May 6, 2022

What Men Want in a Relationship Wondering If It’s Really Possible to give?

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what men want in a relationship and how to give him

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably wondering if it’s really possible to give what men want in a relationship and change the way your man treats you?

What if I could tell you all you really need to do was simply learn about his secret obsessions and give him the kind of love he always craved?

Trust me it’s all possible what men want in a relationship is some love, respect and adventure.

So, if you’re ready I would like to invite you to learn a new perspective, before he thinks about leaving you.

It’s a perspective that has immense power to transform your results with men. It does so by activating instincts buried deep within your own mind and body.

It’s a perspective that will help you to embrace that special quality. A kind of quality what guys want in a relationship with woman.

I request you to read this article till the end as after reading this you will learn the secret tips to awaken the sexy inner confidence that men find irresistible and you will be able to make your dream man bend down on his knees to marry you.

Don’t Miss: Secrets To Awaken The Sexy Inner Confidence That Men find Irresistible.

#1. Understand Him It’s The Secret To a Great Relationship

Understanding men can be very tedious, because most of the times men are reluctant to speak about their desires and needs in intimate relationships.

But does that mean there desires and needs should remain unsatisfied. Absolutely not, being a woman it’s your prime responsibility to look after his needs and desires even without him telling you.

And that’s what men want in a relationship and if you fail to fulfill his needs, he will have hard time trusting you and seeing you as a potential life partner.

Now The Question is How To Understand Men?

To be honest understanding men is not as difficult and complicated as you think. Men need love just like women need. They aren’t truly happy unless they are in a satisfying relationship with a woman who really cares about them.

It’s important to Show that you care and love your man regularly as it will really go a long way in keeping your relationship balanced.

Don’t ever try to push him hard for things he’s not ready and more importantly never ever try to change him just for your happiness.

A woman who is honest and understands her man and nobody else is a woman that every man will want.

Nothing is more attractive to a man than a woman who understands him and this is a key ingredient that keeps a man interested in a women for life long.

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#2. Men Want a Confident Woman

Men always want to be with a woman on his will and not out of desperation. If you’re a confident woman any men would choose to be with you on his will and not out of desperation.

I must tell you don’t let your lack of confidence ruin your relationship with your man. Being a woman you must learn the art of being confident, confidence is the key to your success in a relationship with man.

Of course for some women confidence is a naturally thing, but for some women with low self confidence it can be scary.

But the fact is that feeling that you’re not enough and you lack something in you, that feeling that no matter what you do, it will always make you feel scary as if you’re lacking something even when you’re actually doing your best.

So be what you, give your 100 percent without developing the feeling of lacking in something.

Being confident is really about being yourself and giving to YOURSELF first. And if you’re not giving to yourself first, then you cannot possibly give to a man.

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Confidence is not for making other people love and admire you more. It’s about gifting yourself with confidence so that you can approach your love life with more to bring to the table and that’s what men want in a relationship with women they love.

#3. What Men Want In a Relationship is Respect

Respect is the key factor that can make or break a relationship, it’s because men equate respect with love.

In fact “Men crave respect even more than they crave love” as respect is directly connected with  man’s ego.

Not respecting your man is as good as hurting his male ego. The respect principle is the binding factor in the context of his relationship with you.

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Men feel disrespected far more often than you might think. That’s because they hardly tell others when they feel disrespected. Instead, they just pull away.

Respecting your man is not about gliding around his delicate ego. In fact it’s the secret language of love you can use to beautify his feelings of attraction toward you and get amazing results with him.

But I want to elaborate this point of respect principle a little bit more.

Note that all men are not equal just like our five fingers are not equal. Similarly all men do not deserve your respect.

There is an easy way to understand a man who does not deserve your respect. He is the man who does not have an natural desire to respect and honor you with dignity.

A man who is controlling by behavior will never love you and give respect, No amount of respect will improve your relationship with him. There’s no point in showing respect and love towards such man like this.

It’s important to end your relationship right now, if you’re with such a man. It is your right and your most urgent task to do so.

Do not spoil your precious time in a hope of “Changing Him” believe me he is not worth your time.

#4. Men Want a Playful Woman in a Relationship

If you really want to take your relationship to a deeper level from casual hooking and dating, playful is the right word for you.

But what does it mean by being playful, what do men want in a relationship? What is he asking or craving from you? I will tell you right now.

You know there’s something that drives men crazy and invites them into a passionate and deeper level of “emotional connection” which is a unique thing and that is possible only when you’re playful.

What I mean to say is men are visual creature in their mind and they visualize things in their mind and most of the times they fantasize their visual feelings.

Sadly, most women tend to forget this and want to talk their way into a man’s heart. But the truth is that men don’t “feel it” for you because of what you say.

It’s not always your words that connects a man to you, it’s the experiences you create with him counts in the long run walking with him holding hand in hand. You have to make him visualize that experience every now and again to keep him interested.

For instance be sporty if he likes football, you too try to get involve I am not saying you start following all his passion and hobbies.

But little playful acts like cheering up with him while watching his favorite sport can doing things that he like can do a world of good for your relationship.

Also add a little spice of teasing and sarcasm here and there – and you’ll really ramp up the interest and attraction in his heart for you. Believe me or not but this are little things what men really want in a relationship and being a woman you should be able to give him.

#5. Men Want To Be Appreciated in a Relationship

Appreciation is something that can really boost someone’s confidence to do more good things than bad. Believe me It’s a fact we all crave appreciation but most of the times in the real world the appreciation tag goes to women. No offence, but it’s a fact.

Believe me men crave appreciation for things they do but he’s is not going to come and ask for it. Being in a relationship it’s your duty to make him feel honoured and appreciated for little things he does for you, instead of looking at his flaws.

In most relationships, women mostly want to feel loved and pampered, it’s absolutely normal but in the process they forget about the feelings of their man.

If you’re reading this post than I urge you to start appreciating your man from today and see how little appreciation will take your relationship to the greatest heights.

Don’t Miss: What Makes a Man Fall in Love Deeply (The X Factor Revealed)

#6. Men Craves For Women Who’s Emotionally Mature

How a woman handles her emotions is one of the most critical factor men want in a woman he’s dating. This is most of the times the deciding factor whether or not he wants to get intimate with you or not in the long run.

I am telling this because older men want older and matured woman and remember I am using the word woman and not girl, because maturity is something that comes with age and experience most of the times.

Most relationship start with casual flirting and dating, but as the relationship advances there will be circumstances where you and your man will see thing differently and misunderstand each other.

This is the time where you have to be emotionally matured and show your true character by handling those tension situations maturely, calmly in a non dramatic way and not by blaming or accusing your man.

Trust me this is the time when you have the opportunity to win his heart and make him attracted to you rather than criticizing and polluting and making the situation more worse.

Believe me if you can do this, you’ll surely win his love and respect and make him feel that you’re definitely the woman of his dreams.

#7. Look Attractive And Beautiful To Catch His Eye

Men admire woman who are attractive from inside as well as from the external appearance. For now lets concentrate on your external appearance.

If you seriously want to flaunt him by looking beautiful and attractive, you must take really good care of your overall body.

Believe me the women we see in the magazines and the models in the television look so damn hot and pretty. They look that way because they take good care of themselves.

Take proper care of your skin, your nails and teeth and ensure that they’re at their absolute best.

Start by eating a balanced diet and avoid junk foods, and within a month or two your good health will shine through your lovely skin.

P.S. – Take cool pictures of yourself when you go out with buddies, to a restaurant, or any trip. Dress up nicely, look fantastic, have a blast and let the world know you’re having fun.

Believe me or not but every girl envies a girl who’s having a blast, and every man wants to be with a girl who is full of fun and attractive to be with.

#8. Men Want To Be With a Women Who’s Cheerful And Flirty

Men always admire women who are cheerful and flirty, never show arrogance and attitude to men unless it’s really required.

Men never like women who behaves like a snotty princess around them. Try to be be cheerful, flirty and approachable, especially around the man you like. But never overdo yourself before he shows his reciprocation towards you.

I am telling this because most men are very unstable by characteristics and they want the attention of all beautiful women around them.

If he knows you’re already into him, he’ll lose interest in wooing you or impressing you and this is not something that you want.

So try to grab his attention with him with that cheerful and flirty tricks which will not only entice him to be with you, but also build a nice reputation of you in his eye.

And believe me or not this is something very unique and special and all men crave to chase and be with a woman like this, who keeps thing exciting all the time.

#9. Men Want To Have a Exciting Sexual Romance With The Woman They Love

No romantic relationship can survive without the ting of sexual romance. It’s one of the secret ingredients what guys want in a relationship.

Sexual romance is something that connects men and women at an emotional level by means of physical touch it is difficult to speak of with words.

Of course sexual romance may not be something new to you. But you must realize that even little differences in feelings between partners can imbalance the feeling of something like running and chasing.

You don’t want to make him feel like you are always running from him, and you don’t want him to feel that he needs to continuously back away from your advances.

Sexual romance is something that needs to be nurtured from both sides or else the sexual chemistry will fade and once sexual chemistry fades, automatically the relationship will drown and that’s not what you want.

In fact give away what men secretly want from you of course only after building some trust.

Instead of running away from him, you must compliment his thoughts and try to build positive sexual tension through each stage of the relationship.

You want to hint at interest and attraction while being somewhat playful in the way you hold your cards close to your chest, revealing only one play at a time.

This will not only build the right sexual chemistry but also make for a great story and a great beginning to your satisfying dating and love life.

The best relationships can only reach to its full potential with the magic ingredient of balanced pursuit which is possible only by giving first what men want from you and then getting back all when it’s your turn to receive.

I believe these 9 points are good enough for you to understand what do men want in a relationship with a woman.

I have discussed some good methods for improving the way he experiences your presence in his life.

And I’ve shown you the true form of respect, being fully present in the moments when he needs you. But the real magic will happen when you stack these 9 tips together and implement them in your relationship with men.

Before I end If you really love your man and want to be with him or you’re searching your soulmate and this is ideal for you.

I want to show you something it’s not a compulsion but you can obviously watch the free video Below 

I hope you found this post entertaining and useful, if you really liked it please do not forget to share with your friends on your favorite social media profile and also if I you can add your suggestions and tips in the comment section below, would love to hear from you. I will conclude here see you some other day in another article till than have a great time.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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