​Wondering how to create right sexual chemistry with your man? Don't worry you are the right place, at the right time.
Having great Sexual Chemistry and hot sex is a wonderful feeling in a relationship, but it is bit hard to develop right chemistry between two people.
Don't worry girls, if you are having hard time creating the right sexual chemistry with your man.
In this article you will learn some hidden secrets to create right chemistry with your man to win his love.
First lets understand what is chemistry between two people.
Chemistry has a motivation and purpose. It's not random, it's not a fluke.
Chemistry cannot be developed forcefully, it is developed slowly and naturally because there's something that both the people involved in it love.
​The main purpose of chemistry is keeping spice in the sex life and overall relationship alive.
It's there so that we can feel more love and freshness in our lives, it's there so that our relationship does not decay with time.
If you don't feel that instant spark, do not worry some experts say it's possible to create it.
Most women spent lot of time trying to look as beautiful and sexy as possible to make themselves look adorable and tempting for their guy.
But sometimes even after a woman finds her "Best Guy" the chemistry isn't there and many a times trying to make that chemistry happen becomes very tedious.
But, Renowned psychologist and researcher Dr. Robert Epstein says its possible to create right chemistry with your man to win his love.
He has expertise in interpersonal relationships and sexuality, he states it is possible for women to develop attraction and right chemistry towards a man they admire.
To be honest when it comes to women they are quite good in creating chemistry as compared to men.
I will tell you why is this so - Note that man are visual by nature, they fantasize and visualize what they see and even more what they don't see.
I hope you are getting my point, most men if not all, get attracted to beauty and appearance initially, love and true feeling is something that develops at the later stages.
Epstein says, women possess the ability to create a physical attraction with any man they love, because they have characteristics that are not just physical.
"It's probably not going to happen overnight, but it will take some time, but they certainly can.
In fact, they can fall deeply either in love with or in lust with a man's sense of humor, his genuineness, his honesty, his money, or his power.
For a lot of women, that turns into genuine physical attraction," Epstein says
Now, its clear that women can create right chemistry and attraction with any man they admire - but how only physical attraction is not enough, we will cover it later in the post
Now lets understand why is sexual chemistry important in a relationship?
Being a women if you really want to create right sexual chemistry with your man to win his love, you have to accept one important fact, love only is not enough for any relationship to survive till the end.
​love will keep you bonded together, but sexual chemistry will keep your love fresh and alive.
More importantly sexual chemistry that's what men love want and the most, if you cannot tempt your man to desire you, you cannot convince him to love you.
Its simple love cannot be completed only with feelings without sexual attraction love is too innocent to be termed as a romance. And that’s why sexual chemistry makes all the difference in a relationship.
I will share with you a personal example of mine and believe me by the end of it, you will realize how this example resembles your life and also prove why sexual chemistry is important in a relationship.
There are times in life when couples fight like crazy and I too argue, fight and get involved in unhealthy discussions many times with my spouse.
Trust me when that happens, things get so heated that sometimes both of us realize this is the reason why most marriages fail.
But in the night when we go to bed there's a clash between ego and love.
Ego says why I should initiate the talk and love says its alright, it happens in every relationship we are not the only couple who fight - But there's no final conclusion.
Now, imagine you are about to sleep and some how your legs meet, tell me how does it feel? If you are reading this, definitely you are smiling at this point.
That's sexual chemistry or sexual attraction whatever you say, you cannot control at this point and you hug each other, make love and forget all the fight and arguments.
Trust me guys this example holds true for most of us, unless your marriage is totally broken.
What you learned from this example? Love alone is not enough for any relationship to survive, sexual chemistry is must which will keep your love fresh and alive.
If love was the only base for existence of a relationship, than the world would have been so unromantic with no excitement, no motivation and no desire.
It's sexual chemistry that pushes us to do things to impress someone, the power, money, ego, fight, excitement, desire, sexual affairs, cheating, betrayal, dating, flirting would not exist if there was no sexual chemistry.
It's the single most important factor that's holding and attracting each one of us towards one another.
Now, that being said the above example holds true only if there's love between couples.
I am saying this because sexual chemistry cannot be faked. It is the deep internal feeling that needs to comes out naturally to life in two people who are attracted to each other
But if you fail to feel the sexual attraction towards someone, there’s really not much hope for a relationship.
Now lets understand How To Create Sexual Chemistry With Your Man To Win His Love
I have read and seen a lot of women complain that their guy isn’t romantic, they just cannot feel the sexual chemistry, they felt when there relationship was brand new, it just seems to be gone.
And it’s true most men (not all) just don't have any clue what sexual chemistry really means to a woman. It’s kind of a mystery since it’s not generally part of their sexual needs.
More confusing factor is that sexual chemistry isn’t something that is common to every women, it can be different for different women.
Still, you can create that sexual chemistry and magnetic attraction to win his love.
I will tell you how, note that for men sexual chemistry generally boils down to feeling appreciated, respected and adored.
However, men are not mind readers. They respond to simple and clear directions.
Lets learn what that clear direction will be like to create right sexual chemistry with your man, at the same time he will also feel appreciated and respected.
Read This Lines and use them on your man tonight! It works you can trust me on that.
I feel loved and pampered by you when you plan a lovely candle light dinner for me and arrange for a baby sitter so we can have a date night.
I feel blessed when you bring flowers for me with no reason..
I feel adored when you run your fingers through my hairs after a long day..
I feel appreciated when you kiss/hug me sweetly as you come home from work..
I feel aroused when you pleasure me spending lot of time in foreplay..
I feel delighted when you try to do everything to make sure I had orgasm..
I feel obliged when you massage my shoulders after a long stressed day..
Whatever you are doing just do it politely and you can add some points from your end too, its just the outline to make him realize that you understand he cares and you appreciate all his acts.
When you do this even he feels loved, appreciated and respected which naturally evokes the sexual chemistry and turns him on.
It’s important to note that the above exercise doesn’t have to literally bring your sexual chemistry to life. It can, but it doesn’t have to.
The true goal with this exercise is to grow your sexual chemistry in the right way to convince him to desire you and want you desperately.
Now lets Learn How To Plant The Seeds Of Sexual Chemistry In His Mind.
Believe me or not, but creating sexual chemistry with your man can be a real fun and mystery if done correctly.
By doing correctly I mean is planting the seeds of your sexual fantasies in his mind to evoke his sexual urges, which in turn builds the right sexual chemistry between you and him.
Start sending him hints, by leaving little clues, as well as surprises, that get him on the same page as you and your fantasy.
1. Send him a photo of you dressed in the fantasy outfit, believe me he will be surprised and if he asks you just do not reply, just let the sexual chemistry build.
2. Text him a link to a seducing video from your favorite romance movie to watch (Note: Do not send porn). Hint: Search on You Tube, you will get plenty of free and seducing videos.
3. Write down some of your sexual fantasy (like nipple stimulation, neck stimulation, you coming out of shower and he bending you down taking you from behind and you watching in the mirror) note it on a piece of paper and paste it on the bathroom mirror for him to see.
4. Text him some fairly vague phrases and hints about your sexual fantasy - you can read some of them in this post here 56 Sexy Texts Messages To Make Him Think Dirty Right Now.
5. Send him photos of clothing, sex toys, or other images that relate to the fantasy with no explanation, basically just keep him interested by giving little hints of what you want.
Note that this are little things, but they will really influence your sexual chemistry with him.
Important Note: You don't have to send this hints in one go and bombard him. You will need to make a plan how to space them apart. This is a slow sexual chemistry building exercise that will definitely payoff in the long run.
Now, he will definitely react and ask you why you are doing all these stuff.
Be polite and tell him that it was just something you saw on the web and thought he might like.
Just be polite and casual, And then try to divert the topic and leave him confused.
As I said above men are really very visual and they fantasize what they see and even more what they don't see.
What I want to convey here is as you have planted the seed of sexual fantasy in his mind, it will push him to keep asking and coming back, he just cannot resist, he will again ask you the same question why?
This time instead of answering his question, ask him can you guess why I am doing this?
It's obvious he will understand what you are up to. Whatever he says after that, ask him again do you want to feel it in reality?
The moment you will speak this words, he will again start visualizing (flash back in his mind), trust me he won't be able to resist.
Now The Seeds Has Been Planted, Its Time To Bring It to Life And Feel It In Reality.
The seeds have been planted and you have created the right sexual chemistry with your man.
If he’s a more sexually adventurous kind of man, he will get your point immediately and by pass asking questions and go straight for sex.
I believe you have done your part, whatever happens next should work in your favor.
If everything goes well, you guys will rock and in the end you must specifically thank him for tending to your desires.
Tell him you loved how he was able to guess what your clues meant.
Or, if he didn’t guess them, thank him for being willing to participate in exploring your desires.
Let him know how much that turned you on, and how you felt so loved and appreciated by his ability to satisfy you.
By doing this, you are reinforcing all of the positive connections you made together. Especially if he seemed uncertain about what your hints meant.
Appreciating him and letting him know how much this pleases you sexually will increase his intimacy in you.
It also opens the door for you to do this again with another fantasy, and for him to learn the ways to satisfy you in bed.
Note that if you want to create right sexual chemistry with your man, you must thank and praise him for whatever he is and done for you.
If you can respect him, love him, tease him, adore him, that means you have created the right sexual chemistry with him.
I am telling this because I have observed among many couples, as their relationships starts maturing, they start to take each other for granted.
They forget how lucky they are to have such a wonderful and loving life partner.
It happens because the initial romance starts to fade away as our relationship matures and grow.
This is the reason why you must look for ways to remind your partner just how awesome you are, especially when you’re out with other people.
If this is your life situation and you feel like the sexual chemistry’s lacking in your relationship, try to invent and innovative ways to constantly keep each other’s bodies and sexual desires updated and exciting.
And just use these ideas above to bring sexual chemistry back into your relationship again.
I hope you found this post useful and if you really it please do not forget to share and spread with others and also do not forget to Watch The Free Video Here its called the language of desire, click here to watch it you will really love it. I will stop here, hope you enjoyed reading, keep coming back I really appreciate your presence - Have a Nice Day.