May 5, 2022

How to Start Sexting a Girl You Like (Advanced Sexting Techniques)

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Do you know why some average looking guys are fortunate enough to sleep with hot girls? It’s because they know how to start sexting a girl also called as dirty sexting.

Well. Sharing your script by sexting a girl or by using dirty pickup lines is great because it’s easy to be bold behind a keyboard. Your hands can be trembling with nerves, but your words will be bold and explicit.

They know how to talk dirty and arouse a woman sexually. Don’t worry.

Now, you too can sext a girl and say all the things you always wanted to say and not worry that you might get tongue-tied.

You can relax and create well-crafted replies, build anticipation, and gain confidence having conversations this way.

Since, she won’t be able to hear your tone of voice or see your body language, make sure you use emoticons like winks or smiley faces to convey playfulness when appropriate.

I rarely text without emoticons. A little wink face can go a long way to set the tone and women love them!

Before you how to start sexting a girl you like, first make sure it’s a good time.

#1. Delivering Dirty Talking Script by Text

You can begin by simply sending a text like, “I have a fun story that I want to share with you over several texts. Let me know when you are ready for me to begin.”

Let her know you will be doing the typing and that she can just sit back and enjoy.

Once she's given you the green light, grab your script and start typing it out. Send it just a few lines at a time.

Use ellipses (. . .) at the end of each transmission to indicate you'll be sending more in a minute.

You want to break it up this way because sending one really lengthy text can create technical issues.

Some phone carriers will jumble up long texts and the messages may arrive to her out of order. You don't want that to happen!

The other reason you want to break up the story with short texts is that you can build anticipation this way.

Right before you get to a really juicy part of the action, you can wait a few minutes.

Leave her anxiously hanging there. Teasing her. She may get antsy and ask you to continue. Toy with her and say, “Patience darling,” or “Ok, good. I still have your attention.”

This is how to start sexting a girl you like.

You can also break down a long movie plot over a few days.

Send the first quarter of the story over several naughty texts.

And as the plot gets exciting, send a “to be continued tomorrow ” text. She will probably complain, but this is a very deliberate way to get her hooked and craving your next texts.

When you want to resume the exchange, send a text: “I'm ready to continue my story. Are you ready? ” and await her reply before you begin.

When you reach the end of the movie script, you can let her know by texting: “The End .” See how she replies, but understand that she may not say anything right away. That's totally OK!

Some girls won't know quite what to say the first time you do this, but that does NOT mean they didn't enjoy it.

#2. How to start sexting a girl you like By Phone 

Sharing your script over the phone is also a great option. Her hearing your voice and the option to have back and forth communication adds another dimension of arousal for her.

You also have the added advantage of sounding confident to her even if you look nervous.

Make sure that you read through your script many times before you actually pick up the phone.

You don’t need to memorize it, but you do want to feel confident in how you sound saying these things out loud.

Practicing will also help you work some of the jitters out.

Alter the tone and cadence of your voice in order to find out what feels most natural and sounds most sexy to you.

You might feel a little silly at first, but the more you get used to saying your script out loud, the more confident you will become and the easier and more natural it will be sexting her during the call.

Since, most people want to share this kind of story with the goal of having an orgasm, or making a woman squirt it’s important to plan it out.

Make sure you choose a time when she will be alone and not distracted. If it’s your wife, maybe do it when one of you is away on business.

It’s easier to do this if you are dating someone but don’t live together.

If you’re in a long distance relationship, this can become a core element of your relationship.

So you’ve selected the time of your call, she might have a clue about what is going to happen, this is good! Anticipation is your friend!

#3. Before you call her to sext.

Take some deep breathes.

Read over your script and have it ready.

Make yourself comfortable. Be naked or put on something really cozy. Maybe lie on your bed.

Dim the lights.

Make sure all distractions are at bay (children, pets, etc.).

Have lube or a Fleshlight available if you want.

Remember you are confident and attractive and about to do something that is totally going to blow her mind and make her want you desperately.

If you want to do all the talking and just let her listen, tell her at the beginning of the story. Just say you have a story to share and she can just sit back, relax, and listen.

Read slowly, take your time, take breaths between lines.

When you reach the end, you can ask her how she liked it. She will probably be a little speechless.

You can stay on the phone and chat, or you can just end the call quickly and allow her to bask in the afterglow of what just happened.

I recommend getting off the phone quickly. Switching the conversation to mundane things can take away from the intimacy that was just created. Leave her on a high note.

#4. How to start dirty sexting with a girl on Skype?

With Skype, you can do a voice only call, but I am specifically talking about delivering your sexting with the video on!

Does the idea of being able to see each other in real time make you a little nervous?

Doing a video call is a more advanced form of delivery.

It’s a good idea, since there is a high expectation that you will be watching each other masturbate, to make certain that she feels comfortable with that.

You can do this by simply asking her. Say something like, “Hey. I think it would be really hot if we had Skype sex.

What do you think? Is that something you would be comfortable with?” And see what she says.

Some women don’t masturbate and, if that sounds like your woman, I would definitely deliver you’re the texts via or email, before attempting this type of delivery.

Ease her in slowly before seducing her. You could even buy her a vibrator, and before you start your story, ask her if she has it charged and close by.

Some of you may never feel up to doing a video call. You may not have the ability, if you live with the person, or you may not have the technology.

And that’s fine, if you stick to phone or text delivery.

Also, some women would love to have Skype sex with you, but are afraid that you might take screenshots and aren’t sure whether they want to be exposed like that, which is a legitimate concern.

You can promise her that you won’t (and make sure you keep that promise!), and hopefully you guys have built enough trust that she will believe you and go ahead and give it a try.

The preparation is much the same as doing a phone call. Make sure you practice reading it aloud many times, before you schedule the video call.

Remember sexting a girl on phone or video is an art that you’ll slowly and it’s not an overnight thing.

You will also want to practice in front of the mirror. Facial expressions are important, since this is a video call.

Think about being “in character” when you read through. Yes, you are playing yourself, but don’t be afraid to enhance certain aspects of yourself and act a little bit.

With video, it is crucial that you arrange the time with her. Let her know you want to do a video call when she can be totally alone and uninterrupted.

With whatever application you are going to use, I recommend that you have at least one non-video experience first to get her in the mood.

This way she knows a little bit about what to expect and may be less nervous, as a result.

Install the app, and make sure that you have added each other to your contacts.

You can use FaceTime or Google Hangouts for your delivery as well, whichever you prefer.

I know Skype can be finicky though, so make sure everything is in order beforehand.

You don’t want your nerves to get rattled by technical difficulties before sharing your dirty sexting script.

Tell her you want to try a video call just to see her face. Talk about anything.

This is your tech-trial run for your script, only she doesn’t know it.

#5. Before You Call Her Up On Video: 

Make sure you’ve done at least one video call together, so you are comfortable using the technology first. Yes, I just said that. It’s important, so listen to me.

Read through your printed out script. Since, you are probably on your computer for this one, I recommend that you print it out and have it on hand.

If you can, put on something similar to what you say you have on (or not on) in the script. You may be shirtless or wearing her favorite shirt . . .

Dim the lights slightly, but not so much that the camera doesn’t work.

Make sure all distractions are at bay (no children, pet, etc.).

Make sure the environment is tidy. Don’t have a pile of dirty clothes in the background!

#6. Remember, you are confident and you are about to blow her mind! 

When you get her online, go ahead and tell her that you have a story you want to share.

Give her permission to sit back, watch, and listen.

When you reach the end of the script, let her know you are done. Just like the phone call, I recommend ending it quickly.

Keep in mind she may be really wet at this point.

And if she is slightly shy and didn’t masturbate for you this time, she probably wants to do that right now. Or she may want to rush over to your house immediately!

#7. Frequently expressed concerns: 

I’m nervous that my dirty sexting script isn’t very good. – Don’t worry you can copy my dirty talking secrets here.

It’s natural to feel that way. But keep in mind that she is not expecting this, so she has no expectations about how it should sound.

Keep it playful and fun! It doesn’t have to be perfect. You aren’t auditioning for a starring role in a Martin Scorsese film.

I feel stupid using this kind of language. It doesn’t sound like me (or her).

If the dialogue doesn’t sound like either of you, you can change it so that it feels more realistic.

However, this is a sexting script, and while you are each playing yourselves, you are playing creative versions or characters of yourselves.

You have creative license to embellish and talk differently than you do in real life. You might feel silly at first but practicing will build your confidence.

If phone or video sex still feels like too much after practicing, you can still have a great experience delivering it through text.

I don’t (or she doesn’t) use text messaging.

You can also use email instead. Either send it as one entire email or break it down into two or three.

With email you don’t need to break it down line by line. In fact, I don’t recommend doing that.

One very important thing if you do use email:

Do not use a company or work email to do this. Most companies have policies in place that either prohibit (or frown upon) personal use of company email.

Also, your messages are stored on a company server where people in the IT department can access them and possibly read them.

So use your personal email accounts only!

She replies back to my texts trying to contribute to the story.

If she tries to reply back with ideas for the story line, you can do two things.

If you don't want her input and want to be solely in control, let her know that you are delivering the story this time.

Say “Shhhh . . . babe.

 I'm delivering the story this time. Just sit back and let me share from dirty sexting examples.”

Or, if you are open to improvisation, begin to incorporate her ideas.

You can try to keep the story line close to the script or just run with it and see where both of your creative dirty minds take things!

Again, there is no right way or wrong way. Letting her participate can be a lot of fun . . . It can also be a great way to gather more info about what really turns her on.

I don’t (or she doesn’t) use Skype (or other video calling app).

That's no big deal, you can keep your delivery to just text/email or phone.

Or, if you feel up to it, you could share your script in person and even act it out.

I got to the end of the script, texted “The End,” and she didn't reply back. What does that mean?

It could mean she masturbated and is now basking in orgasmic bliss.

It could also mean she's surprised and caught off guard by this sexy side of you and isn't sure what to say right now.

The important thing is not to panic! Assume the best. Give her some time to collect her thoughts.

If you are apart due to a trip or some other long-distance situation, send her a text the next day and ask something simple like “How is your day?” or “How'd you sleep last night?” See how she replies.

You can then ask if she enjoyed your story. She might reply back only with a simple “Yes” or a smiley-face. That is good feedback!

I will stop here. I hope you liked reading this article on how to start sexting a girl you like.

Now if you are still with me. I want you to Watch This Video Here. Trust me it’s awesome and you’ll enjoy watching.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
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