May 5, 2022

Signs Of True Love Reveled In 8 Best Possible Ways (3 Bonus Topic Included)

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  • Signs Of True Love Reveled In 8 Best Possible Ways (3 Bonus Topic Included)

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It’s difficult to find signs of true love. True love is hard to find as very few in this world are fortunate enough to find true love in the journey of life.

But how do you know if you have really found it in order to make it last.

Opportunity knocks the door only once or may be twice in life.

I believe the first one is the best but the second one may be good or bad. But obviously not like the first one.

Remember to judge true love you have to go through the initial phases of love life.

The first phase is infatuation, romance and entertainment when you feel the butterflies in stomach, increased pulse, glimpse of happiness and many more things.

All this comfort gives signs of true love trust me guys it’s just an illusion of mind.

True love is revealed in the second phase of love life when love and romance fades away.

This is the time to face the reality of life when you have to go through all the obstacles and if you can pass through the broken roads that’s when you know you have found true love.

Let’s find out what are those signs of true love.

#1. Knows you very well

Being in love if you get a feeling that your partner knows and understands every bit of you like how you feel, what you think, all your thoughts and reactions towards certain things that means they know you completely.

These are small things but they show the depth of your relationship as you are sure that your partner accepts you truly in all sense.

They love you completely knowing all your good and bad points.

More importantly their love for you is unconditional without trying to change your identity and this is really a signs of true love.

#2. Finds joy in your smile

One who loves you would always be happy to see you smile. Your happiness becomes the key for their joy.

Even if they had a hard day still it doesn’t matter to them. The moment they see your special smile all their struggle and pain vanishes.

They love you without any expectations of getting anything back in return to justify their actions.

Nothing matters to them but your happiness and this kind of pure love is hard to find and that is a clear signs of true love.

#3. Never hurts you

When someone loves you unconditionally they would never hurt you in anyways.

Let it be physically or mentally they would always try to keep you in peace. Remember it’s in human nature we payback when we are hurt badly by someone.

Revenge is our natural instinct but true definition of love teaches you to be selfless regardless of whatever wrong your partner has done to you.

Your heart constantly tries to please them to make them feel important and special. This kind of selfless behavior shows the deep and intense feeling of love which clearly is a signs of true love.

#4. Being honest matters

True love is transparent there are no if’s and buts in true love. The one who loves you would never keep any secrets with you.

Remember if you are not honest to yourself, you simply cannot be honest to your partner.

You have to remove the mask and be crystal clear towards your partner in order to experience real love. We are humans, we all make mistakes.

We all must have done awful and terrible things in life and we have lived long enough to make all this mistakes.

But rather than keeping it buried in your heart you need to share them with your partner.

Trust me one’s you share your shameful mistakes they will too share with you in return. Sharing secrets helps to build trust and intensity in love.

What important is to keep those secrets in the confines of your personal relationship and not revealing it to the outside world.

If you find this level of honesty in your partner it’s simply a signs of true love.

#5. Comfort and Fun

True love is not only about sizzling sex or romance. It’s also about taking it easy feeling well and comfortable in any damn situation in your partner’s presence.

There is not any expectation of being in pressure of doing something special to keep your partner interested every time you guys spend time together.

True love is enjoying the silence together and feeling each other’s presence in a pleasant way.

This kind of feeling develops in those couple were they see one another as two lives but one soul.

If you have someone who walks with you holding hand in hand without any expectation and desire, it’s simply a signs of true love you have found.

#6. Celebrates your success

Everyone wants to be successful in life, but unfortunately not all achieve success.

A true lover always celebrates the success and achievements of their partner.

So what if they haven’t tasted success in their life, it doesn’t matter to them they are happy to see you successful.

In spite of feeling jealous they take it in positive sense and understand the fact that you achieved what was difficult for them to achieve.

They see your success as their own without having any negative thoughts in their mind. This sort of love is hard to find and if you get one stick with it as it is again a signs of true love.

#7. Considers you first

No matter what the situation is the one who loves you will always look at your perspective first.

Your decision matters a lot to them, without discussing important issues with you they would never arrive at a decision.

It shows that your partner treats you equal, they won’t make any decisions where there is even a minute chance of you getting hurt.

For them life is not about “You and I” it’s all about “We” where they set an example and show the world how true love grows when two different people get together with true emotional connection and mutual understanding.

#8. Sex and Romance

No doubt sex and romance is an integral part of love life but sex only should not be the priority. Sex is a long term commitment between couples.

A relationship that is only based on physical appearance and lust does not go long distance. Such relations only last till the time physical closeness and sexual attraction exist.

In other word, it is called lust. True love is combination of sex and real feelings of love. If your partner love you unconditionally irrespective of sexual feelings than you are totally safe as you are in the right hands.

True love requires constant efforts for its survival and existence. Just like the flower needs the rain.

Finding true love is only half the job done, what matters is making it stay in your heart for the rest of the life.

As I wrote in the first few lines of the post that the first opportunity is the best second may or may not be.

If two people involved in a relationship could fulfill this commitment of living together and forever in any circumstances of life surely their love would be a success and they would never need a second chance to find true love again for themselves.


Signs of True Love in a Long-Distance Relationship

Being in a long-distance relationship can be one of the most difficult asks for any couple to handle and also keep their VOWS and integrity intact.

But it is possible to manage a long-distance relationship and keep the reality and signs of true love alive. 

If you can express your love for your partner from time to time (not just for formality) but in true sense then that will eventually make you and your partner feel being connected as a couple together even when distance separates you.

In this way your connection and bonding will grow stronger and you'll not miss any opportunity or chance to meet each other.

At the same time a true love and relationship should not include any unhealthy arguments and discussions that are not good for the betterment of your relationship.

If couples can work out these little things then certainly your long-distance relationship will radiate signs of true love.

Signs of True Love From a Woman

Being a woman, it's a tough thing to handle different situations of life but the true love signs from a woman are when she is willing to sacrifice when needed and willing to support and take care of her partner in testing times.

As it is said that true love is forgiving mistakes and tolerating all their wrong doings and trying to make your partner realize their mistakes in a subtle and polite way without getting angry or annoyed.

A woman who radiates these qualities displays signs of true love in real sense.

Signs of True Love From a Man

The real signs of true love from a man comes when he sees you and only you as the one.

He believes in having future with you and discusses every important decisions and matters of his life. He feels for you and stands beside you when needed.

For him life with you is about "US" and not "I". He thinks about your happiness first and always wants to give you more love and affection in good as well bad times.

These signs of true love from a man are precious than fine gold and if you happen to find a man like this make sure you don't leave him.

I hope you found this post on signs of true love useful.

If you really liked it please share and comment.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
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