I have been getting these questions recently from my women subscribers that "Does talking dirty to my man makes me slut in his eyes"?
"Will I spoil my reputation in his eyes if I talk dirty to him"?
So here is the thing - If the idea of talking dirty to your man, sharing your desires, or even exploring your sexuality makes you uncomfortable, you are NOT alone.
The constant push-pull pressure around sex that our culture puts on women is a doozy.
You are expected to aspire to ridiculous standards of beauty and femininity, yet women are told in countless ways that being sexual is wrong.
You can look toward religion, literature, art, pop culture. . . even your own beliefs for the “why.”
Despite the thriving enterprise of sex as business (they don’t call it the oldest profession for nothin’), Women are held to an impossible standard of exuding propriety and sex appeal at the same time.
What I want to share in this guide with all you beautiful women out there is that talking dirty is sexy. It makes your man FEEL awesome. But what important is talking dirty to your man but with dignity and without losing your self-respect.
Read here how to talk dirty without being a slut and enjoying your sexual experience to the fullest and at the same time fulfilling his sexual fantasies.
#1. Look sexy but don’t act slutty.
This pressure naturally spills over into our relationships.
You have sex, but many of you don’t feel like you can fully express yourselves for fear of judgment. (In other word if you talk dirty he may think of you as a slut)
You feel like you need to know how to please a man without appearing “too experienced.”
You feel pressured to hide your wildest fantasies and not admit to your past sexcapades.
You see other women, caught being too sexual, shamed in the media as sluts.
So over the years, women have learned to repress their desires, urges, and fantasies. Maybe they trot them out in the privacy of their own minds.
But when it comes to their boyfriends/husbands/lovers, women just hope he guesses what they want without them having to actually tell him.
I am here to show you that it’s possible to incorporate dirty talk without feeling like a slut.
(and more!) into your sex life without one iota of fear, shame, or feeling slutty.
By the end of this guide, you will be able to confidently express your sexual self.
(I will also share my powerful FREE COURSE with you - A system that will change your love and sex life)
For now keep reading. . .
If that sounds impossible to you right now, just stick with me.
The reason I want you to follow this mini guide is that it will actually benefit you, your man, and your entire relationship beyond the bedroom.
It’s not just some cheap thrills here, ladies. There is substance along with the smut 😉
A few of the benefits you will enjoy by following this mini guide is:
- increased physical and emotional connection with your man.
- more sexual satisfaction
- understanding how his brain is wired
- elevated confidence and more fun!
The biggest fear I want to dispel is that your partner will think you are slutty.
He is not going to think you are a slut. He’s going to think he won the sexual lottery!
This guide is designed to help you dump those old limiting beliefs and to build your sexual confidence and make him monogamous with you.
Think of these guide as a gift to share with him. . . a gift he is going to be thrilled with!
#2. Now...let’s get to work demolishing those fears of feeling like slut!
You know the old advice that says if you smile even when you are unhappy, you can trick yourself into improving your mood?
I’m going to have you do something similar here.
Telling yourself affirmations has the same effect.
You can start to change your belief system by repeating key phrases.
It may sound hokey, but it works. If you ever watched The Secret or read up on the Law of Attraction, this lesson is along those lines.
#3. Step one: Make a commitment.
Before we do anything, I need you to make a commitment. And actually, who you are really making a commitment to is yourself.
I want you to commit to being open to learning what makes men tick.
Some of what you read here might freak you out.
Some of it might even make you mad.
And there will also likely be sections that challenge the way you have previously thought about sex and men. . . and yourself.
You might want to give up, thinking it’s too uncomfortable or scary to talk dirty without feeling like a slut.
But trust me you can do it.
So right now, I want you to grab your journal and write down a few things.
- What would an ideal sex life look like to you?
- Why are you sexual fantasies and how you wish to incorporate them with dirty talk in your sex life?
- And most importantly, write this down: I am worthy and deserving of a sizzling sex life. I am committing to learning how to make that happen.
#4. Step two: Retrain your brain to talk dirty with out feeling like a slut.
You are going to start to reprogram some beliefs you may have about sex and your sexuality.
If you already have a positive sexual self image, this guide will serve to enhance it even more.
However, I’m guessing that since you are reading this now there may be some areas of sex that you aren’t entirely confident about.
You will hear me say this a lot: That is very common. Most women hold some degree of shame, guilt, or uncertainty when it comes to fully expressing their sexual desires. (Same was the case with my wife too)
The affirmations are going to start to lift away some of those negative beliefs.
When you repeat an affirmation through writing, reading, and speaking, you begin to train your brain to believe it.
It’s just like if you tell yourself over and over again “I’m so stupid!” eventually you will begin to believe you are stupid.
The power of your inner thoughts is tremendous.
Some people believe that your inner thoughts are what shape your reality.
You don’t have to go so far as to believe that if you don’t choose to.
However, you do need to do this exercise with an open mind and an open heart 🙂
Read these phrases, out loud, if possible:
- I am a sexually confident and beautiful woman.
- I feel free to express my sexuality.
- I am in touch with my sexual desires.
- My sexual confidence is magnetic.
- My partner is turned on by my sexual confidence.
- I let go of any sexual insecurities I may have.
- I celebrate my sexuality.
- I know how to get him rock hard for me.
- I know very well how to make him cum and feel fully satisfied.
And here are some special affirmations for you single ladies:
- I easily attract my ideal man.
- Men find me desirable and sexy because I find myself desirable and sexy.
- I am worthy of love and devotion.
- I trust the right man is on his way to me right now.
Now, read them again.
Next, write them down in your journal.
And then go ahead and add some of your own!
The more you say these affirmations to yourself, the more you overturn those inhibitions and fears.
#5. Step three: Rinse and repeat
Read these affirmations and take a few minutes each day to write them down in your journal.
When you get your daily email from me, I am going to remind you!
The more you repeat them, the more you will believe them, and the more they will become your reality.
There is everything right about feeling sexy and enjoying your sexuality! There is no need to fear the slut label any longer.