May 4, 2022

Signs He is Lying to You (6 Steps To Find Out The Truth)

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Warning signs he is lying to you…But the point is Why YOUR man is lying to YOU How to tell WHEN he’s lying to you.

What it MEANS when he lies

And exactly what to do about it.

Now, I don’t have a lot of time (and neither do you), so I’m going to keep this short and to the point. No fluff, no filler, no bs.

Just the truth – and warning signs he is lying to you

However, I really should warn you.

This is a difficult subject. There’s a lot of pain surrounding it. And some of what I’m going to say will almost definitely offend you.

But if you can keep an open mind and just read the darn article to the very end …

You’ll know things about your relationships with men, and how to handle the man in your life, so that you can take better care of YOURSELF, your heart, and your life. 

In short: it’s going to get ugly. But you can handle it. And I promise … it’ll be WORTH IT.

Sound good?

Do we have a deal?

Okay then … let’s get started and find out the why men lie and cheat.

Here’s the scary, sad, heartbreaking truth:

Men lie to you EVERY DAY.

Yep: men you know.

Men you love.

Men who love you.

And there are all sorts of lies: some of them painless and ‘for your own good’ (little white lies told to spare your feelings), to lies that are told to outright deceive you and keep you in the dark.

Some guys lie because it’s an ingrained habit and they almost literally can’t stop themselves; some guys lie to keep out of trouble; and some guys lie because they love you and they want you to be happy.

But here’s the deal:

If a man you love is lying to you … you deserve to know about it.

You deserve to know WHEN he is lying … WHY he’s lying … and what the truth really is.

You don’t have to take this lying down any more. You can stand up for yourself, speak your own truth, and gain laser-beam vision into his mind and heart so you ALWAYS know what he’s really trying to say (and why he might be saying otherwise.)

This might hurt. Sometimes, it might hurt A LOT. But I guarantee you one thing: it’s worth it.

And today, you have an opportunity to finally know, for sure, if someone’s lying to you.

Because I’m not here to hurt you.

I’m here to give you back the power in your relationships and your life and empower you to be in charge discover the truth never be cheated on again and know 100% who’s really got your back, and who’s showing you a false face.

So first of all, let’s start with the basics …

How do you tell if a guy’s lying to you.

#1. Nonverbal Signs He is LYING To You 

Here’s how to bust a liar without even talking to them.

Yep: you can tell if someone’s lying to you just by using your eyes.

Even if you stopped your ears up with earplugs and couldn’t hear a word they were saying to you, over 70% of the time you can bust a liar just by LOOKING at him.

70%! Imagine how much your relationships and the level of trust in your life would improve if you caught seventy percent of the lies coming your way.

Well, the good news is: NOW YOU CAN. You’ve just got to open your eyes.

Let’s see exactly how you can do that, starting right now …

#2. Eye direction

Eye contact is a huge giveaway.

Why? Because nobody except a true psychopath or sociopath (the kind who belongs in a padded room strapped into a straitjacket) likes to make eye contact when they’re pulling a fast one. Call it basic human nature.

If someone’s lying to you, there are 2 ways to tell just using their eye direction alone:

Option a: they either look completely away (for example, out the window while they’re uttering the lie, at the TV, over their shoulder, over YOUR shoulder) … and they’ll keep looking away while they’re uttering the lie itself.

Or, option B: their eyes will dart in a very specific direction:

To the left.

This is something originally discussed in the hallmark NLP book “Frogs Into Princes” by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

These guys are like the kings of dissecting human nature and laying all the ugly little cards on the table, and this stuff’s backed up by cold hard science, so you can trust them.

#3. Here’s a quick rundown of how it works…

Because of the way our brains are wired, and because our optic nerves are actually extensions of the brain itself, our eyes are forced to move in a specific direction when we’re trying to access certain parts of our brain.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting.

We use different parts of our brain for remembering than we do to making stuff up.

And that means we look in a different direction when we’re lying than we do when we’re telling the truth.


When a person is ‘constructing’ a response (when they’re making something up, or LYING), their eyes will almost always go UP and to the LEFT.

(That’s their left, not yours.)

But when someone’s telling the truth or ‘remembering’ something, their eyes will almost always go UP and to the RIGHT.

For example, if your guy comes in at 4am reeking of someone else’s perfume and you ask him, “Where have you been?”

And he replies, “I was, uh, working late and his eyes go UP and to HIS LEFT.

That means he’s making something up.

It means he is almost definitely a sign he’s LYING to you.

(Looking UP and to HIS RIGHT would mean he was ‘remembering’ something, and therefore, telling the truth.)

Don’t Miss: Why Men Leave Good Women (The Untold Truth Revealed)


#4. Facial Expressions and Body Language

Here’s a crazy one …

Oftentimes when a man’s lying, he’ll actually signal with his face or his head that he’s doing it.

Here’s the thing:

Unless they’re inherently evil, most people actually feel bad when they tell a lie, even if they stand to make great personal gains from doing it; and some experts actually believe that we all have a subconscious desire to be found out.

This is called being hardwired towards a ‘truth bias’ – which means, even if we hear something we’re pretty sure is a lie we’ll still lean towards giving that person the benefit of the doubt.

It also means that the person TELLING the lie actually wants, on some level, for you to know they’re lying to you …

And they’ll give you actual, visual cues that you can pick up on.

Experts say the key is to look for inconsistencies in facial expressions and body language,

For example:

It sounds incredible, but a lot of people will actually shake their head ‘no’ when they’re telling you in words ‘yes’.

Weirdly placed shrugs (i.e. shrugging in the middle of saying,

‘Yeah, I was out at the bar and I left my cellphone at home’ would indicate a secret lack of conviction/fear of being caught out – the liar’s body language is giving them away even when they’re blatantly lying to your face)

Keeping the face ‘numb’ and expressionless (to minimize the risk of exposure through ‘micro-expressions’, miniature emotions playing out in the middle of a lie)

Hand placement: when someone’s lying, they’ll often put their hand near or over their mouth, almost like they’re trying to gag themselves

Micro-expressions: looking scared, looking confused, looking angry, looking freaked out for a split second in the middle of telling a ‘relaxed’ or ‘happy’ story (lying is hard work and takes a lot of thought; micro-expressions give away what the person is really feeling when they’re trying to convince you of something untrue)

Keeping the face hidden, i.e. turning on the television, staring out the window, threading a needle, checking the dog for fleas (to hide what their face is really doing)

Keeping hands and arms excessively stiff (so as to limit the possibility of a ‘giveaway’ movement)

Limited physical expression, or appearing ‘otherwise occupied’ to hide physical giveaways

Slumping, evasive body language, turning the head or feet away from you, nervous leg-crossing or repeated foot-tapping (weirdly enough, the legs and feet are actually the MOST reliable: accomplished liars are strict about controlling their face and head, but almost no-one can control their legs and feet.)

Placing objects between the liar and the person they’re trying to convince (sitting down at a desk, holding a pillow in front of themselves, using everyday items like books, bottles, pets as ‘barriers’)

Emotional expressions seeming ‘off’: a smile that lasts too long or fades too quickly, an angry or surprised expression that seems too fixed or rigid to be quite natural

Expressions limited to just the mouth (smiling without the eyes)

#5. Words And Phrases Liars Use

When someone’s faking a story, an emotion, or a reason, the body and the face is the first and easiest way of telling if he’s lying to you.

But there are clues in the way he’ll talk, too. Lying takes a lot of energy and concentration, which means certain normal aspects of a conversation will often be forgotten about or left out. This is a strong clue that he’s lying to you.

For example …

Liars often tell stories with way too much detail (“I was working late, then I went for a drink at the bar with Dan, then I crashed on his couch and only just woke up half an hour ago, here’s the number of the bar and Dan’s cellphone if you don’t believe me”) … stories will seem pre-conceived and super-detailed, like they’ve put a LOT of effort into having all the answers straight away – almost like they’ve been rehearsing (which they have!)

Liars often concentrate on convincing you rather than actually making logical sense (being aggressive, using your words against you, acting hurt that you don’t believe them straight away, leaping down your throat over nothing to deflect attention from the fact they’re lying)

Liars usually forget to tell a balanced story: they’ll answer questions without asking any of their own, they’ll give too much detail or not enough, they want to ‘prove they’re right’ instead of having a normal, back-and-forth conversation

When someone’s lying, they often talk really formally without meaning to (think of Bill Clinton: “I did not have sex with that woman” as opposed to “I didn’t have sex with her”)

Liars often don’t want to be caught in an ‘outright lie’: they’ll try to evade a direct question instead of just answering with a simple yes or no (“How could you even ask me that?”,

“The question doesn’t bear answering”, “You should know me better than that”, “I can’t believe you’d think I’d do something like that to you”)

When someone’s lying, they’ll often use ‘honesty phrases’ to try and seem more believable: “I swear on the Bible”, “To be quite honest”, “I swear to God”, “You have to believe me”

Inappropriate use of humor or sarcastic comments to deflect your line of questioning is a classic giveaway

They’ll often answer a question with a question to give themselves time to formulate a response that makes sense (“So you’re asking me what time I got home on Saturday?” “You really believe I think she’s cute?” “Let me see if I’ve got this straight …”) instead of just answering the question outright

If you start asking questions, they’ll start talking either much faster or much slower than usual to try to give themselves time to come up with a proper answer

Liars don’t want to be asked questions, because it threatens their story and makes them think on their feet.

If someone starts interrupting you a lot, talking over top of you, or repeating your questions back to you (often with an incredulous overtone as if you’re the one being absurd), it’s a strong hint that they’re trying to cover something up

#6. How To Catch A Liar (Without Seeming Like You’re On The Attack)

The best way to catch someone who’s lying to you is to be very, very subtle about it.

You need to ask leading questions, but in such a way that you don’t seem to be on the offensive.

For example, let’s say you’re suspicious that your man was ‘up to something’ the night before.

Instead of saying, “Where were you last night?” or “Were you with another woman?” you need to be much more sly and ask leading questions, in a calm, casual, non-offensive way.

For example: “Get up to much last night?”

Or, “Anything unusual happen yesterday?”

Or, “So. How did your night go?”

You don’t want to seem like you’re trying to catch him out. You just need to hint at what you really think’s going on without putting his hackles up.

Then, use the information from the previous chapter to see if everything adds up.

For example, if he suddenly turns away and switches on the TV when answering or if he answers with a question of his own (“Why would you ask that?”)

Or suddenly his whole face goes super-deadpan or he starts smiling with just his mouth alone (instead of a genuine smile with his eyes too)

That’s when you’ve got the hint that something’s up.

So what do you do next?

It’s time to ask some questions.

But for that I want you to Watch This Amazing Video Here:

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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