May 5, 2022

What Makes a Woman Irresistible to a Man – 6 Captivating Points

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Do you ever wonder what makes a woman irresistible to a man? Do you know what traits men love in women?

If not do not worry. Today you’ll learn EXACTLY what makes a woman irresistibly attractive to a man.

In other words you’ll discover the secrets that makes a woman desirable and also how important is the phrase “Attraction” in man’s dictionary.

So let’ begin.

Now say for instance: You are in a bar, some guy somewhere in the place thinks that you are a total hottie and is attracted to you.

More than likely you are surveying the place and looking not just for looks but for “long term” or “husband” potential.

From the very start men and women look at attraction quite differently.

#1. A Good Example to Start With

I sat down with a woman once who was not lucky in love according to her description.

She had been through a handful of relationships which all ended in heartache and didn’t really understand why.

She went on to say that attracting the men or the initial dating stages were often the hardest for her.

She didn’t really understand what men wanted.

She didn’t understand what she was doing wrong or what she was missing.

This prompted me to ask her what she was doing when she went out on the town.

She was an attractive enough girl, but I can tell you that she was not putting herself out there enough.

She said that when she went out she always felt like the “ugly duckling” of her friends.

I told her that she had to dress the part and put some effort into being attractive and sexy.

By sheer virtue of showing that she was trying I told her that the men would come flocking.

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Guess what happened? She tried it and it really worked!

Attraction is a very physical thing at the beginning with men, and let’s face it this is what makes a man irresistible to a man in the first place.

Attraction develops into much more as the relationship progresses, but initially it’s really all about the physical image you are putting out there.

It also has a lot to do with confidence and so you need to find your fine balance of both.

Is it shallow that men are looking at you in a purely physical form at first?

Though it may seem that way, this is the truth and so you need to work with it.

This changes over time and becomes something much more as your relationship progresses and you have to learn to roll with it.

When it comes to attraction and the link to full time commitment, things shift a bit. Know that physical attraction will always be part of it, but there is much more to it than that.

Just as a relationship evolves and the various levels of commitment change, so too does attraction for men.

There are things that drew him to you initially and those will always remain important.

As he gets to know and love you though, his idea of attraction will change up as well.

So I told this girl that I sat down with and I tell all of you that it really does matter what image you put out there for men to see.

It’s time to highlight all of your positive features and to show that you are the woman that he wants to meet and commit to—that sort of confidence can really help you tremendously and I tell you that from personal experience.

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#2 The Evolution of Attraction From a Man’s Point of View 

Many women feel self-conscious about themselves and I get it.

You may be sitting there thinking that you don’t feel attractive so how can he view you that way?

Stop right there—it’s that mindset that will surely make you not so attractive to men either!

It’s about highlighting the positives and the great physical features that you have to make yourself desirable to men.

It doesn’t matter your size or your look, for you can always find something about yourself that looks good and that you can show to the world.

Once you find that great physical feature, whether it’s your legs, your eyes, your smile, your hair, or your body, feel good about it.

This great physical feature partnered with your confidence about it is what will draw men in initially.

Here’s the great thing—once they get to know you they are going to focus on much more than just the physical.

You should always care about your appearance and take care of yourself, but he begins to fall for you as the whole package.

So knowing that it’s important to understand how attraction works in a man’s mind.

Here is an overview of what men see, what they like, and how their attraction totally changes shape through time and commitment levels.

It starts off purely physical: Yes it is the simple and physical attraction that draws him in.

He likes what he sees and he wants to know more about you.

If you are a fine physical being so to speak, he’s going to feel the need to come over to you or to move forward.

He may or may not have “game” but he knows that you are somebody that he wants to meet.

Something about you is “hot” and draws him in or intrigues you.

It may be your eyes, the way that you look, or the way that you are sitting there with confidence.

Whatever that physical trait or bit of attraction is, he will center on this to draw up confidence to talk to you.

He knows that he needs to meet you and so it’s time to move forward with step one in the phase.

Physical attraction truly matters at this phase and so you need to be aware of that and put your best face forward—this is just the way it is!

He wants to see some confidence within you because it really does matter:

Confidence matters now and always will matter so it’s time to embrace yours.

Even if he thinks you are a total hottie sitting across the room, if he walks over to you and you are not sitting with poise then he’s immediately turned off.

If you can’t smile and look him in the eyes then he wonders what the problem is.

#3. Confidence is KEY it makes you irresistibly attractive to a man.

He absolutely wants you to be confident at all times and feel good about the person that you are.

Believe me that’s what makes a woman irresistible to a man.

He needs to see that you can accept a compliment and have the confidence to work a room.

This may take you outside of your comfort zone, but this is a major element in how the attraction grows.

Without confidence, even your best physical features become sort of ugly.

You may have struggled with confidence your entire life, but it’s time to embrace that inner strength.

Feel good about the person that you are and this will not only draw him in, but keep him interested and coming back for more too!

After dating for a while he realizes that you are the whole package: Attraction flourishes just as the relationship does.

As he gets to know you he really begins to appreciate everything that you are.

He begins to love the bigger things like your sense of humor and the little things like the way that your nose crinkles when he smiles.

Know this—he is not going to be good at verbalizing this! Don’t wait for your man to tell you that he is attracted to everything about you.

Men think this stuff but they don’t even know how to tell you all the time.

You can tell it in the way that he looks at you and how involved he is in the relationship.

As time goes on and the relationship progresses, the attraction grows and is based on much more than the physical.

Though physical attraction may be what drew him in, it will be much more than that which keeps him attracted for the long term.


#4. Men Desire Sex More Than Anything 

Men think about sex. So sex is important at the beginning— it always will be from his point of view: If you think that sex does not factor into the whole idea of attraction then you are fooling yourself.

I am here to tell you that men care about sex and they always will! No matter how sweet or sensitive your man is, he cares about having sex with you.

It will matter to both of you early on and the sex may be tremendous.

For most women though as the comfort level of the relationship evolves, the sex starts coming less frequently.

He will always link attraction with sex and that’s just a fact of life!

I see so many women who simply don’t make sex a priority and then they wonder why their man doesn’t seem so into them or interested in moving forward.

This is a no brainer!

It may not matter to you that much, but I will tell you that attraction and sex will always be two important concepts to men.

Find a balance that works for both of you if you really want to be desirable to the man you love.

When his fears may subside: He sees that the little things draw him in and it scares him.

It’s at the point where he feels himself falling for you and feeling attracted to you in entirely different ways that he begins to want to run.

He knows that this is love and he recognizes that it’s a real legitimate commitment, but he’s just not sure of what to do with it.

This is the phase of attraction where many men feel the most fear because they know that they are in deep.

This can be particularly scary if they aren’t ready for full time commitment.

So if you worry that it’s about the attraction or lack thereof, know that it’s really about the way that he feels and how attraction has become much more to him now.

This is where the man may feel the most fear, but also where he starts to realize that he really cares about you deeply. Attraction at every level really matters!

You need to note this point if you want to keep a man happy.

#5. Appreciate a Man’s Masculine Power, this Will Make You More Desirable to a Man.

Making him feel masculine really is part of the equation: If you think that your man doesn’t care about feeling masculine, think again!

The truth is that every man out there, whether he clearly shows it or not, wants to think of himself and be thought of as a masculine being.

This has much to do with ego, as well as self-worth with some men.

So though he may not seem like a big “macho man”, the reality is that he needs to know that’s how you perceive him.

Masculine energy attracts feminine energy—it’s the way that chemistry works!

He wants to know that he’s the man and that his masculinity is what drew you in.

This may sound corny or you may assume that your man is not like this, but deep down every man has this embedded in him.

No man wants to think of himself as anything but masculine!

This is why some men are so old fashioned in some ways, why they want to make the first move, or why they feel it’s important to assert controls in certain ways.

Obviously this must be a fine balance that works for both of you, but at the end of the day you have to make him feel like the masculine beast that he is!

Think of some of the basic laws of attraction on this one and then see what you can do to contribute to your femininity.

If you’re not a girlie girl then this doesn’t have to be the direction that you go in.

You can add to elements such as the way you smell or bringing a certain feminine joy to the relationship.

Maybe you just take care of him in a specific way like cooking him a special dinner once in a while.

Dress the part if you are that girlie girl and really put some effort into being a very feminine woman.

Always find a way to make yourself stand out to him in an attractive manner, whatever that means to both of you!

#6. Never Hurt His Male Ego.

Help to feed his male ego in a controlled and workable way that doesn’t make you be something that you aren’t.

Have fun with this and know that at the heart men just need to feel masculine.

Attract them by focusing on their masculinity and perhaps stroking their male ego a bit.

It can be something as simple as taking care of him, making him feel like the man, or just putting some feminine energy into things.

Whatever it is, just know that his masculinity and that sort of natural meeting of feminine energy meeting masculine energy is a bit part of attraction.

Recognize this, learn how to embrace it and make it work, and then have fun with reaching to his attraction in this new and innovative way!

When he really loves you and is committed to you, he thinks you get more attractive through the years:

When things are good and the forever commitment comes about, he finds you more attractive through the years.

Many women don’t believe it when their man tells them that they are more attractive the older that they get, but to them it’s true.

When you live through life experiences together, have kids together, and build a life together, he finds things about you attractive that others may not even recognize.

This is deep and true love and where the ultimate level of attraction ends up!

This takes a while to get to, but it cements commitment and ultimately shows you that you have a good guy.

He may see you as an irresistibly attractive woman when you feel your worst.

That just goes to show that attraction changes and evolves through the years—and that’s good for both parties.

I will stop here. I believe you enjoyed reading this article on what makes a woman irresistible to a man.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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