September 21, 2022

Give Him a Sexual Massage and Oral Sex He Will Never Forget

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  • Give Him a Sexual Massage and Oral Sex He Will Never Forget

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Sexual massage is something that most women have to figure out on our own.

Unlike, say, driving, there are not many courses on how to give great sex or sexual massage, no proficiency test we can study for, no teacher you can hire to give you private lessons.

For most of us, our sex education comes from articles like this one or digital products like eBooks or how to videos that outline step-by-step the way to better sex.

Thanks to those of you who’ve written with comments and suggestions, I’ve picked two of your want-to-know topics to discuss in this guide today when it comes to Getting Physical with a guy.

Here’s a quick and easy “how to” guide to two practices that are sure to improve your sex life: 

How to give erotic sexual massage to him and great oral sex.

How to Give a Killer Massage. Great sex begins with a touch.

Touching your partner’s skin heightens his senses, gets his pulse racing, and sends an erotic jolt right to his nether regions.

Giving your partner regular massages benefits more than just your sex life.

It also provides him with potent stress relief, reduced muscle tension, and improved circulation.

Massage deepens your bond as a couple and allows you to be intimate without (necessarily) getting sexual.

There are many levels of massage, from the humble back rub to a full-body massage accompanied by oils and music.

For this how to guide, I’ll assume that you want to give your man a full-body massage.

Step#1. Preparation of Sex Massage.

A full-body massage is a great treat to give your man after he’s come home from a stressful day at work.

If you don’t have a massage table (and few of us do), the best place to give a massage is the bedroom.

The bedroom is an environment perfectly suited to helping him relax, so don’t be surprised if he falls asleep on you.

Warm up the room to a slightly higher temperature than normal, as warm muscles relax more easily.

Place your bottle of massage oil in a bowl of hot water to keep it warm.

Close the curtains and turn the lights down low, or light candles.

If you’d like background music, make sure to choose something that’s soothing and instrumental, and keep the volume on low.

Make sure you have a big fluffy bath towel, some pillows, and a glass of water on hand.

Men can be fussy about scents, so be careful about using scented massage oils unless you know that he likes the scent.

If you don’t have massage oil on hand, any form of lightweight oil will do.

Try baby oil, olive oil, or any vegetable oil, such as canola, safflower, or sunflower oil.

You can make your sexual massage particularly erotic by doing it wearing lingerie or nothing at all!

Step#2 The Erotic Sexual Massage.

Invite him into the room and ask him to take his clothes off.

Have him lie down on his back on the bed. Place the towel over him and put a pillow under his feet.

Make sure he’s comfortable, then begin. Squeeze out a quarter-sized dollop of massage oil into your hands and rub briskly.

Then, start by gently stroking the neck.

Most of us, especially if we work in office jobs, hold a lot of tension in our necks.

Rub up the sides of the neck to the temples, then down the neck to the shoulder blades.

If he’s not fussy about his hair, massage his head as well.

There are many strokes you can use, but the easiest one is to use your thumbs and rub in a circular motion, going outward from the spine.

To avoid tiring your hands, try leaning into him with the heels of your hands to increase the pressure, rather than pushing harder with your thumbs.

Add more oil when you start to feel friction against your skin.

After you’ve massaged his neck, move to the left shoulder blade, then massage the right.

Be on the lookout for any knots (places where the muscles feel hard and tense beneath the skin), and spend extra time on those areas.

After you’ve finished massaging the upper back, massage each arm, spending equal amounts of time on the biceps, triceps, and hands.

As you massage one area, move the towel to cover the rest of him.

The towel isn’t just for modesty’s sake; its more important function is to keep him warm.

Keep him covered as much as you can. The next place to massage is the lower back.

Along with the neck, this is one of those areas where we carry a lot of stress.

Don’t be afraid to apply a good amount of pressure. Knead the buttocks as well.

Having one’s legs and feet massaged is an amazing experience, primarily because so few of us ever have it done.

Massage his thighs and calves, being careful not to exert much pressure around the knee.

Pay particular attention to the feet, which can often swell and feel sore after a long day at work.

Then, ask him to turn over. Place pillows under his neck, knees, and feet. Adjust the towel and begin with the front of his legs.

Then, move upward to his belly. You’ll need to use a very light stroke on this region, as there isn’t much muscle to protect the organs.

You can also massage around his genital region if desired.

After you’re done massaging his belly, move upward to his chest.

Finish by massaging around the neck and jawline, right back where you started.

Step#3. How to Finish Your Sexual Massage.

A great way to finish an erotic massage is with oral sex.

He may be so relaxed that he doesn’t want to move, and that’s okay. Offer him a glass of water.

You may even wish to lie down next to him for a cuddle and enjoy the sensation of his body next to yours.

He’s a lucky guy to have a girl like you!

Here is your Bonus Content: How to Give Great Oral Sex.

Oral sex, also known as fellatio, is one of the greatest gifts you can give a man.

Almost every red-blooded man alive fantasizes about having his penis in a woman’s mouth.

In fact, one man I spoke to said that his best experience ever was watching football with a beer in one hand, a remote in the other, and a woman between his legs giving him oral sex!

If you are not in a monogamous relationship, make sure to practice safe sex by asking him to wear a condom.

You can get HIV, herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis through giving an infected man oral sex.

As some lubricated condoms can taste bad, it’s better to use unlubricated condoms – or, better yet, flavored condoms – for this purpose.

If you are in a monogamous relationship and have both been tested for STDs, then you’re free to go for it!

If taste is an issue for you, then bathe or shower together beforehand as a form of foreplay

Most men know that a woman is more likely to give him oral sex if he’s showered first, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Oh, and the hair thing. If he’s got what can only be described as “fur” down there, tell him that you’re raring to go down on him, but you can’t stand the taste of hair. He’ll get the hint.

how to sensual massage to a man

Step#1. Warming Him Up for the Oral Sex.

A mistake that many women make is going straight for the deep-throating without warming him up first.

Guys, like girls, need a little time to get into the mood.

You can do this by caressing, kissing, licking, or stroking his genital region. 

Tell him how gorgeous his penis is and what you’d like to do with it – or X-rated words to that effect.

This is also a good opportunity to find out what he likes.

Stroke different areas (the testicles and perineum are sure winners) and ask him how it feels.

Some men are super-sensitive in certain areas and cannot bear more than the slightest touch, so that’s good information to have before you begin in earnest.

Step #2. Oral Sex Technique.

There are a number of oral sex techniques, so I’ll only cover the most basic here.

The basic position for oral sex is to wrap your lips over your teeth (so that your teeth don’t scrape against his sensitive skin) and slide your mouth over his penis.

You can then bob your head in and out to simulate the feeling of his penis thrusting into your vagina.

Men can develop bad habits when it comes to receiving oral sex.

If you are an oral sex novice, ask him to sit back, relax, and enjoy it without trying to thrust into your mouth or pull your head towards him.

If he can sit still and let you do your thing, it will be much easier to control your movements and avoid the gag reflex.

You shouldn’t feel like you have to take his entire penis into your mouth (called “deepthroating”).

Considering that your mouth is roughly only 3 to 3.5 inches deep while the average erect penis is about 5.5 inches, there’s no way you can get the whole thing in without practice.

It is possible to learn to overcome the gag reflex and allow a portion of his penis to enter your throat, but it’s best to learn to do this on your own (using something like a popsicle) before trying to do it during sex.

The best oral sex combines oral stimulation with manual stimulation.

Try sliding your mouth over his penis while stroking his shaft with your hands.

However, since the shaft of the penis has relatively few nerve endings compared to the head, you’ll give him more pleasure by focusing on the head of the penis.

Use your tongue to stimulate the highly sensitive frenulum, the place on the head of the penis where the head and foreskin are attached.

When your mouth gets tired, don’t be afraid to take a break by switching from oral to manual stimulation.

His penis will be slippery and wet from your saliva, so your hands will feel amazing to him.

Like everything in sex, you can win lots of points simply by being enthusiastic.

He loves seeing you “worshipping his love rod,” or whatever expression he likes to use, so look up and smile at him.

Act like his penis tastes like the most delicious ambrosia you’ve ever encountered. He’ll adore you for it!

Step #3. The Climax.

You’re lucky, in a way: it takes you a lot less time to bring him to climax through oral sex than it does for him to bring you to climax.

Most men can be brought to the brink in no more than a few minutes of oral sex, so be careful if you don’t want him to come just yet.

Oral sex poses most women a difficult question: to swallow or not to swallow?

We all know which option he prefers, but if you’re like many women, it may not be possible for you.

The most important thing to remember is not to act disgusted by his semen.

If you prefer that he ejaculate somewhere else other than your mouth, then tell him.

Most guys will be able to warn you when they’re about to come, and you can switch to manual stimulation so that he comes in your hands instead.

If you are okay with him ejaculating into your mouth but don’t want to swallow his semen, simply grab a tissue and spit into it discreetly.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, there are a variety of oral sex techniques to explore.

Try humming when his penis is in your mouth, or try sucking on an ice cube before going down on him.

Work on pacing so that you keep bringing him to the brink then backing off before he can ejaculate.

As you become more and more comfortable with giving oral sex, it can form a great addition to any or all of your sexual encounters.

The most important thing to remember is that you can’t do it wrong.

Trust me: he’s just happy to have his penis in your mouth!

So don’t stress out if you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing.

The only major oral sex mistake you need to avoid is not covering your teeth with your lips.

It’s no wonder that men across history have had nightmares of vagina dentata, or toothed vaginas, because teeth can be quite painful on a sensitive penis.

Any activities such as biting or nipping his penis should be avoided unless he directly asks for it.

Spoil Your Man Tonight With Sexual Massage And Oral Sex.

Now that you’ve learned how to give a killer massage and great oral sex, it’s time to put this information into practice.

Send your man a text or an email telling him that tonight is his lucky night.

All he has to do is show up at your place at a certain time, and you’ll take care of the rest.

Men are so lucky to have us. Wouldn’t you agree?

We spend all this time studying how to guides and manuals to teach us how to be better lovers or partners to our man.

If men spent a fraction of the time we spend learning how to improve our relationships, no one would ever get divorced!

I will stop here. If you loved reading this guide on how to give sexual massage and mind-blowing oral sex to your man then you'll also love this powerful video presentation here(only if you want to make your man or any man sexually obsessed with you)

FAQs - How To Give Him Sexual Massage And Oral Sex.

#1. What Is Sexual Massage?

Erotic and sexual massage is when which a couple in an intimate relationship where they touch and stimulate each other by means of body to body contact.

#2. What is oral sex?

Oral sex is when you use your mouth to stimulate or arouse the genitals of your partner.

Oral sex can classified into different types that includes the penis (fellatio), vagina (cunnilingus), and anus (anilingus).

Oral sex is one of the powerful ways practiced by sexually active adults to satisfy each other in bed.

#3. Why is sensual massage important?

Giving a sensual massage break down and smoothen the knotted muscles in your body which not only feels relaxing but also reduces stress and tension.

A sexual massage also reduces the production of hormone called cortisol in the body.

More importantly sensual massage helps to increase the level of oxytocin, a powerful love hormone connected with feelings of affection and bonding.

#4. Is oral sex safe without any protection?

Well, to me it depends. Most experts believe giving oral sex is not very safe.

It could be 'safer' than vaginal sex without any protection, in that you won't get pregnant, but giving oral sex without any protection still carries higher risk of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

But it is quite rare or else every woman who is involved in giving oral sex would get STIs easily.

#5. How Couples Massage Can Improve Your Relationship?

When couples in love massage and caress each other's body it releases the oxytocin the bonding chemical, it provides them a feeling that no matter how stressed they are, the massage activity makes them forget about there problems.

Whether you are the giver or the receiver, it has the same effect. It enhances your emotional well-being and connection as a couple and helps to improve your relationship.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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