May 4, 2022

Best Sex Foods to Boost Her Sexual Energy From (friday to sunday)

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  • Best Sex Foods to Boost Her Sexual Energy From (friday to sunday)

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Have you ever given a thought on what are the best sex foods that'll ignite the sexual spark in your woman? If not this guide will help you.

Whisking your lover away for a romantic getaway or taking a long weekend off together may seem like an incredibly task, but the keys to your lover’s arousal and her enjoyment of being spoiled so lies in your ability to find out what foods can boost her libido and sex drive.

See what you can do to impress her with these amazing recipes designed to tease and tantalize her taste buds.

Try These Sex Foods For a Romantic Weekend.

On the first day of your romantic weekend together, you should be spending your energy getting ready for more intimate encounters on Saturday.

Even if you have to work on Friday and can’t spend the day together, get lots of good healthy fats and protein, but don’t eat so much food that you’re overstuffed. You want to be comfortable tomorrow for the big day!

Friday - It All Begins With a Breakfast - Best Sex Food For Breakfast.

Start your day off with a traditional home-style breakfast that fills you up with lots of protein and healthy fat that will increase your sex drive as a couple. 

The eggs which are traditional in so many cultures for this meal of the day are a sign of fertility and creation.

Eggs: are rich in protein and make a great food for starting the day.

Coffee: perfect for perking up your energy and stamina, an incredibly sensual drink that can be savored and enjoyed.

Coffee improves blood flow to the erogenous zones, boost metabolism, and elevates the mood in a number of ways, including the release of dopamine in the brain. 

To get the most from your brew, skip your morning coffee for at least three days before your weekend getaway. If you want it to be really powerful, save it for brunch tomorrow!

What's The Best Sex Foods For Lunch?

For your mid-day meal, eat a large, filling salad with lots of different vegetables.

This recipe is for an aphrodisiac-filled salad that you’ll love! The perfect salad starts with a mix of dark leafy greens – Russian kale, baby spinach, mesclun mix, arugula, sprouts and other micro greens are all a great start.

These are filled with antioxidants and healthy vitamins and minerals. Don’t settle for iceberg when you have so much better.

You can add any number of other veggies, like the following aphrodisiacs to boost your sex drive as a couple.

Detailed List of Aphrodisiacs To Boost Her Sex Drive.

Avocado: called the “testicle tree” by the Aztecs, this fatty fruit delivers a huge punch of nutrients which are essential to sexual health – beta carotene, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, and even a decent dose of protein.

Cucumber: Not just an aphrodisiac because of its phallic shape, the scent is known to be stimulating to women and it contains a vast number of essential nutrients, in particular Vitamin C and manganese, silica to support flexibility and prevent water retention.

Mango: Seductive, juicy and perfect when ripe, mangoes are known for their ability to give men virility, and their sweet wetness is bound to induce arousal in your lover.

Mint: This herb is named after Greek beauty Minthe of mythic fame, turned to the sprawling plant when Persephone’s husband found himself irresistibly attracted to her. 

The plant grows wild all over the world and comes in so many different varieties, you might have difficult choosing. Lemon, apple, chocolate, lime, you name it!

It’s also a great tool to freshen the breath between a meal and a romp in the sack, so keep some fresh leaves in the kitchen at all times. –

Peppers: Sweet and mild or spicy and wild, peppers of all kinds make a great addition to your sexy salad.

Spicy peppers in particular will increase her heart rate, make her lips swell and warms the blood and the body.

This mimics the visuals signs of arousal and can help kick start the process of cultivating physical desire.

Tomato: While a member of the famously-poisonous nightshade family (along with eggplants, peppers and potatoes, among other things), the ripe red tomato has garnered a bit of a reputation and even made it on to the Catholic Church’s forbidden fruit list for a while. Lightly salted and peppered, they are a succulent sweet addition to your lunch. 

Dress your delicious salad with a mix of healthy oil (olive, avocado) along with sweet vinegar like balsamic, and any additional spices or soft cheese, like feta and ricotta, which you might enjoy.

What's The Best Sex Foods For Dinner?

For dinner on your first day, go light. Make sure you’ve had plenty of calories early in the day – with only two meals tomorrow, you want to be well situated to perform tomorrow with some serious stamina.

Try something simple, using some of the aphrodisiac ingredients that we have already discussed.

Stuff sweet and/or spicy peppers, or tomatoes, with ground meet and spices, eggs, shredded (riced) cauliflower and garlic are really some amazing sex foods you can try.

Keep your drinking to a minimum and try to avoid it completely on Friday night if you can.

Save your bottle of wine until Saturday eve when it will be put to good use! Get a good night’s sleep, but spend some time tonight enjoying some romantic intimacy.

No need for sex, but do talk and cuddle. If you wife or girlfriend is interested, she may want to enjoy an orgasm or two herself, even if you decide to abstain until Saturday’s festivities!


Saturday - Getting in The Weekend Mood With The Best Sex Foods.

The plan for Saturday is simple, literally – keep things nice and light today to prevent overstuffing yourself.

Decadent food is great and can be incredibly arousing, but not if you eat so much of it that you can’t move afterward!

Enjoy a wide variety of delicious foods today, but keep your actual intake to a minimum.

Eat your food for its sensual delights and see if you can’t manage to incorporate some of their sensual elements into your lovemaking. Brunch should be a great way to start out the day.

BRUNCH - Brunch is a great start to a day after sleeping in with your honey.

Try these delicious finger foods for “breakfast” in bed, and be as tidy or as messy as you’d like. Start with champagne and orange juice.

Mimosas start the day of with the right mood, getting things a wee bit tingly right off the bat.

Mix the two half and half and try to use freshly squeezed oranges if you can. Add some grapefruit juice if you have it for some extra pop.

Champagne: the ultimate beverage of celebration, it is said to give off the scent of a woman’s pheromones, and its bubbles deliver a quick and flirty intoxication unlike other wines.

Use its innocuous nature to get a start on your sexy day early in the day.

Chocolate: one of the most commonly known aphrodisiacs in the world, chocolate is full of quite a few great components, vital nutrients, and dopamine boosting chemicals like theobromine which acts similarly to caffeine.

Its chemical compounds are similar to serotonin and PEA (often referred to as the “love drug”) which makes it so famous.

If you don’t have access to raw cacao, use baking chocolate or cocoa powder.

Cacao butter or coconut butter work well as a medium, perhaps a mix of both – melt the chocolate down and add a mixture of chai spices to make it even more sensually delicious. 

Spices that work well in this chocolate include anise, cinnamon, chili, clove, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, and vanilla.

Anise: contains some estrogenic compounds and as a sometimes overwhelming flavor similar to licorice or fennel.

Cardamom: an aromatic herb, this spice is often added to coffee and cakes, as well as savory dishes like curries.

It increases appetites, acts as a general tonic, boosts mood, sex drive and warms the body with its fragrant flavors. Mixed with coffee or tea, cardamom’s ability to bring on a dreamlike state is boosted.

Cinnamon: one of the best sex foods known for producing relaxing results and a warming sensation in the body, with a reputation for increasing both the physical and sexual appetites. 

A tiny touch of cinnamon in oil makes for amazing warming massage oil.

Ginger: this root is classified as a natural aphrodisiac primarily due to its ability to increase circulation to the nether regions. You can juice it, grate it, chop it finely and candy it to be mixed into the chocolate.

Nutmeg: used for stimulating the sexual organs, raising the body’s heat and sweetening the breath, nutmeg is actually a narcotic which can cause hallucinations in large doses!

The scent of nutmeg evokes memories of home and comfort and is even more potent for men than women.

Vanilla: all about the smell, vanilla reminds us all of home, tapped directly into our memories, emotions, connections and actions.

Honey: this sweet liquid is often referred to as the nectar of the gods, an incredibly sensual experience all on its own.

Make the chocolate dark and dip it in the honey, rather than over-sweetening.

Don’t overindulge, but use the boost of energy from this thick sugar wisely and you will be one happy camper!

If you decide to let this finger food get a bit sexier, just keep it away from your lover’s naughty its and you’ll have a riotous good time!

Almonds: actually one of the world’s oldest and best known aphrodisiac foods, almonds make the perfect addition to your chocolate treats.

The aroma of almonds is said to arouse a woman’s passions and they have been a symbol of fertility for ages.

Coconut: the milk and cream of this fatty fruit is high in the amino acid arginine, an important dietary component to healthy arousal, which increases the amount of growth hormone released from the pituitary gland, which acts to enhance female sexual desire.

Apple: best sex food known for its aphrodisiac properties in its fermented form of cider, apples are high in antioxidants, fruit sugars, pectin to keep the sugar rush and subsequent crash which gives you a sweet source of sustenance during the day’s sensual delights.

Banana: jam-packed with nutrients and sugars, plus the incredibly phallic shape, bananas are known as aphrodisiacs worldwide.

In Central America, red banana tree sap is tapped and imbibed as an elixir for its aphrodisiac properties.

Berries: a sensual experience all on their own, red berries are the best sex foods full of antioxidants and nutritional elements packed inside a sweet, indulgent treat.

Figs: fresh or dried, it’s hard to argue against the potent aphrodisiac properties of this sweet, seedy fruit. Filled with iron, potassium and other miners, it is said to resemble the heart of a woman’s pleasure with its luscious pink flesh.

Spend the morning feeding each other chocolate and fruits in bed and sipping bubbly champagne. What could possibly be any better? Just wait for dinner!

Proteinaceous Sex Food

Have a Proteinaceous Sex Food in Dinner On Saturday Eve.

Dinner should be high in protein, but not too heavy. Fish oils are not only good to boost your sex drive but it's also great for boosting brain function and keeping you away and alert long into the evening. 

Honey-mustard salmon makes for a great main course, with oysters and/or mussels on the side.

Asparagus with tarragon hollandaise and grilled or fried mushrooms make wonderful additions to your fish and of course, don’t forget a bottle or two of red wine to finish off the night.

Eat These Sex Boosting Foods To Spice Things Up In The Bedroom.

Salmon: the high omega 3 levels in wild caught salmon make it the perfect arousal-boosting food which elevates serotonin, rich in vitamins like A, B, D, and calcium for lifting that libido.

Mussels: are no exception, revered by the Ancient Greeks for their powers. They contain extremely high levels of manganese, iron, selenium and zinc which are essential for boosting your sex drive, keeping your brain healthy and helping you have a sexy body.

Oysters: that salty sweetness which is said to resemble a woman’s inner folds has a scent like a potent female pheromone and eaten by the dozen, their lean protein and high zinc content boost testosterone production in both men and women.

Asparagus: the Vegetarian Society recommends you eat the Vitamin E packed asparagus three days in a row to maximize its aphrodisiac benefits, but I say leaving it until the night of your big celebration is probably the best bet, so you don’t have to deal with strange smelling pee all weekend long!

Tarragon: another warming herb and sex food, excellent for digestion and great for building some body heat.

Mushrooms: once thought to bring immortality or super-human strength, grocery store mushrooms at least offer some anti-inflammatory effects, if not the amazing healing properties of their medicinal siblings.

Red Wine: antioxidants, earthy aromas, aphrodisiac scents and the musky, seductive tastes of pinots, burgundies and cabernets will stimulate your senses and act as a powerful aphrodisiac. Just don’t overindulge and get stupid!

For dessert, go with something in the chocolate or vanilla flavors – vanilla crème Brule or chocolate ice cream work wonders!

Spend the rest of the night luxuriating in each other and sleep in. Tomorrow is a new day.

Give yourself an hour or two after your dinner to digest. Drink some wine, perhaps a cup of coffee or tea, and spend the evening chatting with your lover.

As the bottle of wine empties, let your tongues loosen and inhibitions fall away.

Give yourself over to the arousal which you have been building for the past two days and fall into each other’s arms!

Love each other with all your passion and share this sexual energy with the one you love.

Sunday - The Day to Relax And Have Fun.

Today is all about recuperating from your exhausting day yesterday! If you have leftovers from the weekend, today is a great time to use them all up. Relax,

Use The Left Over Foods for Breakfast.

Make breakfast with your leftover salmon or other seafood like scallops (goes great with bacon!) mixed into an omelet with green veggies like spinach or kale, and your choice of cheese.

Cheese: considered a delicacy in particular among Europeans, cheese actually contains ten times as much PEA as infamous aphrodisiac chocolate!

The scents of ripe cheeses are incredibly close in molecular makeup to mid-cycle fertile female pheromones. Eat it for breakfast and lunch.

Tea - Keep up with the leftovers, if you have them. Apricots and mascarpone cheese make a great little snack, perhaps with a few sweet cakes or cookies.

You’re prepping for a big celebratory dinner, so stick with a light tea meal and enjoy relaxing together for a few more hours while it cooks.

If caffeinated black tea doesn’t entice you this afternoon, choose lavender instead.

It’s gentle and delicate aroma make it a relaxing tea herb great for calming the senses and arousing the libido. Lavender also makes incredibly sweet, cold lemonade!

Try This And This In Dinner.

Dinner tonight is a traditional feast! Roast a turkey, stuffed with tomatoes, onions and garlic, spiced with rosemary, thyme, oregano and bay.

Roast with carrots, beets and pumpkin or squash, sweetened with maple syrup or brown sugar.

Make a lovely cranberry sauce for on the side and if after everything, you still need dessert, go for the classic pumpkin pie.

Turkey: any kind of “wild” fowl will do – try to get a pastured bird that has been eating lots of insects and plants.

More zinc for sexual health, the combination of your roast bird with the roots, spices, herbs and wine should make just the meal you need to recover your libido after a draining couple of days.

Rosemary: increases circulation, makes skin more sensitive to touch, promoting pleasant dreams when placed under the pillow and calming the nerves in a tea.

The herb is named for the goddess Aphrodite who was portrayed wearing a sprig of the fragrant evergreen.

Carrots: the power of the carrot is in its recuperative properties, perfect for this meal meant to be healing your body after all the hard (and sexy) work it’s been through this weekend!

Beets: this root’s history as a powerful aphrodisiac dates back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.

Its high boron levels stimulate the production of sex boosting hormones and boosts the immune system, and contains something called isobutyl methoxy pyrazine, thought of as “the most powerfully stimulating smell on earth”.

Cranberries: the ripe red berries with their tart tastes are packed full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and other delicious rewards to help boost your libido and hers.

Don’t sweeten too much, if at all, or try using apples or other fruit in the sauce.

Pumpkin: a testosterone-boosting fruit, pumpkins offer plenty of nutrients, antioxidants and a long history of use as an aphrodisiac.

The seeds boost blood flow with their high zinc content and their blossoms are a long-held symbol of fertility.

Pumpkin pie spice: along with the scent of lavender, pumpkin pie spice has been shown to be one of the most potent aphrodisiacs for men in existence!

If you want to leave your weekend with happy thoughts to help you drift off into sleep, go with the pie and save the leftovers for an even brighter day tomorrow.

After three long days of great food and just-as-great sex, arousing your libido may be the last thing on your mind for a few days!

Keep eating well and you will find that whenever you need a reserve of sexual energy, you will have it stored inside you ready and waiting.

I will stop here. I am sure you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on best sex foods to boost your sexual energy as a couple. 

If you want to learn more advanced techniques to increase your sexual stamina and enjoy rock-hard erections. I recommend you to Watch This Amazing Video Presentation Here.

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