a hopeful attitude, of believing that things are going to turn out well and not ill; that we are going to succeed and not fail; that no matter what may or may not happen, we are going to be happy.
To enhance the enjoyment of your job and build relationships that will help you succeed and advance, there is nothing else so helpful as the carrying of this optimistic, expectant attitude the attitude that always looks for and expects the best, the highest, the happiest and never allowing oneself to get into a pessimistic, discouraged mood.
In simple words, become a positive thinker and have a positive attitude in life.
Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do.
Never for an instant harbor a doubt that you will not succeed. Drive it out of your mind if it seeks entrance. Entertain only "thought-friends," ideals of the thing you are determined to achieve.
Reject all "thought-enemies," all discouraging moods, everything that would even suggest failure or unhappiness
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#4. Arianna Huffington's Story on Having a Positive Attitude.
Arianna Huffington, noted television personality and cofounder of the influential online newspaper Huffington Post, grew up in Greece.
When she was a schoolgirl, she saw a photo of Cambridge University in a magazine and made it known to her family and friends that she wanted to go there.
Everybody, most notably her father, said it was clearly a ridiculous idea that should be dropped.
But her mother bought cheap airline tickets so she and her determined daughter could visit Cambridge, in order to better visualize Arianna in school there.
They met with no school officials or anything like that while they were there; they just walked in the rain and imagined Arianna already in residence there.
Three years later Arianna was accepted by Cambridge University on a scholarship.
She says her mother gave her the confidence to always try new things, and that she got the message early that a positive attitude could overcome obstacles.
Over the following years Arianna's positive thinking attitude enabled her to achieve success in politics, television, and currently as the publisher of her own online newspaper.
It does not matter what you are trying to do or to be, always assume .an expectant, hopeful, optimistic attitude regarding it. You will be surprised to see how you will grow in all your faculties, and how you improve generally.
#5. Story of Two Brothers One Was a Positive Thinker And The Other One Negative.
Two brothers went into business together and were doing fairly well for several years.
Then they started to play the futures market and the commodities market and ended up losing everything, including all their business and savings.
They owed $50,000, which they were unable to pay, and they went bankrupt.
One brother, who had a very good and positive attitude said, "I have lost money. I will make it again and I will go into business again. I have learned a good lesson, which will ultimately pay me dividends. I have not lost my faith, my confidence, or my ability to rise grow. I have much to offer and I am going to be a tremendous success again."
He went to work for a brokerage firm, and due to his large number of friends, he had no trouble acquiring new accounts for his employer.
His brother, however, felt humiliated and disgraced because he had lost everything.
He started telling everyone he met about his losses and monotonously repeated the old refrain that it was his , broker's fault, seeking justification for his own wrong decisions and errors.
His friends began to shun him and his health ' was adversely affected by his gloom and despondency. He refused counseling and went on welfare.
Here you have two brothers who experienced the same loss.
One reacted constructively and the other reacted negatively and with a complete sense of futility. It is not what happens to us individually that matters so much; it is our thought about it, our reaction; which can be constructive or negative.
One brother used his imagination wisely, rebuilding in his mind a new pattern, seeing future possibilities, using the wings of faith and imagination for rebuilding a better life. He discovered that success and wealth were in his own mind.
#6. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Thoughts.
When you cohabit with negative thoughts, your Life Force, gets snarled up in your subconscious mind just as when you put your foot on a garden hose and block the flow of water.
The negative emotions that are dammed up in your subconscious then come forth as all manner of diseases, both mental and physical.
Cast out negativism, ill will, criticism, and self-condemnation, and instead fill your mind with constructive thoughts of harmony, health, peace, joy, and goodwill, and you will transform your life.
By thinking constructively, based on universal principles, you can change all the negative patterns in your mind and thereafter live a charmed life.
#7. Negative Thought in Reality Has No Power.
A negative thought or suggestion by another person has no power unless you give it power. Suggestions are a power, but they are not the Power that moves as harmony, beauty, love, and peace.
When those around you are expressing negativity or are casting negative suggestions toward you, always remember that you have the ability to unite mentally with the Infinite Intelligence within you, whose principles are love, generosity, and harmony not negativity.
Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life.
If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms of thinking, your subconscious mind will have accepted your negative thoughts as requests and will proceed to bring them into your experience.
The remedy is to begin devoting your thoughts to kindness, peace, and forgiveness.
Your subconscious mind, being creative, will then equally proceed to create the attributes in your life that you have earnestly decreed.
Every time you think or say negative thoughts, you help prolong the situation that is wrecking your peace of mind and ensuring failure in your endeavor. In effect, you are praying against yourself.
Make your inner silent thought conform to your desired aim.
Failure is negative thinking. It has many causes. One of them, perhaps the most crucial, is the conviction that failure is inevitable.
Every part of your being then expresses these thoughts; your outer life will demonstrate what you are consciously impressing in your subconscious mind. Never affirm inwardly, therefore, anything you do not want to experience outwardly.
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#8. Techniques for Overcoming Negative Thinking And Developing Positive Thinking Attitude.
The ideal way to rid yourself of unwanted emotions is to practice the law of substitution. Substitute a positive, constructive thought for the negative thought.
When negative thoughts enter your mind, do not fight them; instead, just say to yourself: "My faith is in all things good." You will find the negative thoughts disappear just as light dispels the darkness.
At times you will find your mind falling back into its old habits of fretting, fussing, worrying, and recounting the verdicts of others.
When these thoughts come to your mind, issue the order "Stop! My thoughts are the way I feed my subconscious." Whether it be a job-related or a personal matter, do this a hundred times a day, or a thousand times, if necessary.
#9. Visualize To Become a Positive Thinker.
Visualize just how you will deal with the challenges you face each day. If you are going to make a sales presentation or prepare a report for a management meeting or engage in any productive activity, plan out in your mind just what you will say, how you will say it, what actions steps you will take to achieve it.
Rehearse it over and over again in your mind. It will enter deep into your subconscious; it will permeate every cell of your brain.
You will become committed to success and when you actually are selling to that customer, standing before that management group, or engaging in the activity, your subconscious will take over and you will achieve the desired results.
#10. Benefits of Having a Positive Attitude.
- Positive thinking starts with understanding the power of the subconscious.
- Take control of your career. Don't let your boss, your coworkers, or anyone else steer your "career-ship." Never forget that you have the internal power to overcome negative influences that could stymie your career growth.
- There is nothing else so helpful as the carrying of an optimistic, expectant attitude the attitude which always looks for the best, the highest, the happiest and never allowing oneself to get into a pessimistic, discouraged mood.
- Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life. Your subconscious mind, being creative, will then equally proceed to create the attributes in your life that you have earnestly decreed .
- Visualize just how you will deal with the challenges you face each day. If you are going to make a sales presentation or prepare a report for a management meeting or engage in any productive activity, plan out in your mind just what you will say, how you will say it, what steps you will take.