May 5, 2022

Why Do Men Watch Porn (3 Secret Steps To Stop Him)

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So the burning question, every women wants to know the real secret and the answer behind why do men watch porn?

What makes them view or watch pornography.

Ladies Read this 3000 word long guide until the end. . . trust me you'll not only love it but you'll also STOP your guy from watching porn next time.

OK, maybe not all, but enough that the percentage of guys who DON’T watch pornography is so small it couldn’t be found on a graph.

As per United Families International pornography statistics :-

  • Straight guys watch pornography. 
  • Gay guys watch pornography. 
  • White guys watch pornography.
  • Black guys watch pornography.

Even guys who try to pass laws AGAINST pornography secretly watch pornography (and usually they’re the ones who watch the REALLY dirty stuff). 

And it's because of the porn addiction which is totally natural in men and that is why men watch porn.

As a woman who digs men, you need to take a deep breath and accept the fact that any guy you get involved with is going to watch porn.

The only question is going to be whether he’s honest with you about it or if he hides it like a 15 year old petrified that his mom might find his Playboys.

Actually, a ton of the survey answers from guys in my email list were about pornography, about how guys wanted their women to know that their watching porn had absolutely nothing to do with their relationships

And (occasionally) about the exact type of porn that really turned these guys on and how hot it would be if their women would watch it with them.

Now, there are some very valid reasons for you to dislike pornography (some of it is extremely degrading to women and the women involved in that business usually have their fair share of issues).

But that doesn’t change the fact that every guy you’ve ever dated and every guy you ever will date watches pornography.

So Why, why do men watch porn when they already a wife or girlfriend?

I bet you can guess where this is going =-). The fact that your husband or boyfriend or that guy you just started dating watches porn means. . .

• That he’s a guy.

And that’s really it (even though you’re not supposed to make a list with just one bullet).

His watching porn doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, that he’d rather you wore stripper shoes all the time, that he’s going to leave you, that he’s a pervert (not more than any other guy), or anything like that.

There are some valid arguments against porn and how it can set unrealistic expectations for guys about what sex is really like.

Especially for kids these days who get access to the an entire buffet of perversion from the moment they figure out how to get around those wimpy web browser censors

But those arguments aren’t actually going to stop your guy from watching porn.

Hell, NOTHING is going to stop a guy from watching porn.

Guys lose their jobs for watching porn at work all the time. Guys get ARRESTED for watching porn in public places.

Now, one question a lot of women ask is. .That said. 

Does He Want ME to Act Like a Porn Star?

And the answer is “yes and no.”

I've talked about sex stuff and male sexual fantasies in my previous articles here, but I’ll tell you right now that most guys are completely capable of separating pornographic fantasies from the reality of being with a real-life living and breathing woman.

I can tell you from personal experience that there are things I’ve watched in pornography that I would never want to try myself.

And if I ever got hit on by a stripper or a porn star, I’d run the other way and take a very long, very hot shower with a Brillo pad.

I totally understand if most pornography freaks you out or even disgusts you.

A lot of women have a powerful knee-jerk reaction to pornography and the objectification of women in that way. But it doesn’t change the reality.

One of the smartest things you can do to have a more intimate and better relationship with a guy is to actually make a game out of watching pornography with him.

And there are some great production companies out there doing more erotic female and couples-based stuff that don’t have the trappings of most misogynistic guy-oriented videos).

Does Pornography REALLY Bothers You?

  1. Whatever you do, do not freak out and forbid him from watching pornography. All guys watch porn (except for the Amish and that one weird guy who has a fetish for silly putty). Forbidding him from watching porn (or going nuclear because you found some in his browser history) won’t keep him from watching porn, it’ll just encourage him to be more careful, to feel like he can’t be himself with you, and to lie to you about what he’s doing in the bathroom with the iPad.
  2. A better option is to share a convenient lie. If pornography bothers you, you and your man need to make a deal. You agree not to hassle him about it or make him feel bad about it, and he’ll agree to be polite and not rub it in your face or leave it on a shared computer.
  3. Remember, his watching pornography isn’t really about you at all. Yes, I know this can be hard to accept, but it really is true. If anything, a guy watching porn can be GOOD for your relationship because it allows your man to have the fantasy of having sex with a variety of women and acting out his deepest kinks and fetishes without actually going out and having sex with a variety of women or cheating on you.

When Porn is a Problem...

Even though I just spent the last couple pages vehemently defending pornography there are, of course, situations where porn is a real problem in a relationship

And that’s when a guy develops a strong pornography addiction to the point where all he does is watch porn or where he’d rather watch porn than spend time with an honest to god living woman.

But the problem there isn’t that he watches porn it’s that he watches TOO MUCH porn. Remember porn isn’t in itself a problem. Got it? Good.

Summing Up - Why Do Men Watch Porn - Next Section is the Hot & Juicy Stuff - How Can You Stop Your Man Watching Porn

Wow, this one was a doozy, huh? Hopefully you don’t hate me yet =-)

Men look at other women because they like to look at other women. A man looking at other women doesn’t mean he doesn’t love the woman in his life or doesn’t find her attractive.

Men are VISUAL creatures who are evolved to want a wide variety of sexual partners in our lives.

Trying not to look at other women is completely counter to our biological programming and is essentially impossible.

The best way to deal with your guy looking at other women is to accept it and laugh it off.

If you show confidence in your man’s love and attraction it will geometrically multiply that love and attraction. 

If you freak out and act insecure because he looks at other women, it can be very damaging to your relationship.

The experience of being male means being sexually tuned in and turned on all the time.

Being told you can’t look at or fantasize about other women is like taking a tour of a chocolate factory and being told you can’t want a bite. Impossible.

Just because a man looks at other women doesn’t mean he’ll cheat on you. We’ll cover cheating in the next lesson and it’s really a separate issue.

All men look at porn (especially moralistic televangelists. Man, I hate hypocrites).

If you forbid your man from looking at porn, he’ll simply lie to you about looking at porn but will keep looking.

No, he doesn’t want you to act like a porn star. Just because he watches something on a screen doesn’t mean he wants it in real life. (Though sometimes he does.)

The best way to deal with pornography in your relationship is to. . .

  1. Accept it and even watch some pornography WITH your man.(This can be a great experience.)
  2. Have a convenient lie where you don’t hassle him about porn and he doesn’t rub it in your face.

So, the HOT TOPIC how can you STOP him from watching porn?

Now that you understand why he watches porn now, it's time to understand and find out how you can stop him from watching it.

First, I’m going to sound a bit like a broken record.

I agree that pornography is controversial. I understand that you probably feel conflicted and slightly uncomfortable with this topic.

But I ask you to put that aside for a moment and trust that I am not trying to get you to love porn.

I want you to use what I’m teaching you to your advantage.

As I shared above, porn feeds directly into his sexual fantasies by reinforcing the idea of surrender and prowess.

Those are the two key ingredients to stopping him from watching porn: surrender and prowess.

The women on-screen surrender their bodies to the man.

He can do anything and everything he wants to them.

And they don’t judge him. They accept this animal side of his sexuality.

His unique desires, even his kinks or fetishes.

He can touch them and fuck them and do anything he wants to. They love it and beg for it.

This level of acceptance is HUGE for a man.

It is likely that he’s felt ashamed of this grunting beast side of his sexuality.

When you let him know you understand and accept this side of him, he feels a powerful sense of relief and connection to you and makes him hard for you.

The second ingredient to stopping him from watching porn is to react audibly to his prowess and skill.

The porn actor is driving the woman (or women as the case may be) to the absolute heights of physical pleasure.

Men are hard-wired to want to give this kind of sexual pleasure to women. 

That is part of the ultimate sexual achievement in his fantasies.

Your moans, screams, mmmm’s, yes’s, and OH MY GODs are the signal to him he’s doing his job right.

And while you may have surrendered your body to your man, or you may show him or tell him just how great he is in bed, most likely you haven’t intentionally done both at the same time.

When you do both, you are basically giving him his own real-life porn experience. And no, you don’t have to video tape yourself! 😉

A lesson from a call-girl

I want to share with you a fascinating and totally no-holds-barred 15 minute interview I had with a former call-girl in Mumbai India 

One of the biggest revelations from that conversation is where she explained the top two requests she got from her clients.

Generally speaking, they either asked for a Girlfriend Experience (GFE) or a Porn Star Experience (PSE).

In the GFE, she would morph into the ultimate girlfriend: asking about his day, fixing him a drink, being present to his emotional needs and creating that level of sexual intimacy, lots of kissing and cuddling

And their time together evolved into sex romantically and naturally, like it would if they were in a real relationship.

Although sometimes, there was no sex involved.

With the porn star experience, she became just like a porn actress.

It was no (or minimal) small talk and no emotions, basically just straight to the fucking with the idea that very few things off limits.

Surrendering her body to his desires.

Giving him ownership over her (for the hour anyway) and showing him just how masterful he was at physically pleasuring her.

Surrender and prowess, ladies.

That is what her clients paid her for. It really wasn’t about the technique or skills she had.

I hope it's once again clear to you why do guys watch porn.

Enough talk, let’s get down to business!

Using This Technique To Stop Your Guy From Watching Porn.

# Step One: Planning

This technique doesn’t require much advance planning at all, except for the decision to actually do it.

That could be something you decide ahead of time, but it could be completely spur of the moment.

If you are a planner, like I tend to be, here is what I suggest:

First off, give yourself some inner coaching and confidence.

Decide that you want to do this. Understand that while you might feel weird adopting a “porn” persona, you are meeting his deep-rooted fantasies in a very tangible way.

It will bring you closer even though emotions aren’t really the focal point here.

Once you feel confident and willing to try it out, you can look for an opportunity.

The first time, My wife tried this technique on me she basically pounce on me while I was doing some work-related paperwork late one evening.

She also greeted me at the door when we have the house to ourselves, in “character,” ready to take me to freaky-town right away.

I've been the pizza boy, the cable guy, even the meter reader one time, LOL.

# Step Two: What to say

Really, there is not much talking to be done with this technique.

Basically you are going to set the tone with one easy sentence:

“I’m yours, do whatever you want to my body.”

Here are a variety of ways to say this, choose whatever suits your mood:

Make me your personal slut.

I want you to fuck me any way you want to.

You have my permission to do anything you want. Anything.

Let your inner pervert out. I’m all yours.

Nothing is off limits tonight.

I don’t want you stop until you are shaking, spent, and exhausted.

Show me your wildest fantasy. I’m ready to do everything you want.

If those feel too direct and the idea of getting into a character is easier for you, you could go with one of these:

Let’s pretend we’re in a movie. And you get to direct the scenes.

Pretend I’m your personal porn star.

I want to be your personal video girl.

You can also create a role-play scenario a traditional porn plot, too:

Let’s pretend you are a sexy pool boy (or gardener) and I’m the lonely housewife.

What if you are the pizza delivery boy who gets a naughty surprise?

I’m going to be the innocent housemaid who gets seduced by you, the owner of the estate.

You are the handsome masseuse and I’m your client who won’t stop your wandering hands.

There is no wrong way to initiate this technique.

You simply need to let him know that you want to surrender yourself to your his sexual desires.

Does this mean you are giving him permission to dismiss your sexual boundaries? No. 

This technique is meant to be fun.

It is not an invitation to force you into anything against your will. Consent is always a top priority! 

To be honest this why men watch porn and if you can provide him with this your sex life and romance will certainly improve by 200 percent.

# Step Three: Reflect his prowess

Once you’ve surrendered yourself and the action heats up, you need to continue the technique by showing how much he’s pleasing you.

You can accomplish this is a few ways.

Stay present and eager. You’ve given him permission to unveil his raunchy side, and he needs to know you are right in that moment with him.

This isn’t a time to lay back on the pillows and think about tomorrow’s To-Do list.

Vocalize, vocalize, vocalize! With vocalize I mean moan and talk dirty, it is a perfect time to use that.

If you are worried about how to talk dirty to him Watch This Amazing Video H​​ere.

Also, give him encouragement along the way. Tell him how great something feels and how much you love it.

The sexual play-by-play is a great way to stay present as well as vocal.

Basically, you describe out loud what is happening.

This is pretty much the kind of dialogue found in 99.9 If he is giving you oral, you can say. . .

...I love the way your tongue feels. Please don’t stop!

...oh baby, you know exactly how to please me. ohhhh...

...oh you lick my pussy so good, make me cum, baby, and then you can fuck me

When you are going to give him oral. . . want me to suck your cock, baby? You like how I do that?

...I love how you feel in my mouth, mmmm

...I’m going to make you cum so hard

When you are about to / or are having intercourse. . .

...I want to feel you deep inside me.

...I need you to fuck me now, baby

...give it to me hard and fast

...oh my god, your dick feels so good When the Big O is about to happen. . .’re going to make me cum

...I’m coming

...oh baby, you make me cum so hard

...I want you to fill me up with your cum

After the sexual interlude is over, tell him how great it was.

Even if this wasn’t your idea of fantastic time (although I do hope you found it fun!) you can find something to compliment him on.

Whether you were amazed by his stamina, or maybe a crazy new sex position that felt incredible, or you loved how he really got into the role playing. . . compliment him on what rocked your socks.

That's it. . . I will stop now I think this is the most powerful stuff I could share with you and I believe this should be enough to stop him from watching porn.

Before you leave I've something really useful and amazing for you. Keep reading.

Quick Warning: While this tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) Dirty Talking tutorial video here.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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  1. I’m not sure i agree at all with any of this. For women its not always the fact that porn degrades women. To me, if you’re thinking about it you might as well be doing it. For me, my mans brain should want me and only me, not me and a million other women. Even if he’ll never really get the other women, theyll be on his mind. I could care less about porn. I dont have the constant need to seek variety. So neither should he. I think every woman wants to feel wanted and sexy and like you’re the only one for him. And him watching porn is the total opposite of that. Obviously you ARENT the only one for him. At least that’s the way I see it. Im sure there’s a lot that agrees and a lot that disagrees. But this is just my opinion. Why would you want your man seeking variety? Think of how he would feel if you did that to him. If you were searching BIG dicks or some shit like that. Do you know how badly that would affect him? That would completely crush his ego. Men are selfish and sadly theyre ALL perverts. But set those boundaries ladies. If porn makes you feel shitty or changes how you feel towards him let him know. Tell him he can be a pervert but to be one with you. When he needs to “take care of himself” let him know you are there. Send him pics or weird videos if he’s into it. Buy sexy outfits and mayne a couple wigs. Yeah i k ow that sounds kinda kinky.. But isnt that one of the reasons they’re watching it to begin with? Give him the fantasy and he wont need to look at other stuff. Its disgusting how women can just brush it off and make it totally okay for men to “seek variety” … What a load of bs. All that does is let him know its okay. Would it be okay with him if you were looking at other men?

    Btw, I know there’s some freaky people out there who actually build their relationship on kinky stuff like sharing and all that. To each their own. As long as you’re both on board and happy with it and happy with each other. That’s all that matters.

    We shouldnt be searching for reasons and answers on why we should be okay with it or how to make him stop. If you are not okay with it you dont have to be. If men have that primal instinct to always look for variety then why be with only one. All that is in my opinion is an excuse for them.

    If you are not okay with it and if he is watching it let him know. Give him the option:
    ” you can watch all the porn you want, look at whatever you want, and have as many women as you want. Or you can be with me and only me and focus on our relationship instead of trying to hide in a fantasy.”

    Its that simple. If he loves and respects you and wants to be with you he will choose you. He will buck up and set the pety shit aside. And he will work on you two. Not you two and the unlimited number of naked women on the internet.

    Dont ever feel like you are stupid for hating the fact that your man watches porn. And don’t ever feel like you HAVE to be okay with it.

    1. Men are men you cannot change them…but yes, that doesn’t mean if he loves you just by watching porn he’ll stop loving you. That’s the message I want to convey watch porn but that doesn’t mean he does not love you… that’s the only theme of this blog post and watching porn is not bad, it’s bad only when it starts to affect your relationship.

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