May 6, 2022

Why Men Need Sex: 5 Sexual Principles that every woman needs to know!

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  • Why Men Need Sex: 5 Sexual Principles that every woman needs to know!

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It’s true: men think about sex a lot and that’s the reason why men need sex more than anything else.

According to Edward Laumann, lead author of The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, “the majority of males between 18 to 59 report that men think about sex at least once a day – one third think of it several times a day.” And that’s the reason why men need sex.

As for gals, Laumann tells us that only 1 in 4 women think about sex on a daily basis and that’s okay!

So, in this article, I want to introduce you to the five most important sexual principles that I believe every woman should know.

Understand them, and you’ll be well prepared to navigate the tricky wa­ters of sexual attraction and at the same time understand why do men need sex more than woman.

Be prepared for some surprises: scientists are turn­ing our old beliefs about sex on their heads.

Every day, new research about sex shines a light into be­haviors that were previously thought the province of poets and philosophers, not scientists.

You may find yourself readjusting your previous attitudes about sex – and that’s okay!

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A note to those of you who feel squeamish talking about sex:

Some of the research presented below may make you feel uncomfortable.

However, if you’re going to have sex, you need to be prepared to talk about it.

Personally, I believe that a person isn’t sexually mature until they can talk about “pe­nises,” “vaginas,” and “orgasms” with their partner.

The sexual organs are a part of your body as natural as your heart and lungs. There’s nothing embar­rassing or off-putting about them.

So do you want to understand men and sex?

Do you want to understand women and sex? Do you want to have a satisfying sex life?

Do you want to understand why men need sex, why men crave sex more than woman.

If you answered yes, then go ahead and discover the 5 Sexual Prin­ciples that every woman needs to know!

#1.Sexual Principle: Men Need Sex

Let’s get this out into the open.

Men don’t want sex because they’re lust-crazed beasts who don’t respect you as a person.

Men want sex because their physical and emotional health depends on it.

Here are some facts that you may not know.

The male brain has 2.5 times more space devoted to sex than the female brain.

Men produce 40 to 60 times more testosterone than women. Testosterone causes a high libido.

The more sex men have, the longer they live.

At least, this is the conclusion drawn from a 1997 study by Queens University in Belfast, which found that, of the thousand middle-aged men it studied, those who had the most sex had half the death rate of those who had the least.

Having sex three or more times a week can cut a man’s risk of stroke or heart attack by half.

Frequent sex decreases a man’s risk of prostate cancer.

Specifically, ejaculat­ing more than five times a week can de­crease a man’s risk by a third.

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Sexual abstinence can lead to increased aggression in males.

Very few women understand the biological mecha­nism behind the male sex drive.

They believe that controlling the sex drive is merely a matter of will­ power.

What many of us don’t understand is that men think about sex so much because of how their body is wired.

A man’s desire for sex is actually an im­portant message from his body, encouraging him to flush out the seminal fluids that have built up.

Frankly, men need to have sex in order for their body to perform optimally, and here’s why…

The male body produces seminal fluid constantly.

When the seminal vesicles fill up, they send a signal to the male brain, sensitizing him to sexual stimuli.

Men will find themselves occupied by sexual thoughts until that pressure is released.

The only way to release the pressure in the seminal vesicles is ejaculation, which releases the seminal fluids, and the process starts all over again.

Unless a man ejaculates, whether through masturbation or sexual intercourse, the seminal fluids will continue to build up.

Some researchers suggest that carcinogens can build up in the prostate gland, increasing the importance of flushing out the ducts regularly.

In a sense, then, a man’s desire for sex is just as important as the hunger pangs that tell us we need to eat. It’s a message that he should heed for his good health.

#2 Sexual Principle: Sex is Healthy

Yes, sex is actually good for you. Enough research has been gathered proving the myriad health benefits of sex that, personally,

I believe doctors should prescribe it along with exercise and good nutrition for a healthy life!

Here’s a list of ten proven ways that your health benefits from an active sex life.

  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced risk of depression. 
  • Pain relief including the pain caused by headaches and PMS.

Improved bladder control

Improved sense of smell

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle tone, and posture
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved response to stress
  • Better self-esteem. 

Improved quality of sleep

Plus, your bond with your partner deepens as a result of frequent sex.

Orgasm releases oxytocin, which is known as known as the “love hormone,” and high oxytocin levels make you feel more connected.

If you’re worried that too much sex can be harmful to your health, you’ll be happy to know that no research has been able to uncover any ill effects caused by a high frequency of sexual activity.

According to many physicians, there’s no way a woman can overdose on sex.

Dr. George Winch Jr. explains, “I don’t think women can have too much intercourse, so long as no sexually transmitted disease is introduced and there’s not an inadvertent pregnancy.”

Just remember to always practice safe sex!

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#3. Sexual Principle: The Sexual Experience is Different for Each Gender

A June 2005 study by Dr. Gert Holstege of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands proved what we all had guessed: men get turned on by physical stimulation, while women get turned on by feelings.

Dr. Holstege studied how the brain responds to orgasm. He discovered that the male and female brain respond to sexual arousal quite differently.

The male brain focuses on direct sensory input from the genitals, while the most notable change in the female brain was that the areas of the brain responsible for fear, anxiety, and emotion showed reduced activity.

What does this mean in practical terms?

It means that, for him, the physical sensations he’s feeling are all-important.

For you, it means that feeling safe, secure, and relaxed – not having to think or worry about anything – are crucial to reaching the Big O.

Very few men and women understand this difference between the sexes.

You may wonder how he can get aroused at the slightest touch, while he may wonder why his sexual acrobatics don’t impress you much.

The study suggests that, in order to improve our sexual satisfaction, men need to place more importance on making a woman feel safe, secure, relaxed, and looked after, while women need to place high importance on making sure their mate is stimulated.

#4 Sexual Principle: You are Responsible for Your Sexual Experience

One of the things that constantly surprises me is how many women place the responsibility for their sexual pleasure in their man’s hands.

They believe that a skilled lover will know what to do, without the woman having to do or say anything at all.

Not true. Your sexual partner is not responsible for your sexual pleasure; that’s your responsibility.

If what your partner is doing isn’t turning you on, you need to tell him. If you’d like him to do something different, you need to tell him that, too.

Historically, we’ve always known about the “dark shame” of male masturbation, but female masturbation has remained a mysterious and murky topic.

In a 2002 study of college students, 98% of men admitted having masturbated, compared to only 44% of women.

It’s certainly not something that mothers talk to their daughters about.

Before the famous Sex and the City episode featuring the Rabbit, owning a vibrator wasn’t something you’d admit to your friends.

But now more than ever, female masturbatory aids (also known as sex toys) are available from a number of female-friendly stores and websites.

Women are being encouraged to learn about their own bodies and explore their own sexual response for themselves.

If you have never seen your genitals before, then this should be your first step towards reclaiming your body’s sexuality for yourself.

Place a mirror on the floor and squat over it.

Don’t be critical about what you see: every woman’s genitalia are unique and bear little resemblance to the air-brushed images seen in porn magazines.

“Solo sex,” or masturbation, is an important component of a sexually active lifestyle.

It should not be seen as a substitute for partnered sex but enjoyed in its own right.

Many men and women find that masturbation actually enhances their sexual experience with a partner, because, once a woman knows what turns her on in the privacy of her own bedroom, she can communicate that to a partner.

Similarly, a woman who is comfortable with her own sexuality will communicate that confidence in the bedroom.

And if you worry that masturbating will deplete your sex drive and leave you with little desire for partnered sex, I can assure you that it won’t.

In fact, the more sex you have – whether solo or partnered – the more sex you’ll want!


#5 Sexual Principle: Sex Matters to His Self-Esteem

For many women, when it comes to sex, they can take it or leave it. Sex is nice, but it’s at the periphery of their lives.

Relationships take first priority: love, being there for others, caring, and communicating.

But for most men, sex is a crucial component of who they are.

A man doesn’t feel like a man unless he’s having regular sex.

Men who find it difficult to express their emotions or relate to women can experience the connection they’re yearning for through making love.

This explains why love, for a man, is irrevocably entwined with sex. The man who loves a woman wants to sleep with her, because sex is his deepest expression of his feelings towards her.

Some women, on the other hand, believe that “true love” is devoid of sexual content.

These women may believe that the female sex should be placed on a pedestal where their purity can remain untouched, with a halo of superiority gleaming over their heads.

But these women can have a difficult time finding a fulfilling relationship, because in their equation of love, they’ve removed the one factor that makes love worthwhile for a man – sex.

So if you expect your man to put in the “work” to romance you – bringing you flowers, taking you out to nice meals, going for strolls along the beach – it’s only fair that you put in the “work” to keep things sexy.

Of course, neither romance nor sex should properly be considered “work” at all! You should get just as much pleasure out of seducing your man as he gets out of romancing you.

One of the biggest fears men have about entering a relationship is that the frequency and quality of sex will diminish.

It’s not an idle fear. According to evolutionary psychologists, a woman’s sex drive is high in the early days of a relationship in order to create a bond between her and her sex partner.

Once that bond has been established, the woman feels less of a need for sex.

In fact, a German study found that it took only four years of being in an established relationship for a woman’s sex drive to plummet, with only 1 in 2 women at that stage wanting regular sex with their partner.

Twenty years into the relationship, only 1 in 5 women desired regular sex.

So make sure to take time for sex, for your man’s sake and your own!

I will stop here. I believe you loved reading this article on why men need sex more than woman. If you loved reading this article then you’ll certainly love this “Powerful Video Presentation Below”

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
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  1. I would like to say to men (as a woman) that vaginal orgasms DO NOT EXIST. The vagina is largely nerveless-it is the clitoris that gives a woman her orgasm. The clitoris is the equivalent of the head of your penis, so don’t buy the notion that women have vaginal orgasms.

  2. I would just like to say that sex is not something you owe your partner, it is something both should enjoy and want to do. Just because someone romances you and that happens to be what you desire the most, that does not mean you have to return the favour in the way your partner most desires, which could be sex. It is fully reasonable for the partner to just romace you back and if you dont want to/dont enjoy romancing her or/and dont like getting romanced back either, only hoping to get sex out of it in return? Then maybe brake up. Transactional “love” like this often leads to problems in comunication and expectations in relationships.

    What you describe women and men should do in order to make eachother feel better during sex is great and true because its scientific research. I do NOT condone or think it is “as it should be” when women lie down and do nothing and expect their partner to be responsible for 100% of their pleasure. But I do think sex is very much a two person activity and therefore you should be 50% focused on your partner and 50% on you. Dont be selfish or your partner wont enjoy it, especially if they’re women since they have a harder time feeling good enough for orgasm from just vaginal stimulation. That’s why sex is more take it or leave it for women, they dont know if they are going to get satisfyed or not. If we are expected to be the only one focused on our pleasure then we will have to work our hand on our clitoris during intercourse and when the man inevitably finnishes first we are left to masturbate on our own. Only this time we dont have a penis inside of us using us for pleasure, because the vagina actualy does not have many nerv endings. So in order to make women feel just as good, men have to put in just a little more work and help with maybe a hand, is that so bad? If the “take care of your own pleasure” is how sex should be according to you then men will feel satisfyed and loved in the relationship but the women will only loose on it(energy, time and will experience negative emotion due to feeling used and neglected after being left for themselves) and not gain as much. If this is the case then you cannot expect a women to enjoy seducing her partner and not see it as “work” for keeping up a happy relationship. This is inevitable if men dont give a little more in the sex to make shure his partner enjoys it just as much, it will become a chore for her otherwise.

    If a man truly loves and cares for his woman, he will put her feelings and needs first sometimes when she needs it the most, and respect that. Because sometimes a woman needs her body just to herself sometime or maybe she’s sore from too much intercourse that was not properly lubricated. Men who dont respect this will sadly cheat to fullfil his needs and if that happens i hope to god they dont justify it with “men need sex more than women do, you dont understand, its a NEED.” Like, does your partners emotional need lie under that sex need? Does your partners feelings lie so far down your list of priorities that you cant hold your sex drive? If your partner is that unimportant to you or you are that unimportant to your partner, then you should not be together.

    Im sorry if this has been a rant, but sometimes I feel like people need to stop saying “all men” this or that. I personaly know a couple that has been married for a long time, his wife is asaxual and does not have sex and the husband is very normal/average. I asked him once if he misses having sex and if he wants to have it again, to which he said yes. But he told me he loves his partner and would never betray her, he wants to stay by her side because he loves her and all the small stuff and deep trust intimacy and everyday interaction makes up for it and he feels that it is enough. It satisfyes him just enough. So no, sex is not the only thing that makes love worthwhile for some men, even though they feel that sex is the deepest most profound expresion of love. They have their hand and signifigant other and that can add up to be just enouh for some men.

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