How long have you been wondering about bondage sex? Is it something that you have fantasized about for ages? Or a new thought brought on by the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon?
BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/ submission, and sadomasochism) has been around for ages.
Literally. Since the dawn of civilization, humans have played with the idea of power and pain in the world of sex.
Bondage sex is one of the great beginner BDSM activities, because it doesn’t have to be about domination and submission, or pain play at all.
It can be about beauty, sensation, or practical body manipulation without ever delving into the deeper, darker edges of the BDSM scene.
Studies from the late 90s showed that a full quarter of adults were interested in BDSM - about 21% of men and 24% of women.
That number has undoubtedly risen as the stigma around these practices has begun to fade, erotic fiction mainstreaming these activities.
The taboo hasn’t totally disappeared.
In fact, the DSMV - the current psychological diagnostic manual - still recognizes BDSM as a deviant sexual paraphilia.
Sometimes it takes a while for the psychiatric community to catch up with reality.
Rather than being unhealthy, recent studies have actually shown that couples who participate in BDSM are happier and healthier, better at communicating with each other in the bedroom and out of it.
And the cherry on top of it all?
A recent nationwide survey clearly shows that women who participate in a wider variety of crazy sex ideas with their partners are vastly more likely to experience and enjoy orgasms.
In a world where nearly two thirds of women feel challenged when it comes to coming, this should be reason enough for you to try something new!
Bondage sex really can be for everyone.
It doesn’t have to be big, or scary, or weird, or tough, or macho, or violent, or even particularly aggressive.
Forget everything you think you know about BDSM or bondage sex and jump right in to learning these beginner techniques with me.
#1. Bondage Sex is Risky or Safe.
The motto of many “players” in the BDSM world to describe their activities is “Safe, Sane, Consensual”.
But just like the term “safe sex,” this has come under some criticism for perpetuating the idea that any kind of sex is entirely “safe.”
The realization that sex, especially kinky sex, carries with it risks of all kinds has led to many adopting the acronym RACK, Risk-Aware Consensual Kink, in their day-to-day play.
Each unique way of looking at the idea of kinkiness has its usefulness in different situations.
In particular, the “Safe, Sane and Consensual” model works very well for beginners who are just getting started, or for group gatherings and large events where explicit rules about what is and isn’t allowed are enacted for the safety and well-being of all participants.
“Risk-Aware Consensual Kink” works best for couples who have a long history together, along with very experienced players who enjoy edgier, riskier scenes.
#2. Safety and Sanity When Trying Bondage Sex Positions.
When you are just starting out exploring brand new territory, safety is a paramount concern.
We aren’t just talking about using the right condom/sex toy/lubricant combination and learning how to use them right.
Sex between two loving, consenting adults may have some risks associated with the experience.
But your lovemaking is meant to be a safe space in your relationship, a space without judgment or the fear of rejection, a space where you can come together and be completely open and honest with each other.
The idea of safety in sex is really about setting rules of unacceptable behavior.
Later, we will talk about consent, which is about codes of acceptable behavior, but for now we can talk about prohibitive guidelines.
In order to feel safe, your partner may need to know that you will never (put a finger in her bum, use cutesy words for genitals, spank her, or come on her face)
In order to feel as if she is in a safe space.
None of these rules are hard and unchangeable, but if she feels pressured to disregard her own sexual boundaries, she can’t feel safe.
Many couples find that rules are very important for them when they first begin talking about bondage sex positions and exploring new territory.
It’s not just about her safety, either. Think about what you need to feel safe exploring her body in new ways.
When I first started learning all kinds of new things to improve my sex life with my wife, I was eager to learn but needed to know that I really wanted her to know everything that I was doing to her for sexual pleasure.
It empowered her to learn to speak up and tell me how I made her feel and what she really want me to do.
In terms of bondage sex safety, there are a few basic precautions you need to take.
1. Always use a safe word or another means of indication (hand signals, etc.) for your lover to tell you when something isn’t quite right.
Standard red means-stop and yellow-means-slow-down safe words work very well.
2. Never, ever, EVER leave a bound person alone in a room, even for just a minute.
This means taking extra precautions to have everything on hand that you might need, including safety scissors to cut her loose, water to drink, etc.
3. Choose sex positions carefully so that she isn’t in any pain and has no discomfort breathing.
Do not leave her in any one position for any longer than an hour.
In most cases, 15-20 minutes is a good maximum time limit unless she is bound loosely in a comfortable lying or sitting position.
Do not practice suspension bondage sex position of any kind without training.
4. Be sure you can free her quickly, safely and easily if needed.
Keep safety scissors near by - the kind with one edge that isn’t sharp, so it is safe to press against her skin to cut through any tight ropes.
Don’t use ropes or other things from the hardware store. Buy bondage-specific toys.
5. Stay sober and stay safe! Drugs, alcohol and other intoxicants have no place in BDSM play.
When it comes to “sanity” the most important thing to remember is to mitigate your expectations.
Your kinky play isn’t going to be like the professional bondage porno you might have seen.
You aren’t a shibari rope expert. There will be a learning curve.
If ropes just don’t seem to want to knot for you, opt for one of the simpler options while you practice.
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#3. Risk in Bondage Sex
As you gain more experience with sex and learn the layout of your lover’s body and mind, it gets easier to assess the given risks in any kind of sexual activity.
It may sound like I’m talking about some pretty freaky things here, but keep in mind that there are emotional and intellectual risks that go along with the physical risks inherent in sex.
Aside from things like yeast infections, UTIs, chafing, kinks in the neck, sperm in the eye, pokes in the cervix and pains in the ass.
Your actions can bring back painful memories from times long passed or cause an active brain to over analyze even the smallest sound or most innocuous turn of phrase and put up blocks to further bondage sex exploration.
Learning how to deal with these kinds of reactions is the work of a healthy relationship, so make it your aspiration.
When you know without a doubt that your relationship is balanced, safe and sane, you can engage in slightly more “risky” behavior with the wisdom to respond to unexpected reflexes, thoughts or feelings in a way that doesn’t do any kind of permanent harm.
#4. Role of Awareness in Practicing Bondage Sex Positions
The kinkier you allow your play to become, the more aware you need to be of your responses.
Since “kink” basically means doing something that doesn’t necessarily seem to come naturally to the body.
It is important to keep a close eye on your partner for changes in her level of awareness, as well as the state of her physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Of course, even a simple couple’s massage requires a great deal of awareness.
If you want to be a better lover, you need to be able to observe and respond to your lover’s body, and she to yours.
This is where communication is vital, a skill that can easily be developed through simple acts of foreplay.
#5. Consent of Your Partner
Consent is by far the most important universal rule when it comes to sex of any kind.
Everyone deserves the right to define what is and is not acceptable for their own body, mind and heart.
Don’t assume that the things you think are safe must also present no risk to your lover.
You may be blind to the kind of emotional, mental, physical or even spiritual change your actions could cause.
And even if you think that change will be for the better for her, your partner has the right to make that decision for herself.
#6. Kink!
The entire realm of kinky play might seem pretty scary now that we’ve talked about all the ways that exploration can go wrong.
You may be ready to forget about playthings altogether, but don’t give up so soon!
This is the kind of thing that you can start off easy and spend a lifetime working up to, so don’t waste your energy on needless stress.
It isn’t really a question at this point anyway, is it?
#7. Techniques and Tools to Try Bondage Sex.
There are a ton of different toys and tools you can employ to make bondage work for you.
In this 6500 word marathon guide on bondage sex positions, we will be primarily using things you can find around the house (silk scarves are a favorite) and things you can easily buy online, like bondage rope and cuffs.
But the variety is much bigger than that.
Spreader bars, bondage crosses, door frame tie downs, under the bed restraint systems, sex swings, straps, harnesses, stocks, hobble skirts, body wraps and cling film.
The selection is practically infinite if your budget can match it.
Luckily you don’t have to be rich to begin your bondage exploration.
After you get over the vast variety of tools, it’s time to think about your reasons for playing with bondage together.
Before we get into the very specific step by-steps, I want to talk a bit about the different reasons that draw people into BDSM and types of scenes that get played out with bondage as a main component.
The most common involves dominance and submission, where bondage is used to control the submissive partner, or to make her body more available to the top, or to punish her for some kind of misbehavior.
A subset of this kind of play is rape/ravishment fantasy, where a couple plays out a scene in which the submissive partner feigns being kidnapped or forced.
Bondage sex is great for these scenes because it can allow her to fight against her captor without too much risk of her actually hurting you, providing you tie her up properly and to something secure!
One of the other more interesting kinds of bondage sex is called “predicament bondage” in which the submissive partner is tied in such a way that she is forced to choose between two different kinds of pain or discomfort.
For example, tying a body harness in a way that she must squat or stand in a challenging position, or have pressure applied from a rope between her legs or around her breasts if she tries to change positions.
There are essentially four different kinds of bondage ties that are used in modern BDSM play.
We will be talking about three of them in the coming techniques.
First, there is sensation bondage. While this can be used to inflict pain or discomfort, for example as a punishment in dominant and submissive play.
It is primarily used here to encourage a sense of safety, sensuality and restrictive comfort.
In our first technique, we will talk about how you can use a simple tie with household objects to create a sense of sensual dominance in your regular sexual play.
Many couples use bondage simply to increase pleasurable sensation.
Rope harnesses, our final technique, are great for this.
The second technique we will discuss is the more “practical” bondage - the kind of tying up that is done to make something else easier or to create specific sensations.
In this scene, we will practice some ties that will put your lover in a sexually available position (spread eagle).
It can also be used to tie a partner down during pain play, in order to receive a spanking without too much flailing about.
Our final technique will talk about aesthetic bondage - rope ties specifically for the purpose of making your lover’s body appear even more beautiful.
The tie we use here will actually fall into all three categories.
A basic rope harness can be used to create specific sensations - a rope between the legs, or looped around the breasts, creating just the right pressure in just the right places.
It is also practical as a base for tying down other body parts - her wrists and/or ankles can be attached to the harness, she can be put into a hog tie or other slightly uncomfortable position, or tied in such a way to make accessing certain parts of her body much easier.
These can even be worn under the clothes out in public without anyone noticing!
The techniques I’ll be teaching you here are just the beginning.
If you want to learn more about the many different kinds of ties and knots that you can use in rope bondage specifically, I highly recommend taking a class in person or following along with the dozens of videos available from professionals.
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Our very first bondage tie is going to be super simple.
While this one can be very practical, you are primarily using it for the sensation of it.
You don’t need a big scene planned, and she won’t be particularly immobilized when you use this tie on her.
But you can keep this handy knowledge in your back pocket and whip it out just about any time to turn a regular, vanilla sex session into something a little kinky, or to spruce up your kinky times with a practical knot or three.
You are likely to use this particular tie in future techniques.
In this introduction I am going to teach you how to create a “Two Column Tie” which in laymen’s speak means a safe knot that can tie two similar appendages together.
We will be practicing on wrists, but you can also do this tie on ankles, knees, thighs, even elbows if your lover is particularly flexible.
The two-column tie is designed to lash the wrists together in such a way that the ropes will not tighten themselves during play.
In BDSM in particular, a submissive partner may find themselves pulling against her restraints.
If you don’t tie your knots carefully and safely, this can result in a tie that is much tighter than intended, which can cause pain and physical damage.
Safety first, remember.
You don’t need to use rope for this tie.
If you don’t have rope specific for bondage (made of hemp, silk, or another natural fibre) don’t go out to the hardware store and buy all purpose rope.
This is not designed to be used against skin and will ultimately do way more harm than good.
If you want to practice these knots while you wait for your bondage rope to arrive in the mail, go out to the thrift store and pick up a few silk scarves.
They won’t work for our final technique, but will do just fine for one and two.
If you are going to want your lover naked, be sure she has her clothes off before you start tying, because she won’t be able to get her shirt over her head with her wrists tied together, or her pants off with her ankles bound.
Unless you plan on cutting them off with your safety scissors.
That might sound fun, but you should probably check with her first before you ruin her outfit!
The Two Column Tie
Try practicing these knots outside of the bedroom for a while, so you aren’t killing the mood while you fumble.
She can sit comfortably beside you on the couch while you work your magic.
When you have perfected them, you can use them in the short scene I describe below.
1. Have her rest both arms or legs in your lap, parallel but not touching each other.
You want to leave a bit of space between her wrists and ankles to tie up all the loose ends.
2. Fold your rope or long silk scarf in half lengthwise so that it forms a “bight” or a loop at one end.
Wrap the length of your binding around your lover’s wrists or ankles at least twice for rope (ideally twice for a scarf too, if it’s long enough) so that the bight ends up on top of her wrists at the side closest to her elbows, furthest up her arms.
3. Turn the bight at a 90 degree angle to the loops, over the wrapping so that it comes up between her hands, underneath the wrapping on the other side, and back up again.
It should now be cinching the ropes around her wrists from between her arms.
4. Using the other end of the rope, tie a square knot - not too tight - which will hold everything in place.
A square knot is one of the simple ones you may have learned as a child.
Right over left, left over right. In this case, the bight will be the one going “over” both times.
5. The great thing about having a bight in this tie is that you can use the remaining rope and the loop left by the bight to bind this tie to objects like bedposts or rope harnesses.
The extra length of rope left over can also make a great lead, allowing you to use this tie to guide her around a room even when she has a blindfold on.
If you are feeling adventurous and have a few different pieces of rope, you can do this tie at a few different points on her body. Wrists and ankles are a good start.
This won’t make her totally immobilized, still able to tiptoe around the room, squirm and flail a bit, move her arms up and down freely.
But it provides the sense of dominance and control she could be craving without you having to do too much in the way of topping.
When you have her wrists and ankles tied, lead her into the bedroom by her binds and enjoy some hot foreplay.
You may not be able to get between her legs to perform oral, but you can definitely finger her clit, stimulate her breasts, and enjoy intercourse in a number of positions.
With both her arms and legs able to bend and move with much freedom in this tie, you can enjoy modified missionary with her legs up in the air, doggie style sex, even her on top with her legs together between yours, supported on her hands and yours.
Give her a challenge and see how she feels about giving you a hand job with her wrists tied tightly together.
For an even more challenging position (that you won’t want to leave her in for very long, so use it as your finishing move) bind her wrists and ankles together in the air while she lies on her back, keeping her legs elevated and her sex available to you.
So you can do all sorts of sexy stuff to her while she gets to enjoy the sensation of being totally exposed.
Our second technique is in many ways similar to the first, but falls under the “practical” category because it can be used to position the body in many more unique locations.
Since the wrists and/or ankles are bound, but not to each other.
With these ties, you can bind her to all four bedposts, spread eagle, face up or face down depending on your preferences.
If she’s also into spanking or pain play toys like floggers or paddles, you can also use these ties to bind her in a similar position while standing up or bent over - in a doorway, on a kitchen table, over the edge of a couch, whatever happens to be your fancy.
The same precautions regarding materials mentioned in the previous technique still apply here.
If the rope you end up buying turns out to be much longer than you expected, you can make these cuffs thicker by wrapping the rope around her wrist or ankle more than twice.
Just remember not to wrap too tightly. Before you tie your knots, the wrapping should be loose on her arm.
If it’s too tight, you can cut off circulation, cause rope burn, leave marks and even bruises, so be careful and practice.
This tie starts off very similar to the first one, so it should be easy for you to get the hang of it.
1. Fold your rope in half again and wrap it loosely around your lover’s wrist, so that the bight ends up on the end furthest up her arm, on top and facing you.
2. After you have finished wrapping, bring the bight over top of the wrapping nearer to her hand, and pull it back underneath the wrap close to her skin so it comes out the underside of the binding, all still happening on the top side of her arm.
3. Tie a square knot with the bight and the loose ends of the rope, securing the cuff on her wrist so it will not tighten as she (or you) pulls on it.
Remember, the square knot is the simple ‘right over left, left over right’ where in this case, the bight is the “over” section of rope both times.
Since it begins on the right, and once you loop it over the left rope and around it, the bight becomes the left rope and is looped back to where it came from.
4. Use the bight loop and the remaining rope to tie your partner to something sexy!
If your rope happens to be very long, you can use it to attach her to something - say, an eye loop in the ceiling, or a (very sturdy) shower bar, or a slatted headboard, you get the idea - and then you can apply the same tie to her other wrist using the other end of the rope.
Just remember that if her arms are raised above her head during your play, you don’t leave her in that position for too long.
Most people can stay in a stress position for up to an hour *with training* but don’t try it on your first time out.
Stick to the 15 or 20 minute mark and be sure to release her immediately if she starts feeling pins and needles, or her skin turns to a purple or blue color.
If you aren’t quite accustomed to the rope tying yet, you can use premade toys like an under-the-bed bondage set with cuffs to bind her.
These are also great if you have a bed that just doesn’t have any tie down points on it, since the harness is held down by being placed under the mattress.
Use these ties when you want to keep her in one place for something very specific.
Does she tend to squirm or buck or otherwise make oral sex difficult by moving around on you?
Tie her down and go to town!
Do you want to opportunity to tease her with sex toys, your tongue, extensive nipple play, or just a bit of exhibitionism?
This is the perfect tie to put her in her place and keep her there.
These ties are also really great if she is into pain, especially if you have the right kind of furniture.
Spankings in particular are one kind of play that a lot of women really enjoy being tied down for, enjoying the ability to squirm and fight and push against the pain without having to actually fight with you.
It isn’t for everyone, but a spread-eagle bed scene can also be really great for tickle torture!
It might not sound very kinky, but tickling can be a truly excruciating event, in that deliciously devious sort of way.
She may be laughing, but she will also be begging you to stop with no where to go. How hot is that?
Our final technique is the most complex of the three and the only one that actually requires you to have some bondage rope.
You will want something at least 20 feet long, ideally 25, longer if your lover tends towards larger sizes.
The rope harness, often called that “karada” harness, a Japanese word that simply means body, is a rope tie designed specifically for aesthetics, though it is also incredibly practical and great for a variety of sensations.
These instructions may seem a bit complicated, but I promise once you get the hang of it, it will become second nature.
The other great thing about rope harnesses is that they are fairly easy for a submissive to tie them on herself, which means you could just tell your lover to have her harness on when you get home from work!
And since she can wear it discreetly under her clothes if she desires, she can even have it on all day while you’re away, getting her all hot and bothered while she waits for you to come and do something kinky with all that delicious rope.
I highly recommend silk rope for these harnesses if she is going to be wearing it for an extended length of time, especially if she’s wearing it outside of the bedroom.
Hemp rope is lovely, but it can be a bit coarse and takes a great deal of time to soften up.
Silk is soft when it arrives and feels like strong, smooth, powerful butter on the skin. Delicious.
While it’s important with all rope ties, this one tip is especially pertinent with this tie because you will be doing a lot of feeding and pulling rope strands under other rope strands, many of them close to her face.
When you are pulling a rope through a loop or under a strand, with one hand, use your free hand to guide the loose rope end, and keep it secure preventing it from flying around loose and whipping your partner in the eye.
Trust me, it’s a mood spoiler!
1. Start with the rope hanging around her neck, ends dangling down her front side and the mid-point at the back of her neck.
2. Tie three knots in the rope that hands in front of her, leaving plenty of space in the rope around her neck so it isn’t too tight.
The first knot should be near her collarbone, the second low between her breasts, the third around or just above her belly button.
3. You can experiment with tying a fourth knot that will press against her clit.
This will take some practice, as the ropes will slide and change positions as the harness is being tied.
Try it out, experiment, change things up until you get it just right.
4. Pull the knotted rope between her legs and up her back, looping it under the rope at the back of her neck and pulling it over so it hangs down.
5. Separate the two strands of rope now, one on either side of her body. Here is where things get a bit more complicated.
6. Pull the ropes under her armpits, one on either side of her body, and hook each one under one strand of the rope just below the first knot, pulling the two strands between the two knots apart so they form a diamond shape.
7. Bring the ropes back across the tops of her breasts to her back and hook each length of rope under and around both of the strands at her back.
This is important part in performing bondage sex, so the strands on her back don’t pull apart.
8. Bring each rope strand back to the front on either side of her body, this time under her breasts, and repeat the same process between the next set of knots, forming another diamond shape.
Wrap them around to her back and around the double rope strand again.
If you have tied a fourth knot and have enough rope, repeat the process again, this time tying off the rope ends in a square not at her back. If you still have extra rope, tie her up in a pretty bow.
Doubling Up the Harness
One of the greatest things about rope harnesses is what they can do for breasts.
There are so many ways to stimulate or present the breast with bondage, here are just a few great suggestions.
With a standard harness in place (or one of the modified breast harnesses below) you can tie her wrists together behind her, forcing her shoulders down and back and pushing her chest out, which gives you a great view as well as easy access to her breasts for sensation play.
You can also use an additional piece of shorter rope to tie any one of these different breast harnesses, designed to squeeze the breasts in different ways.
Like a cock ring, these ties cause blood to pool in the breasts, which can make them incredible sensitive.
Also like a cock ring, you can’t keep her breasts in tight bondage for very long. Pay attention to discoloration, pins and needles, or cool temperature to the touch.
Use these intensifying ties with nipple clamps, clips, or suction devices for extra intense effects!
In Japanese, breast bondage is specifically called “shinju” which means pearl, referring to the way the breasts look swollen and round when bound.
The basic shinju tie is ideal for women with smaller breasts which aren’t suited to the tighter bindings.
This tie is similar to the body harness, but smaller and more focused on the chest. Twenty feet or less should be fine for this tie.
1. Begin by, as usual, folding the rope in half. In this tie, hold the mid-point loop at her back, along her spine, about midway down.
2. Loop the rope around her torso, bringing it all the way around to pass through the midpoint loop like you did in the harness tie around her neck above.
3. Once the rope is looped through at her back, bring both strands up and over her shoulders, one on either side, letting them drape down her front between her breasts.
4. Loop each strand of rope under the piece that cuts across her ribs below her breasts, folding it over and bringing it back up across her shoulders so she has a double strap on each side.
5. Once again hold the two strands of rope at her back with her fingers, this time at a point on her spine about 4-6 inches above the last point. Wrap the two strands together around her torso again, this time looping around above her breasts, then under and around the point where your fingers hold the rope in place.
6. Here you can tie the ropes off to the lower torso wrap.
If you have more rope and want a tighter tie on her breasts, you can once again bring the rope up over her shoulders, this time tying the top strands to the bottom strands in between her breasts, cinching them and finishing the harness with a square knot.
7. If you still have extra rope, you can use the ends to bind her arms behind her back, or add a third torso wrap directly across her nipples to provide more direct stimulation.
The tighter ties are best for women who have larger breasts, allowing you to capture more flesh and blood between the ropes.
1. Tight breast bondage involves wrapping rope directly around the individual breasts themselves.
Begin with a starter harness like above, but this time when you bring the rope down over her shoulders and in front, keep the separated.
2. Wrap each strand of rope around one breast, holding the breast away from the body and wrapping - not too tight! - out from her body toward her nipple.
Depending on her breast size, you will likely want somewhere between two and four wraps.
3. When the breasts are sufficiently wrapped, bring the strands back to the middle between her breasts.
You can tie the ropes off here in the middle, or finish of like the basic harness above by bringing the strands back around above the breasts and tying off at the back.
4. You may find it handy for her to bend over, allowing her breasts to hang naturally away from her body.
If she is particularly large-chested, you can use one shorter rope for each breast.
Instead of beginning with a harness, simply loop the rope in half, bringing the ends of the rope through the bight to create a cuff and cinching this around one breast as your starting point.
With this kind of tie, you can bring the ropes around to her back, bind them to other parts of her body, or tie them off onto furniture to create predicament bondage which helps not only stimulate her breasts, but keep her immobilized.
BONUS Technique on Bondage Sex.
In traditional Japanese shibari bondage, meditative practice is still a major component, something that is often neglected in Western practice.
There are a number of different sitting and kneeling positions in which your lover can be comfortably bound for specific lengths of time allowing her the freedom to contemplate her sexuality, to think about her favorite fantasy, or to meditate on what it is specifically about bondage that she enjoys.
Try it out! She won’t be disappointed.
Just remember the basic safety rules - don’t leave her unattended.
If you want to participate in the session, have her meditate on your voice while you guide her through some of your favorite fantasies instead!
Conclusion on Bondage Sex.
One of the best ways to get your lover interested in bondage sex is to encourage her to try it out on herself.
Harnesses and breast ties are very easy for her to wrap up herself. She can even practice one or two column ties on her own ankles.
The greatest thing about self-bondage is how much safer it is.
So long as she doesn’t tie herself into anything she can’t get out of on her own, she can spend the whole day practicing and preparing, getting herself all trussed up and ready to perform for you as soon as you arrive!
And of course, if you happen to be into turning the tables, asking her to practice on herself is the best way to ensure that she knows what she’s doing before she turns those ropes on you.
I will stop here if you loved reading this guide on Bondage Sex you'll also love this powerful video presentation meant to enhance your sexual relationship as a couple.
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