Wondering what to do when he loses interest in you? What to do to regain his interest fast and what to do to make him emotionally attached and in love with you again?
Well get your pen and pad out. . .as this guide will show you exactly what to do when he loses interest in you and how to reignite his interest in you again.
This is a method you should use when your guy has become a "dull rock" of affection...totally dead, won't budge, and silent when it comes to showing you he loves you.
You two have been together for years, and after everything you've tried and tried and tried... he just won't wake up and smell the coffee of giving you the attention and affection you deserve.
This is for that stagnant, non-attentive husband/boyfriend.
In this method to regain his interest back and to spice up your long-term relationship you're going to pull out your journal and write.
And the idea here is to make him really stumble upon this letter.
As if you accidentally left it out, and never wanted him to read it.
Trust me it feels childish in first place when you think about it. But trust me this really works and you must try this to regain his lost interest in you again.
You could leave it on the bathroom sink, on the bed, or any place he will discover it on his own.
Best to do it when you know he will have time to sit down and read it.
You don't want him to discover this letter while he's rushing out the door to work.
If you write the letter in your journal, be sure to have the journal opened to the page of the letter, this way when he looks at the journal it's already on the page and it's the first thing he see's.
So here's the letter template below so that you can copy exactly and understand what you need to do when he loses interest and how you can get his interest and love back again.
And below it is an example of a complete one.
Expose Letter template to regain the lost spark in your relationship again.
What I think about [His Name]
He's the guy I always wanted. And I'm so glad he's in my life.
Yet, lately, I don't know what to feel anymore.
He used to [something you miss]
He used to [another thing you miss]
And deep down I know all that passion and drive for me is still within him.
I know he's [The one thing that he says makes him unaffectionate.
Basically the excuse he gives you as to why he doesn't give you affection anymore.
It could be long work hours, or that he doesn't know how to show it since he never got affection as a kid, or even a medication he takes]
I just miss those things.
I don't think he realizes how much those things made me feel so wanted and desired by him.
And it hurts me so much deep inside that my mind throws thoughts at me of wondering what it would be like with someone else who would show me affection again ...
When I KNOW the only man I truly want is [His Name] And no one else.
I don't need him to drop everything and shower me with attention 24 hours a day... just a simple hug every now and then will do.
I know he loves me, it's just it's hard to feel loved when you're ignored by the man you dedicate your life to. I just wish he knew how much I loved him.
I just wish he knew how much I want him to succeed and conquer his goals.
I just wish he knew how significant he is to not ONLY me, but all the people around him and how much he's needed by all of us.
I respect his thoughts and opinions sooo much.
I just want to be the one woman out of all in the world that helps him pursue and accomplish all the dream and goal he has of [his biggest goal in life]
I just want to watch him, and help him reach his entire potential as a man.
But it's hard for me to be that woman when I don't know if he really truly appreciates and wants me to be that woman.
If he would just tell me what he truly wants me to do and show me that I exist to him.
A little affection would make me realize I still matter to him and that he wants me to be that queen he needs A hug or kiss here and there to let me know we're still on track and I'm doing good.
The world is against him and I feel like we ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
End of Letter template:
Now here's a real example of one of the letter written by my wife to me so you can see how it flows...
To be honest this article is inspired by her letter when I started to lose interest and begin to ignore her, she wrote this one for me to get regain my love and attention back...so here she goes
What I think about Manish (that's me) He's the guy I always wanted.
And I'm so glad he's in my life. Yet, lately, I don't know what to feel about anymore.
He used to come up behind me and give me soft kisses on the neck.
He used to hold me tight and cuddle me make me feel like so safe in his arms.
And deep down I know all that passion and drive is still within him.
I know he's sooo overworked and tired when he comes home.
I just miss those things. I don't think he realizes how much those things made me feel so wanted and desired by him.
I don't think he knows I feel so helpless when he ignores me and I just don't know what to do.
And it hurts me so much deep inside that my mind throws thoughts at me of wondering what it would be like with someone else who would show me affection again.
When I KNOW the only man I truly want is Manish And no one else, I don't need him to drop everything and shower me with attention 24 hours a day... just a simple hug every now and then will do.
I know he loves me, it's just it's hard to feel loved when you're ignored by the man you dedicate your life to.
I just wish he knew how much I loved him I just wish he knew how much I want him to succeed and conquer his goals.
I just wish he knew how significant he is to not ONLY me, but all the people around him and how much he's needed by all of us.
I respect his thoughts and opinions sooo much.
I just want to be the one woman out of all in the world that helps him pursue and accomplish all the dream and goal he has of running his own gym I just want to watch him, and help him reach his entire potential as a man.
But it's hard for me to be that woman when I don't know if he truly appreciates and wants me to be that woman.
If he would just tell me what he truly wants me to do and show me that I exist to him.
A little affection in place of his ignorance would make me realize I still matter to him and that he wants me to be that queen he needs.
A hug or kiss here and there to let me know we're still on track and I'm doing good.
The world is against him and I feel like we See how powerful this is?
The power of this is he learns what he should do more, and not in a forceful way.
This letter is also potent because it not only subtly shows him things you desire more... but it gives him a reason to want to give you what you want because you make it clear that you want to be the woman of his dreams.
Plus you subtly show that he could lose you and in the process he will start chasing you again rather than losing interest in you.
Plus it shows you are truly a woman who's worth having in his life.
*Note: If you don't feel this way about him as the letter describes, don't use this method.
And honestly, if you don't feel this way about your guy?
You probably shouldn't be with him. You can alter the letter to your liking if you want.
Just keep the same premise and structure.
Another thing, be sure to write the "What I think about [His Name]" really big in the top margin of the page so the letter catches his eye.
Almost like a big headline on a newspaper.
You can even use a different color pen to make it stand out more.
Now you may be wondering, why is the letter cut off at the end?
Well that's for a good reason.
Like I said, you want him to stumble on the letter.
So when he reads your letter, and gets to the end of it, and realize it's not complete, the letter will "appear" as if you never finished it.
And more importantly, it will appear as if you never intended on him reading it.
The whole goal is for the letter to look as if you were just privately venting how you feel on paper.
Now you can give him the letter if you want.
But I recommend letting him discover it on his own.
Because when he discovers it on his own, he won't feel like you pressured him to read it.
And you know, 90% of the time a man will repel at the hint of forcing him to talk about working on your relationship.
Or he just won't take it seriously.
Also, take your time with this letter.
Really think out your feelings. And like I said, modify things if you have to.
For instance, if you don't want to put the part where you say you're thinking about being with someone else, erase that section.
But if you do modify the letter, just keep the framework of:
1. I want to be his wonder woman.
2. But it's hard, because I feel like I don't matter to him anymore
3. I don't want much, but little signs of affection would keep me focused on being his wonder woman.
Also, don't act any different in the relationship than you have been.
Give this method a shot, and let me know how it works for you.
I will stop here and I am sure you loved reading this letter writing guide on what to do when he loses interest in you.