May 4, 2022

16 Orgasmic Sex Positions (Steps To Take Her to the Brink of Orgasm)

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Before I start this amazing article on orgasmic sex positions, I want to ask you a question?

Have you and your girlfriend or wife ever talked before having sex about where you want to do it, discussed the best time, which positions will help her reach orgasm best, what toys and tools can spice it up or increase her sex drive?

Even before I became a professional sexpert, people would come to me for advice.

One of the most often asked questions from both my female friends and the men who

come to me for help, is  ”what positions make it easier for my wife to reach orgasm?”

We all know about missionary, doggy-style, cowgirl and variations.

These are all great, but we need something new, fresh and exciting orgasmic sex positions! What other ideas do you have that might work?”

At first, I didn’t have a lot of answers. I knew what I’d been taught, what I’d done, and what worked for me.

But I wasn’t terribly clear about why certain sex positions worked better than others, and in some cases, only worked for a few people, and only when certain conditions were met.

I became frustrated, wanting to give my clients and more importantly, my wife, a more concrete answer they could take home with them to try out in bed immediately.

I realized the way to figure out what works for people is to ask them! I undertook 2 years of research, thinking I’d be able to find at least a few amazing orgasmic sex positions that work.

So, if you are ready to please your woman sexually and take her to the brink of orgasm then read this article till the end as in the end I will also share with you my special recommendation.

#1. Advanced Sex Positions For Better & More Intense Orgasms!

An orgasm occurs during the peak of a man or woman’s sexual arousal.

The experience differs greatly between the genders and from person to person, and can be achieved through a variety of stimulation methods, such as masturbating, fantasizing, kissing, touching, intercourse and subconscious dreaming.

Now that you understand just how many things the word “orgasm” can mean, let’s delve a bit deeper into what an orgasm truly is.

To do that, we need to debunk a few myths about orgasms, introduce the major female anatomical bits and pieces, and then describe the process of female orgasm from start to finish.

#2. Myth: If your wife or girlfriend doesn’t have an orgasm every time, it means you are a terrible lover.

REALITY: Orgasms aren’t something that one can ‘give’ to another person. The journey all the way to the orgasm phase is effected by a variety of factors, like emotional state and physical preparedness.

Communicating with your partner during sexual acts helps increase the likelihood of orgasm.

#3. Myth: Sex isn’t great sex without both partners reaching a simultaneous orgasm.

REALITY: If you can orgasm at the same time as your partner, consider it a blessing but not a right.

 Most folks don’t orgasm at the same time as their partners because achieving orgasm is such a complex dance, so if you are able, focus your energies better where it counts.

#3. Myth: Sex without orgasm is a pointless endeavour.

REALITY: Not everyone will achieve orgasm during every sexual experience. What constitutes pleasure differs greatly between each of us not only from person to person, but day to day as well.

Orgasm certainly isn’t the only pleasure your wife can experiences!

#4. Myth: If she can’t orgasm with just a penis inside of her, there’s something wrong with her.

REALITY: Women need more than vaginal insertion to reach orgasm.

Almost all women need direct or indirect clitoral stimulation to come, and these sex positions in this article are specifically demonstrated and described to help your partner achieve orgasm through sexual intercourse by ensuring her clitoris has adequate stimulation in a variety of positions!

There is going to be a lot of information to absorb in this section. Some women may not even be familiar with the terms and body parts introduced here and you need to remember that’s okay.

Just make sure that you know where all the important bits lie, so that you’ll understand what I’m talking about later when describing orgasmic sex positions in detail.

This anatomy lesson will also give you the information you need to know to tell when she’s moving closer towards climax.


This is where the action happens, where all the sparky-spark and wonderful feelings ignite.

The clitoral head defines a woman’s sexual anatomy, and it’s where most men run to first when exploring her nether regions.

Call it the bud, button, pleasure nub or skittle, but its real name is the clitoral glans or clitoral head and that’s how it’ll be referred to throughout this article.

The clitoral head is the richest area of the human body when it comes to nerve endings, hosting more than eight thousand in its tiny little package.

As it fills with blood during arousal, it swells - similarly to how a penis swells with blood and becomes erect.

Since the clitoral head sensitivity can actually hamper a woman’s ability to experience pleasure, there is a cover that protects this area from too much stimulation, called the hood or prepuce.

This area loves gentle, rhythmic stimulation throughout the arousal process, although as a woman gets close to orgasm both areas can handle firmer, stronger pressure.

#6. G-SPOT

Find the G-Spot along the top wall of a woman’s vagina when you have one finger inside of her.

Make a beckoning, “come hither” motion to rub just the right way. You’ll feel the spongy tissue that defines the area, and it will grow and swell as she gets more and more aroused.

Some women aren’t fond of having this area touched when not excited, so it’s better to play with G-Spot arousal when she’s really excited and lubricated first.

As some women have a larger G-Spot than others, try and think of this bit of anatomy as a general area rather than an ‘X marks the spot’ sort of concept. Explore and let her direct the action.


When a woman is naked with her legs closed, you’ll see a fleshy area covered in public hair (if she hasn’t shaved or waxed it off).

That sensitive yet oft-ignored area is the Mons Pubis.

When you have a finger or your penis inside of her, try pushing down gently on this area with one hand; not only will you get a feel as to where your body part is massaging her internally, but you’ll also make a ‘sandwich’ between some really pleasurable nerve endings to give her a great thrill.


There’s a sensitive spot just above the clitoral head that covers the entire shaft.

You can see it with the naked some women aren’t fond of having this area touched when not excited, so it’s better to play with G-Spot arousal when she’s really excited and lubricated first.



On the other side of the clitoral head lies the frenulum. More soft touches are appreciated here.

This general area from the front commissure to the frenulum hosts the most potential for a woman’s sexual pleasure.


There are two sets of lips that surround a woman’s vaginal opening, and the labia minora are the smaller ones closer to her inner sanctum.

As a woman gets more excited, these lips swell and engorge with blood, oftentimes changing color from her normal skin tone to a dark, purplish red.

Light touches are appreciated here, as these lips are exceptionally sensitive as she nears climax.


The opening is the only part of a woman’s vagina that you can see.

Touch it gently and lightly, or lick it with a soft tongue to give her the most pleasure.

As she nears orgasm, the opening will tighten while the rest of her vaginal canal will widen and lengthen to accept deeper penetration.


Where the vaginal opening ends and the labia majora and minora meet, you’ll find the fourchette.

Light pinching and/or rubbing are best for this area, which should be massaged regularly to maintain elasticity.


Between a woman’s anal opening and the fourchette lies the perineum, also known as the ‘taint’.

Since there’s a host of nerve endings in this area that connect most of a woman’s sexual anatomy, gentle pressure, touching, and licks are perfect here, whether from the outside or from within her anus and/or vagina.

#13. ANUS

The many nerve endings that make perineum stimulation feel fantastic also comes into play with a woman’s anus, provided that she doesn’t have any qualms.

Use a finger cot or gloves whenever touching this area or a condom if you are concerned about cleanliness when entering her.

Make sure to wash your hands as well before and after any anal contact, and change out the condom as well so as not to exchange bacteria that might be lingering and on the ready to make your partner really uncomfortable with a nasty infection.

Every person goes through a pre-set series of steps to reach orgasm, whether they are male or female, alone or with a lover, masturbating or having sex.

Every level achieved is built on the one that came before it, and without those foundational steps, the ones that follow can’t happen.

With a clear beginning and an end, there’s a fixed definition to the process, and each item along the orgasmic path has a reason and requirement to be there.

All of the anatomical parts have roles to play as well, although some parts are smaller than others.

There’s a beautiful rhythm and flow to the entire process, each part focused in one direction.

Researchers use varying terms to describe the orgasmic process, but no matter what it’s called, the steps remain the same: a woman thinks about sex, her body follows the direction of her mind and becomes aroused, and then she moves into sexual tension, a peak, orgasm and then a quick flow back to her normal resting phase.

Every person goes through a pre-set series of steps to reach orgasm, whether they are male or female, alone or with a lover, masturbating or having sex.

Many women can start the process all over again are able to achieve multiple orgasms in a relatively short period of time, much quicker than most men.

To understand better where your partner is along the sexual response cycle, I’ve written out the four stages here: foreplay, climax and release and the markers to look for, take note of, and work towards.


The very first step in getting a woman aroused is to get her brain going.

How do you do that? Foreplay. There are a whole host of things that happen during this phase, all of which propel her further towards explosion.

Here are some things to look for during that process, as well as what to do to get her moving smoothly along the path to orgasm:

As soon as your partner starts thinking about sex, her body begins to change. The hormone oxytocin overloads her brain in a rushing flood.

This same hormone makes women want to cuddle after sex, and motivates them to bond with their newborn babies after breastfeeding.

She gets ‘emotionally stoned’ on this hormone according to author Theresa Crenshaw, and she needs more and more of it to flow through her circulatory system in order to orgasm.

As her blood starts pumping harder and faster throughout her body, the skin around her face, chest, back and inner thighs starts to flush, turning a deep pink or red.

Some folks call this the ‘glow’ of arousal, although really it is more of a glow signaling her readiness for an increase in stimulation than an indication of her proximity to climax.

More blood gets diverted to her pelvic region as well with similar effects, although her labia will turn dark purple instead of a mere flush.

The closer she gets to orgasm, the darker the hue.

Wherever she gets flushed, she’ll also become more sensitive, as there’s more blood flow to the nerve endings around her body.

Nibbling her ears when she’s excited for example has a different reaction than when her body is unprepared.

Her breasts and nipples get larger as she moves through the foreplay phase of arousal, and may take on a defined pinkish color as well.

Playing with her breasts and nipples during this state increases the amount of oxytocin in her blood as well. In some women this is so prominent that she’ll be able to orgasm from this stimulation alone.

Vaginal lubrication begins during this phase as well, from two tiny ducts that line the opening of her vagina called Bartholin’s Glands.

The lubrication helps both moisturize and prepare the vagina for penetration, not to mention getting the clitoris ready for full-on play.

The best ways to figure out if she’s moved from the foreplay stage to a point where she’s getting ready to work toward climaxing is to look at her clitoral head.

Keep a close look when she is not aroused; her clitoral head won’t be visible to the naked eye, difficult to find with your fingers, or downright impossible to locate.

When she’s aroused however, the clitoral head peeks out from underneath the protective hood, essentially saying, “I’m here and ready to come out and play!”

Before her clitoral head peeks out she’ll prefer light, indirect touches, like light circles around the head, but not directly on it.

Pressure along the front commissure is also pleasurable to help arouse her more.

Once the clit emerges from its hidden place, you’re free to press with firm pressure and venture right for the nub of pleasure.

For an even more in-depth look at the skills of foreplay, Check out this powerful program HERE.


As your woman’s desire moves from foreplay to a readiness for climax, her pulse quickens, her breathing shortens, and her blood pressure increases.

Her vaginal opening also gets smaller while the length can increase up to two inches to accommodate something larger than a finger.

The entire length of her clitoris both internally and externally fills with blood and gets hard, in the very same way your penis gets hard when you are aroused.

The G-Spot also sticks out more so that it can be easily felt, and the clitoral head starts hiding again so that it doesn’t get too stimulated before reaching peak.

You may even notice her labia majora and minora getting tighter and darker, as they stiffen because of the extra blood flow and sensitivity.

Just before orgasm, your partner’s body will increase the intensity all on its own, by ramping up her blood pressure, skin flushing, heart beat and blood flow to a frenzied pace, one that can’t continue for any length of time.

Peaking occurs during orgasm, where all of the built-up tension explodes out through the muscles and fibres of her body.

Contractions overtake her sexual organs, and they pulse rhythmically until she has exhausted the energy and they slow to a stop.

Some women will continue to feel these contractions for up to twenty minutes after orgasm, or continue the intense orgasm on throughout your intercourse!

During orgasm, her vaginal walls vibrate strongly in tandem with her pelvic floor muscles at a rate of approximately once per second.

As her pelvic area contracts, oxytocin flows through her system, especially her uterus, and increases her feelings of comfort and satiety.

Some women will ejaculate some clear, milky fluid along with each contraction, either in a strong gush or a slow trickle, especially with G-Spot stimulation.

The length of time that she can continue to climax can range from a couple of seconds to several minutes, with half a dozen contractions on average.

Having said that, some woman will come very quickly and without many contractions at all, while others have reported orgasmic experiences of an hour or more!

As well, each orgasm differs from the other depending on how aroused she is, how long the foreplay stage lasted, where she is along her menstrual cycle, her age and sexual health.

Pregnant women report stronger than usual contractions and longer orgasms, probably due to general increased blood volume and higher levels of blood flowing through her genitals while pregnant.


After the orgasmic contractions are finished, the last stage of the process is her body’s release of the frenetic tension from the events building up to the climax.

She will get back to her normal state relatively quickly, or with the right kind of touch might be able to start the whole process over again, bypassing the foreplay stage if things get heated again right away.

This is where men and women tend to differ the most when it comes to sexual release: gents usually require some downtime to recuperate after climax, and can’t nearly as often sustain an erection after ejaculation.

Compare that to women, who can jump right back in and orgasm again immediately without having to wait for any kind of refractory period.

Not all women are capable of this, but it is something many can work toward. If anything, a woman can orgasm more easily after she has climaxed recently than if she’s starting from scratch.

Women take much longer than men to return to their pre-aroused state: usually anywhere from five to ten minutes for her as opposed to the average thirty to ninety seconds for men.

Other changes affect how men and women experience orgasm too.

The hormone that flows freely during arousal and climax, oxytocin makes most men want to fall into a dead sleep immediately after sex, whereas a woman’s reaction to the same chemical cocktail is evident most in her desire to cuddle and coo – pillow talk, as they say.

Women are also much less physically sensitive during the release period (except for their clitoral head, which retracts back under its hood as a protection mechanism), whereas most men find their bodies are ticklish or otherwise ultra-sensitive to even the lightest of touches during their downtime.

But it’s not just your gender that affects the experience of orgasm.

The type of stimulation, time frame, mindset, temperature, sensation and levels of friction will set one person around the bend with pleasure, while another doesn’t even flinch with appreciation.

Orgasm is a highly individual experience that differs not only from person to person but from encounter to encounter throughout the menstrual cycle or with different mindsets or emotional outlooks.

Some days it may take a few seconds to catapult a woman from foreplay to climax to release.

Occasionally you may even find that foreplay isn’t needed at all because she’s so incredibly seduced that you can move right to the climax phase of the orgasmic process, but other nights it may take hours just to get through the foreplay phase.

The only thing you can bank on when it comes to orgasm is this:

If you want to get your partner from a non-aroused state to climax, you’ll have to give her consistent, rhythmic sexual stimulation and increase the tension throughout the experience, appropriate to the phase she’s in.

This attentive devotion is what will get her all the way to the Promised Land.

I will stop here. If you loved reading this article on orgasmic sex positions then you’ll also love this POWERFUL VIDEO PRESENTATION BELOW.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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