March 12, 2024

8 Real Reasons Why Law of Attraction is Not Working For You

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Do you ever wonder thinking why law of attraction is not working for you? Even when you believe that you're doing everything correct?

What could be the reason? Are you sure you're really doing everything correct to ensure that the law of attraction works for you instead of working against you.

Keep reading to find out why law of attraction is not working for you, know how the universe works and what you should do from now on to manifest your desires, dreams and goals.

#1. The Real Reason Why Law of Attraction is Not Working For You Yet.

Imagine you’re learning about the Law of Attraction for the very first time, and someone tells you that you can use it to unlock every desire you’ve ever had in your life.

You’re even given a wonderfully easy ‘manifestation technique’ or ‘method’ to attract these things.

You’re then told all you have to do is the very easy work of running through your ‘process’ every day, and then everything you want will come. Pretty easy, right?

Well if all of this is true and this is how the universe works and the methods for achieving this really are as easy as you’ve been told ...then why does manifesting your desires always feel so impossible?

Why is it so tough to follow through on this and actually do the  manifestation techniques every day? 

Why, when you actually manage to do them, don’t they seem to work? And why does it feel like no matter how hard you try, how much you do, or how many manifestation techniques you use -- nothing ever seems to happen for you?

The answer is your ego. And when I say “ego,” I’m not talking about it in the “overconfident” or “arrogant” sense of the word. 

I’m talking about that part of your consciousness where your true identity is rooted. The part of your mind that you use to cope with your surroundings and maintain stability in your life.

You see, even with everything the Universe can do for you, you’re still operating on a plane of existence where your beliefs and mindset affect how much you allow into your life.

Which means your solution to all of this needs to include both an understanding of your own psychology.

AND an approach for how you can use that psychology to your advantage (rather than letting it hold you back). So what exactly is the ego?

It’s the part of your mind that rests between your conscious and your subconscious.

#2. 3 Minds: The Conscious, The Subconscious, and The Ego.

The conscious mind is your reasoning mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is where you think and rationalize. Logic rules the day in the conscious mind. 

However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind.

This mind is largely ruled by emotions and instinct. Its job is to help us meet our needs and urges: reproduction, food, thirst, safety, intimacy, and many others. 

It is a very powerful force. It doesn’t reason or judge; it simply acts, often commanding your actions.

Together, these two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them. 

You cannot outperform your image of yourself that is stored in the subconscious mind. This is what often prevents us from succeeding.

Have you ever not asked someone on a date for fear of them saying no? Or not applied for a job because you feared failure?

This is the subconscious mind at work. If we do not have an image of our success in the unconscious mind, achieving consistent success is practically impossible.

#3. The Egoic Mind.

Actually, the ego is a part of your mind. It is the part of the mind that says “I,” which is most popularly wrapped into a negative connotation of self-importance.

It is the part of the mind that coheres with beliefs, personality traits, and habits. 

Ego, though an internal voice, primarily acts externally as a way of protection, admiration, manipulation, etc. in the world you live in.

Though this unconscious part of you is separate from the inner critic, it may fan the same flame. Everyone has ego, but not everyone operates from the ego mind in the world all the time.

Don't Miss: 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Hacks To Get What You Want

Don't Miss: 9 Law of Attraction Tricks To Making Your Dreams Come True

#4. How The Universe Works And It's Connection With Our Minds.

There is a real specific reason why law of attraction is not working for you yet. 

Your conscious mind is everything you’re aware (and in control) of. It’s the source of your willpower. Your subconscious mind is just about everything else.

And it’s exponentially more powerful than any other part of your mind (including the ego).

Once your subconscious has determined or accepted something as ‘real’, it will bring it into your life whether you like it or not.

For example, let’s say you want to make a million dollars and become a money magnet, and you successfully convince your subconscious that this is now your reality.

It will then act as a sort of supercomputer that runs on autopilot to move you into matching circumstances without you even realizing it’s happening. Like pulling strings on a puppet.

You’ll find yourself coming up with amazing ideas, saying all the right things to all the right people, and making ‘guesses’ that end up being wildly successful.

All because this supercomputer calculated every possible step needed to accomplish this, and then it effortlessly executed the plan through you and your actions.

And yes, it IS this powerful!

And it goes deeper than simply controlling your actions.

Since it doesn’t have the same hang ups or insecurities that your conscious mind might have, your subconscious is more intimately connected to the rest of the universal mind.

So it can effortlessly send signals to other people who can help you. This is how the universe works.

For example, it might subconsciously instruct the manager at the bank to give you a loan even if you’re not qualified.

Or it may subconsciously guide that casting director to view your audition tape AND like it (even if they don’t understand why).

Or it may do something else that you’ll never even be aware of to line up the opportunities that you need to achieve your goal.

Sometimes you won’t know exactly WHY or HOW this all works. But you don’t need to know in order to enjoy the benefits.

The key to all of this is that your ego is stronger than your conscious mind, but not as powerful as your subconscious.

And this is why you haven’t been able to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires yet. You are not understanding the real concept behind how the universe works.

#5. The Egoic Mind is Just a Survival Mechanism

You see, your ego is a survival mechanism. Its ONLY purpose is to make sure you stay alive. Your ego is hard-wired in, it’s stubborn as hell, and it knows exactly what it’s doing.

And it can outlast your conscious willpower no matter how determined you think you are.

It’s always going to be more powerful than any conscious impulse you have.

And all it knows is that RIGHT NOW -- in this moment -- YOU ARE ALIVE.

The way things are -- your money situation, your career, your level of happiness -- even if they’re not enjoyable, you’re still currently surviving.

And there’s no way for your ego to know that you’d stay alive if ANY of these conditions ever changed. THAT’S the problem.

Your ego is desperately fearful of change ...because ANY change ...even one that’s obviously a positive thing to your conscious mind is a threat to the status quo that could potentially result in you no longer being alive. That’s how the ego views it.

More money isn’t necessarily better for you.

Not that the ego thinks this deeply, but for all it knows, becoming rich and famous could result in a psycho stalker going after you and threatening your life.

Sure, being wealthy may be fun, but your ego is not interested in your happiness. It’s not even interested in your comfort. All it cares about is your survival.

And all it knows is that whatever you’ve been doing is working (including your habit of struggling to improve your life!).

So it’s not going to risk allowing any change in your attitude or change in your state of being that might lower the odds of your safety. 

This was very useful back when everyone lived in caves and had to hunt all their meals.

You’d see a tiger, and it was your ego that would override any impulse you may have had to calmly walk over and slap it across the face.

It was your ego that made sure you knew when to run, when to hide, when to fight, and when to rest.

Hope you're slowly starting to find out why law of attraction is not working for you... or maybe your ego is still trying to convince you that this is all bullshit.

Think about it... my friend... it's your life.

#6. Want to Know What your Egoic Mind is Thinking RIGHT NOW?

It’s pretty much something along the lines of:

“Me alive.

Me like being alive.

Me want to keep it this way.

Me fear change.

Change might kill me.

Me no like that.

Me stop change from happening in any way me can.” 

Now even though it thinks of things on this very simple level, it’s also extremely shrewd when it needs to be.

It instinctively knows all of your conscious mind’s weaknesses, and it’s well-practiced in exploiting them to the point where you rarely even notice it happening.

It knows how to use doubt, fear, insecurity, uncertainty, impatience, and confusion to keep you in your place. And it can be deceptively convincing whenever it needs to be.

Think about it -- Why is it that you’ve probably already learned perfectly good techniques for attracting the life of your dreams, and yet you still haven’t been able to really dive in and use them?

#7. To Know Everything But Not To Not To Know.

It doesn't matter how much you know and what you know...what matters is what you do.

This knowledge about the mind is not something new for you but the important thing is how can you use it to your advantage.

You see where it's going? Are you getting the point why law of attraction is not working for you? Are you understanding the concept behind how the universe works and how your own mind works?

What’s wrong with these techniques? Are they not fun? Too complicated? Too confusing? Too simple? Too good to be true? Too time consuming? Too inconvenient to fit your lifestyle?

  1. Do you find yourself saying “I’ll start using them tomorrow.”? 
  2. Do you lose your patience when you’re doing them?
  3. Do they feel like a chore?
  4. Do they seem unreliable?
  5. Do you struggle to do them daily?
  6. Do you do them daily, but struggle to really focus each time?
  7. Do you doubt they’re even working?
  8. Do you get bored with them?

Have you started a manifestation technique in the past, actually made some progress, seen early results and then STILL somehow failed to stick with it or ride the momentum to any of your REAL goals?

Does there always seem to be SOMETHING in the way?

Are you reading book after book because you need the “perfect” explanation for how all of this works before you can finally allow yourself to completely commit to it?

Does it all feel so ...hopeless?

#8. This is Your Egoic Mind's Trick To Stop You From Living Your Dream Life.


Notice that you’re not consciously in control of any of this. It all just “seems to happen.”

This is what you’re up against. Your ego doesn’t understand that the changes you’re trying to make are safe. It doesn’t understand that some of these changes might even be better for your health and survival.

And no matter how much you want it, your willpower will never be enough to overtake the ego’s agenda of keeping you alive.

Your survival is just too important. It’s like getting in the ring with a 600-pound grizzly bear. You’re never going to overpower it.

With all of this in mind, there’s one HUGE thing that you really need to understand:

Yes, your ego is holding you back ...but that doesn’t mean it’s your enemy.

The truth is, your ego is one of your best friends. It loves you deeply and it only thinks that it’s protecting you by keeping you where you are.

If you think about the massive effort it exerts to keep you safe, it’s really quite miraculous.

And by viewing your ego as your friend rather than an enemy, you can start to manifest what you want and your ego sees how awesome your new level of success is, it will notice that you survived and will then fight tooth and nail on your behalf to keep you from ever slipping back down again.

After all, that would be another change -- and we all know how the ego feels about change. 

I will stop here. But I don't want you to leave empty handed and confused - So Here are 3 top articles on manifesting your dream life.

Read them on the below mentioned links.

==> 7 Tested Ways To Believe in Yourself – The Key To Success

==> Science Behind Power of Affirmations And Positive Mindset

==> The Truth About The Law of Attraction- 7 Secrets Nobody Told You

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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