May 5, 2022

17 Ways To Play With Her Intimate Parts And Give Her Full Body Orgasm

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Do you know what woman needs sexually or how to give her full body orgasm?

Dude, if you really know it's awesome! But if you do not know I am here to help you become the sexual master and the sexiest bad boy lovers of all time.

But before I explain what she needs sexually to experience full body orgasm I request you to read some of these testimonials of my female clients explaining what they need sexually to achieve full body orgasm.

"I don’t think I could be with a guy who didn’t make me orgasm- I love the feeling too much. All my senses become heightened, my body tingles and I just go into this state of complete euphoria. It’s like fireworks in my pelvis! If I have a really intense one, I feel like I’m walking on air for hours afterwards”- Arielle, 25

“The best orgasm I’ve ever had was with an ex-boyfriend- I think it’s always better when you’re with someone you love, as you feel safe and comfortable. One night, we had sex three times. The last time, I came so hard I actually ended up sobbing. I was so relaxed and pleasured, all the emotion just came flooding out”- Alexandra, 31

“To me, an orgasm is like a massive release of pressure. Having sex is great and I’m lucky because I can have more than one orgasm a session. It feels so strange when I come, because my legs shake and I get all sweaty. It’s usually just so intense that I go into my own little world”- Melanie, 26

“Every orgasm’s different for me. At worst, they’re subtle; at best, mind-blowing, making my body melt like butter. The best are when my boyfriend’s penis hits my cervix at the point of climax”- Jasmine, 30

“When my boyfriend works his magic, I feel a wave of warm air sweeping over me. My orgasms don’t last very long- only a few seconds- but we’re trying a few new things. If I arch my back, I come harder. I’ve asked friends what they suggest and they all say, “Experiment”! I love the pulsing feeling: it’s like there’s a heartbeat pumping right in my vagina!”- Vera, 29

“I never used to have orgasm until I bought a vibrator. Not only did it get me off, it also helped me work out exactly where and how I like to be touched. Once I discovered what worked best for me, all I had to do was tell my boyfriend. Luckily, he’s great at following instructions, and now whenever he touches me that way, I always come.”- Suzy, 27

Don’t these confessions emails you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

I bet you wish your girlfriend was one of these women, don’t you?

Well, I have some good news for you. This fantasy of yours is by no means impossible! 

Your girlfriend can and will reach this kind of euphoric peak and full body orgasm.

You just have to follow the pieces of advice that I have for you here to master how to love a woman like a pro.

So what women really want and need in bed, and what buttons to push, when, in order for her to end up basking in the afterglow of the most orgasmic feel it ever crossed her body.

It’s not difficult.

There are only three main things that are of utmost importance and that you should never neglect: a good foreplay, indulging in good-quality clitoris stroking and mastering the G spot techniques that will most surely set her on fire. Read carefully and start applying tonight!

1) Foreplay for dummies Newsflash: foreplay is about quality, not quantity.

Here’s how to get the balance right if you want to please her sexually and want her to have full body orgasm during intercourse.

2) Be into it. The female body isn’t a car engine, and I’m sure your girlfriend didn’t employ you as a mechanic to do a “job”.

Being turned on for a woman is as much psychological as it is physical, which is why one of her biggest turn-on is you being turned on.

For a woman, there’s no such thing as a man being too passionate in the sack, so let loose.

Also, know that foreplay doesn’t necessarily refer to the minutes before the actual intercourse; it is the combined effect of your behavior long before any sex takes place.

“There is something crucial before physical foreplay.

It is all of the talking and actions that have happened during the last twelve hours or so of togetherness”, says Aline Zoldbrod, author of Sex Talk. 

So make sure you are showing her your feeling of passion every time, not just when you want to get lucky and… score some.

When it does come time to get to business, don’t be shy and play around with different moves.

Maybe what gets her off is having her toes sucked, or her neck bitten, or her bottom spanked, but the only way to find out is to have lots of practice.

It’s actually more exciting if you are doing it without the pressure of moving on to penetrative sex; this way you are keeping her guessing, which does wonderful things for her sexual arousal

After all, it’s true what Mae West said: “Too much of a good thing is wonderful.”

3) Target her other erogenous zones to make her squirt and orgasm.

“Don’t there” might be the star of the show, but it’s not the whole cast.

Touch her all over, and play with her erogenous zones feeling and exploring every bit to give her full body orgasm. 

Nibble a little on everything, from head to toe.

Some of the hottest spots are the neck, ear lobes, tummy and inner thighs. Or try massage oils and toys.

4) Watch her.

If she’s moaning, convulsing or sighing, then whatever you’re doing is working.

Every girl’s different, so there are no rules- just take your lust for her and your slightly dirty imagination, and start experimenting.

5) Acknowledge the importance of the clitoris.

The female body isn’t so simple.

Sure, it feels good for her when your penis glides back and forth inside her vagina, yet these motions alone probably won’t escalate her ecstasy level to the point where she will climax. 

That’s because there’s little or no stimulation of the clitoris, the tiny bliss button about a centimeter north of the vagina that is the real key to achieving a full body orgasm. 

“The vast majority of nerves that give a woman sexual pleasure are located in the clitoris, not in the vagina, so penetration alone likely won’t trigger an orgasm”, says Jane Bogart, author of Sexploration: The Ultimate Guide to Feeling Truly Great in Bed.

All those movie scenes where the woman moans in orgasmic pleasure while her partner pounds away?

Don’t fall for that.

Another factor that trips up a chick’s climax potential is that the clitoris is sooo incredibly sensitive, it’s difficult for her to reach Kingdom Come unless you’re hitting the right balance of pressure and speed.

The clitoris and the penis have about the same amount of nerves, but the clitoris packs them into a much smaller space, so it’s more responsive to the slightest touch.

The fact that the clitoris is not inside the vagina might seem, at first sight, like Mother Nature’s little joke, but imagine if you’d thrust against it during sex, given how sensitive it is.

She’d be crying out in pain, not pleasure!

6) The G spot road map.

Because I know you hate asking for directions, here’s the info you need to surprise her tonight.

And yes, G spot is orgasm’s first cousin. What the hell is it?

The elusive G spot has been described as the Loch Ness monster of the sexual world because it can be so hard to find.

But it equals guaranteed pleasure.

Just so you know what to look for, it’s a small kidney-shaped piece of flesh that feels like wrinkled skin and is located approximately 5-8 cm inside the vagina, directly behind the pubic bone.

So, how do I find it?

The G spot can only be felt during arousal, so sped time stoking her fires before going exploring.

Get her to lie on her back, knees bent, with her feet flat on the bed and a pillow under her butt.

Slide your index finger inside her, making sure the pad of your finger is touching the top wall (where her belly button is).

The area around the G spot should feel smooth and taut, but the spot itself will feel fleshy, puffy or wrinkled.

But what do I do with it? The G spot responds to firm pressure, but be aware that it can prompt many women to feel a brief need to urinate.

Use your index finger to put pressure on the spot by gently tapping it or making the motion.

When massaging her G spot, it should start to swell and firm up.

Don’t get freaked out if she ejaculates a small amount of fluid when she comes- this is completely normal.

7) Lend her your orgasm strategies.

You guys tend to ask on your instincts more, especially when it comes to sex.

You do what feels good without over thinking it.

If your girlfriend adopted your mentality she would definitely climax easier and more frequently than before.

In the name of sexual equality, I think it’s only appropriate that you lend her some of your bedroom mentality.

Here’s what you should teach her.

8) That she should always feel doable.

You could spend the entire day eating junk food and still want sex when you get home. 

But if a woman eats too much- or feel bloated or have a “fat” or “ugly” day- she often shuts down her sex drive.

The reason? “Women have this notion that they don’t deserve sex unless they look and feel absolutely perfect, but that’s total crap”, says Cynthia Gentry, author of What Men Really Want In Bed.

When you pick up on her feelings and realize she doesn’t want it, you are less inclined to ask for it, which only reinforces her thinking that she’s not sexually attractive.

The result is a lot less sex for everyone involved.

What you should do: tell her that you want her anytime, anyhow, and that you don’t care about the small stuff, like if her skin is soft enough or she’s a bit bloated from eating dinner.

If she realizes that there’s no point worrying about the small stuff, she’ll be able to truly let go and enjoy climaxing sex with you.

9) That little things are big turn-ons and add up to her journey of experiencing full body orgasm.

It doesn’t take much to get you excited.

If you spot a millimeter of skin between her top and jeans, you start thinking about what she looks like naked… and presto, you are in the mood.

Statistics show that most men think about sex throughout the day, so it’s only natural that you associate things with sex. 

By the time your girlfriend gets home, the sexual tension has been building up for so long that you are raring to go.

But she works differently. Women think about sex when it’s time for sex, but they often don’t allow seemingly non-sexual things to trigger thoughts of that kind of pleasure.

What you should do: teach her to think in a sexual way.

Tell her to open herself up to the possibility of arousal at anytime.

Start by exercising this together: take a copy of a sexy magazine and dare her to tell you how the naked pictures are making her feel.

She’ll soon pick up the speed and arousal will happen just as natural for her as it does for you.

And this will make the experience of sex much better than ever before.

Don't Miss: How to Have Great Sex (15 Steps to Make HER Feel Awesome Again) 

10) That her crotch is gorgeous.

From the time you were a little boy, you worshiped your package- you played with it, took extra care to protect it, and sometimes referred to it as if it were a person.

“The love affair men have with their genitalia actually helps them have better sex, because they know every inch of it and what touches and moves bring maximum pleasure”, says Yvonne K. Fulbright, author of Pleasuring: The Secrets to Sexual Satisfaction.

Women on the other hand typically don’t have the same kind of self love.

Most women focus only on the clitoris and ignore other parts of their genitalia. 

What you should do: show her that there are many other spots that can be arousing, and that it will enhance her sex life if she becomes familiar with them.

Have her engage in a masturbation experience while you are watching, and tell her what spots to touch, thus making sure she doesn’t miss any.

11) That practice makes perfect.

You make sure you have as much sex as possible- solo or with your girlfriend.

And there’s a biological reason why. You have more testosterone, which is one of the factors that make you want sex more.

What you should do: tell her that climaxing frequently can boost her sex drive, making it more akin to yours.

Having a full body orgasm actually helps her produce more testosterone, which will make her want sex more often.

That means that even if she’s not with you, she should be regularly bringing herself to climax.

Masturbating is a great way for her to experiment and see what works for her, and she shouldn’t deny herself the pleasure.

12) That it’s all about focus.

Outside the bedroom, women have a huge advantage over men because they are so much better at multitasking.

But in bed, it can be seriously detrimental.

Because they tend to think of many different things during sex, they often get thrown off track when it comes to enjoying the act and reaching an orgasm.

You, on the other hand, focus solely on what you are doing: how it feels when you thrust into her or the way her breasts feel against your chest.

What you should do: advise her to practice paying attention to exactly what she is seeing and feeling, since it will be much easier for her to stay in the moment and enjoy herself.

When you caress her, tell her to really think about how her body is reacting.

Is she getting goose pumps?

Does she feel herself warm up under your hands?

If she stops worrying about how she looks or the way she performs, she will be able to feel highly erotic, which is the first step to achieving the much desired orgasm.

13) Mattress tricks for orgasm hits

The secrets to prolonging her pleasure.

So you’ve learned the basics, but is it enough? Of course not, not on my watch at least!

We've prepared a generous orgasm learning man manual, filled with tricks that you wouldn’t even believe work so well... now here's some more juicy stuff.

14) Revisit the classics.

There’s a reason why the missionary position remains the most popular way for many couples to have sex. 

It’s the mashed potatoes of making love: you know exactly what it will taste like and you know it will make you happy.

Also, it’s among the best sex positions that guarantee the presence of the much eluded orgasm.

Of course, as long as you are doing it right.

The secret here is to obtain a deeper-than-ever degree of penetration. Avodah Offit, author of The Sexual Self, suggests you try this sexy variation:

“Have her pull her knees up to her chest, then spread them just wide enough for you to get between them.

With her calves on either sides of your back, she should support your weight on the back of her thighs.

If she wants to move, she can rock back and forth with you.”

The fact that the clitoris is the main character in this scenario makes a world of difference as far as her full body orgasm is concerned.

The keens are the pivotal point of action here.

While you are lying on your back, have her straddle you, facing forwards.

She should rest her hands on your thighs while you hold her knees and lift them a couple of centimeters off the bed.

Keep the penetration shallow and rock back and forth- the whole point is your penis will come out and gently touch her clitoris each time you thrust.

15) Buy her a vibrator.

Every girl should have one. It takes just minutes to climax, and the more orgasm she has, the more she wants, so it’s great for her libido. 

Plus this means she’ll be more eager to try with you what she learned with her technological buddy.

A good hand job will make her lady parts scream with pleasure.

A bad one though will leave her sore, frustrated and sexually dissatisfied. 

The best technique to go at it: grasp the outer lips of her vulva with your thumb and index finger of one hand, while running the middle finger of your other hand over and around the entrance to her vagina, feeling the wetness coming alive.

For more intense sensations, get your mouth involved also.

The contrast between your dry fingers and your hot and moist tongue will leave her clueless about where all that pleasure is coming from.

17) Teach her the solo player technique.

Often in a stable relationship, the frequency of masturbation sessions drops off in the case of women.

This is all well and good, but when there’s a lack of orgasm, which breeds negativity and frustration, many women associate it with the sex act itself, which may be completely wrong.

That’s why it’s crucial that she is able to make herself come satisfactorily, so that she is sure that the problem does not come from her side.

However, the way she self-pleasures is also important.

“Most people fail to take the best possible pleasure from masturbation because they do it to relieve themselves, rather than for pleasure”, says Vera Bodansky, author of The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm.

In order for her masturbating routine to be pleasurable, preparations are important.

Some women prefer to take advantage of the heat of the moment, while other would rather take their time, maybe take a bath first, or perhaps read an erotic novel to get some saucy ideas.

However, the most crucial thing is not to rush things up.

Before getting down to business, she should make sure she is pleasantly warm and stimulated.

This is where you come in, to give her a hand. Experiment with what feels good for her, tease her nipples, run your hands over the whole pubic region, then leave her to finish the job.

“Masturbation is the primary sexual activity of mankind.

In the nineteenth century it was a disease; in the twentieth, it’s a cure”, said Thomas Szasz, author of Psychiatry: The Science of Lies. Make sure she knows that.

So dude, I will stop here. I believe this 17 points are amazing enough to help you the master the art of giving your girl full body orgasm every time you sleep with her.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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