May 4, 2022

How to Eat Pussy Like a Pro (14 Steps To Drive Her Wild)

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How to eat pussy like a champ - Step by step how to lick pussy

“Learn to give a woman great head, and welcome yourself to a lifetime of pleasure.” – T. Harvey.

Today you will learn how to eat pussy like a pro and give amazing oral sex to your girl to become the undisputed king of the bedroom.

Oral sex can be one of the most pleasurable and intimate experience you and your partner can have together, but it’s also one of the trickiest forms of sexual play.

Women’s bodies can seem a lot more complicated than male bodies, so it’s easy for men to feel a little lost and confused when giving their partners cunnilingus.

In this step by step guide, I’ll explain, how certain types of stimulation work well with oral sex and give you tips and specific instructions about how to eat her pussy the right way and give an explosive orgasm.

If you truly desire to become an oral sex god and make her scream your name so loud that everyone in your neighborhood will reverence you then it’s time to master this secret art of giving oral sex to a woman.

Learn exactly step-by-step how to eat pussy like a pro and have control over her sexual mind.

Complaints About Oral Sex By Women All Over The World.

One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard from my female subscribers is about the lack of great oral sex skills in men.

They keep complaining about their men not knowing how to give good oral sex to a woman. In simple words, most men do not know how to please her with your mouth.

One of my subscribers from Canada says – “I give him blow jobs all the time, but he never returns the favor. I keep waiting for him to get the message.”

One subscriber from U.S. said – “My man gives my pussy a good college try, but he’s terrible at it. I hate encouraging his poor oral sex skills, so I just want it to end so I usually fake an orgasm or tell him I’m ready to fuck.”

Another U.S. subscriber said “He has one move – hard and fast. He doesn’t understand that licking a pussy is an art and my clit has to slowly build to being able to handle that much pressure and speed.”

One woman from Australia said – “Teeth! Why does he use his teeth?!”

I totally understand that for a lot of you, eating pussy can feel intimidating. Especially if you are chasing her orgasm to prove your virility and confidence.

The reality is, the pussy can be a mysterious, fickle creature and, if not handled properly, can lead to enormous frustration for women.

So I request you to spare some time to learn step-by-step how to eat pussy like a pro and please her with your mouth.

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Understanding Interesting Facts About Female Body (Corner Stone to Learning Cunnilingus Techniques)

Before you can give her oral sex, it’s essential that you have a good understanding of where everything is located.

It’s probably been a long time since your last biology class, so here’s a quick review of the different erogenous parts of a woman’s sexual anatomy.

Vulva The External Female Sex Organ.

Vulva – The collective term for a women’s external sex organs is the vulva, which includes everything from the top of the pubic hairline down to the anus.

Outer Labia The Part Around The Pubic Hair.

Outer Labia – Also called the “labia majora” or “outer lips,” the outer labia are the thick, fleshy upper parts of a woman’s vulva that are covered with pubic hair. The size of a woman’s outer labia can vary. Most women are very sensitive in this area, especially with respect to light, teasing touches.

Inner Labia the Part that Covers The Vaginal Opening And Urethra.

Inner Labia – The inner labia, also called “labia minora” or “inner lips,” cover the vaginal opening and urethra.

By spreading open the outer labia, you can see the inner labia on either side of the vaginal opening.

Like the outer labia, the size of a woman’s inner labia can vary widely in size and appearance.

When a woman is aroused, the sensitive inner labia can swell and become hypersensitive, and it can often become very responsive to touch.

Clitoral Hood At The External Tip Of The Clitoris.

Clitoral Hood – The little flap of skin that covers the external tip of the clitoris is the clitoral hood.

It’s a sensitive bit of skin that responds well to all different kinds of stimulation, mostly because it sends pleasure signals through to the clitoris.

Women who find direct clitoral stimulation too sensitive might prefer stimulation to the clitoral hood instead.

Clitoris Also Known As “Pink Pearl”

Clitoris – Did you know that the clitoris is the only organ in the human body that exists solely to provide sexual pleasure?

You’d better make sure you know where it is!

If you hold apart the outer labia so that it makes an inverted U, the external tip of the clitoris is located at the top, where the inner lips meet.

But that’s just the outside! A woman’s clitoris is actually about four or five inches long and extends into her body in the form of “crura” sensitive erectile tissue extended with nerves.

During oral sex while licking her clit, you’ll be stimulating the tip of the clitoris, but she’ll feel the effects much deeper inside.

Vagina The Sexual Part That Every Men Crave.

Vagina –  You’d better know where this part is located! The vagina is the opening between the clitoris and anus and, although it isn’t particularly sensitive to very light touches, will usually respond well to pressure and other forms of firm stimulation, including penetration.

Perineum The Area Between The Vaginal Opening And The Anus.

Perineum – The small, sensitive flap of skin between the vaginal and anal openings is known as the perineum. This area is responsive to gentle licking and touching.

G-Spot The Sensitive Part Named After Ernst Grafenberg.

G Spot – The G spot is a rough, sensitive patch of skin located on the anterior internal wall of the vagina, about two inches up.

The easiest way to find the G spot is to cup your hand over your partner’s vulva, palm to skin, and insert your first two fingers into her vagina, making a “come hither” motion.

The G spot feels rough and textured to the touch and responds well to direct stimulation during sexual play.

When it comes to eating her pussy the right way detailed knowledge of these sexual parts is very significant. If you’re doing it right, good oral sex will involve stimulation to all these different parts.

The Final Preparation Before Giving Her Mind-Blowing Oral Sex.

Now that you have a better understanding of how the female body works, it’s time to put that knowledge to use and learn how to eat her pussy like a real pro.

As you read through this next part, which gives you specific techniques to use for giving her amazing oral and manual sex, keep in mind that these are general tips and guidelines.

You and your partner will figure out what works best for you.

Think of oral sex as a recipe in a cookbook. The first time you try a new recipe, it’s best to stick to the instructions.

However, once you’ve made the dish a few times, you can tweak the recipe to make it something you, specifically, will enjoy.

Oral sex for her isn’t much different. If you’re new to cunnilingus, follow the steps I outline, and then try mixing things up a little.

Once you are more proficient, you’ll have a much better idea of what your partner needs for an earth-shattering climax.

Hygiene Before Performing Cunnilingus.

You’re almost ready to get started, but there are few more things you should know before you start playing or kissing her vagina.

At the end of the day, neither of you are at your most hygienic, which could be an issue given the intimate nature of oral sex.

Although you’ll primarily be using your tongue and mouth to perform oral sex, you’ll want to use your hands too, so make sure they’re in the right shape for touching her very sensitive areas.

Even the best oral sex can be ruined if you’ve bigger nails. I’m not saying that you have to go to a nail salon—just make sure your nails are clean and smooth, with no sharp edges before you finger her vagina.

The vulva and surrounding areas are covered with extremely soft, sensitive skin, which can become easily irritated if your face is stubbly.

Give yourself a fresh shave before beginning oral sex, or, if you wear a beard, trim it carefully.

Even though trimming or waxing all or some of the pubic area is common for many women, it’s not the standard for everyone.

If your partner doesn’t “ladyscape” her pubic mound, it’s her choice.

However, if you find that you have difficulty giving her great oral sex because there’s too much hair in the way, talk to her about the problem.

The solution may be as simple as having her trim the area around her outer labia.

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Steps on How to Perform Oral Sex Like a Real Pro.

The following sections are meant to build on each other.

Once you have mastered the basics of pussy eating, as described here, move onto the next two techniques, which are more advanced.

Regardless of which technique you use, you’ll want to read through each technique carefully to see what you might want to incorporate.

Section One: How to perform ORAL SEX. Create a Sensual Atmosphere Before Going Down On Her.

Just as you would with any other intimate encounter with your partner, make sure the environment is safe and sexy so that you can give her the maximum pleasure.

Try these tips for the most romantic and fulfilling experience.

Not enough men realize how important it is to create a total experience while performing oral sex.

The act itself isn’t enough; you must tease her first to set the stage for cunnilingus and also create a space that appeals to her senses.

Here Are The Important Steps For Setting The Right Atmosphere Before Eating Her Pussy.


Good music can make or break any sexual experience, but especially oral sex:

Can you imagine how unsexy it would be to try to lick her pussy when horrible music is playing?

Make a playlist on your iPod or select a few CDs ahead of time, music you know your partner likes before you start pleasing her.


Women worry a lot about how they might taste. If she showers first, she’ll be a lot more relaxed.

But you can also appeal to her sense of taste before you begin giving her cunnilingus by bringing a few tasty things into the bedroom, like champagne, strawberries or whipped cream.


Aside from making sure she smells good, you’ll want to appeal to her sense of smell by making sure the environment smells good.

Scented candles or incense are popular ways to create a relaxing, spa-like atmosphere.


Tactile stimulation is so important! She’s going to be spending a lot of time on the bed, so make sure the bed is comfortable and conducive to an amazing oral experience.

Invest in quality sheets and bedding, and make sure they’re clean before your romantic encounter.

Tease Her And Compliment Her

Women usually don’t want to be intimate when they aren’t looking or feeling their best. Tell her how beautiful she is and how much you love being with her.

Tease her by playing with her hair, neck and lips. Compliment her outfit, shoes or hair. Be honest and sincere!

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Section Two: Find A Comfortable Position For Oral Sex.

One of the chief complaints I hear from men is that because giving her oral sex can take a long time, they can become physically uncomfortable after a while.

Although her pleasure is most important, if you get a crick in your neck while performing cunnilingus, you might be so focused on your own discomfort that you have trouble concentrating on the task at hand: bringing her to oral climax.

Try one (or more!) of these sex positions

Oral Sex Position #1: Man on Top For Licking Her Out.

The most common way to perform cunnilingus is with the woman lying on her back on the bed while you lie between her legs with your head over her vulva.

The benefits to this position are clear: You’ll have the easiest access to her pleasure spots.

If you’re new to giving her oral sex, try this position first. If you have physical trouble sustaining it long enough to bring her to orgasm, try one of the other positions.

Oral Sex Position #2: Woman On Top For Eating Her Pussy.

In this position you lie on the bed, while your partner straddles your face at the top of the bed.

She might like this position best as it will give her more control over her pleasure:

She can move around and steer you toward areas she’d like to be stimulated.

It’s also easier for you!

You’ll be in the most comfortable position in bed, so you may be able to spend more time pleasuring her.

You can also move her around more, holding her buttocks from behind to guide her to your mouth and tongue.

Note: Not all women like this position best.

She may find that she feels too exposed or uncomfortable with her body to really enjoy herself.

If that’s the case, try one of the other positions

Oral Sex Position #3: Eating Her Pussy From Behind.

Another common way to perform oral sex is from behind her.

Have her kneel on the bed on all fours, as she would if you were having intercourse from behind (“doggy style”).

Kneel, lie or sit behind her—whatever is most comfortable for you—while you give her oral sex.

She can either remain on all fours or lie over pillows to keep her body raised in back, giving you access to her body.

You’ll basically be doing everything backward, so you may want to master one of the other positions first.

However, once you know what pleases her, you may find that she prefers this position most.

Oral Sex Position #4: 69 – Licking Each Other Out.

Giving each other oral sex at the same time can be extremely pleasurable for both of you. However, it can also be very distracting!

If she’s making you feel so good that you can’t concentrate on her pleasure, then you won’t be able to give her good oral sex.

Once you get better at performing cunnilingus, try the 69 position.

Until then, stick with a position that allows you to focus on what you’re doing.

Tease Her Sexually With These Sex Moves.

You’ve set a romantic atmosphere and found a position that works for you, so now it’s time to start pleasing her with your mouth.

Before you “go for the gold” and start using your tongue and mouth to stimulate her vulva, tease her a little using these sex moves.

Give Her Neck And Shoulder Massage.

Massage will not only release any lingering tension she might be experiencing, but also give you the opportunity to begin touching her in a sensual manner.

Erotic massage is a great way to begin the experience.

Kiss Her.

Of course you’ll want to kiss her lips, but for good oral, you’ll want to go a bit further.

Before you get your mouth anywhere near her vulva, vagina or clitoris, use your tongue and lips to kiss her skin, traveling the same route as your fingers and hands did when you were stroking her body.

This kind of foreplay will not only get her into the mood, but will also make a nice transition between touching and oral. Try a few of these ideas:

  1. Kiss a path from her neck to her breasts.
  1. Gently nibble and lick a path along her inner arms, starting at the wrist and ending at the crease of her elbow.
  1. Kiss and tongue the erogenous zones on her skin, like the area around her navel, her back and her nipples.
  1. Kiss and lick in a lineup from the back of her knees and up the inner edges of her thighs. Spend a lot of time kissing and licking the tops of her inner thighs, just below her pubic mound. This will drive her crazy!
  1. Kiss the area around her pubic mound, and then go back and use your tongue on the same area.
  2. As you continue kissing, licking and nibbling, escalate the action, starting out slowly and picking up the pace until she’s ready for more. Once you’ve thoroughly aroused her, you can move on to give her amazing oral sex.

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Section Three: Step-by-Step Simple Checklist on How to Eat Pussy.

Once you’ve spent time seducing her mind and body, you can move onto the main event: mind-blowing oral sex.

Although there’s no right or wrong way to orally pleasure, beginners should follow this basic plan before improvising.

Step #1 – Spread her legs.

You might already have been kissing her inner thighs, so her legs might already be spread, but make sure you have enough room when you start orally manipulating her.

She should be comfortable, so don’t spread her legs too wide.

Step #2 – Kiss the area around her vulva.

Use your tongue and lips to stimulate the area around her vulva, including the area just above her pubic hair and the very tops of her inner thighs.

Note: If you don’t remember (or don’t know) what the vulva is, please refer to the “Understanding Interesting Facts About Female Body (Corner Stone to become a Sex God)” section of this guide above.

Move around the vulva to place kisses and licks around her entire pubic area. At the same time, use your fingers to stroke areas of her skin that your lips aren’t touching, like her abdomen, buttocks and lower back, if you can reach it.

Step #2 – Kiss the area around her vulva.

Use your tongue and lips to stimulate the area around her vulva, including the area just above her pubic hair and the very tops of her inner thighs.

Move around the vulva to place kisses and licks around her entire pubic area.

At the same time, use your fingers to stroke areas of her skin that your lips aren’t touching, like her abdomen, buttocks and lower back, if you can reach it.

Step #3 – Open her lips.

Use both hands to gently spread her outer labia, which will give you access to her vagina, clitoris and clitoral hood.

Start by slowly kissing and nuzzling the sensitive areas you reveal until she’s begging for more.

Step #4 – Play with the labia.

Trace her inner labia with the tip of your tongue, first up one side, and then the other. Interchange kissing and nibbling with tonguing.

Step #5 – Play with the area around the vagina.

Lap the area from her vaginal opening to her clitoral hood.

Start lightly, and then increase the pressure, using only the tip of your tongue at first, and then using your whole tongue as she becomes more excited.

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Advanced Techniques To Become the Best Pussy Eater She Has Ever Had.

The most important thing to remember when performing oral sex on her is that women generally respond best to variety.

Just as with any other sensitive body part, the same kind of stimulation repeated over and over again can quickly desensitize the area, and she won’t feel the same degree of pleasure.

Incorporate a few of these moves while pleasuring her.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #1 – Kissing.

This move is as easy as it sounds: use your lips and tongue to kiss her vulva as you’d kiss her mouth.

Start with gentle kisses, moving around her vulva, inner thighs and perineum, and then graduate to more passionate kissing, focusing on one area at a time.

You can even try “French kissing” her vaginal opening, penetrating her with your tongue.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #2 – Circle.

Use the tip of your tongue to form circles around her clitoris, changing directions frequently to keep things interesting for her.

You can also use your lips or face in a circular motion on different parts of her vulva, especially over the clitoral hood, perineum and vaginal opening.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #3 – The Alphabet.

This is a fun one! Using your tongue, spell out the alphabet on and around her clitoral hood.

You can simply go through the ABC’s, but you can also spell out words, like “I love you” or “you make me so happy.”

She won’t know what you’re spelling, but she’ll love the variation as you lick different letters.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #4 – Mix it up.

If you keep using the same tongue move for too long, she’ll become desensitized to the sensation and won’t feel as much pleasure.

While you’re licking her clitoris and clitoral hood, switch your styles around so she won’t know what’s coming next.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #5 – Penetrate her with your tongue.

Use the same sort of moves you’d use when having intercourse: in and out, around in a circle, different depths and speeds.

This particular move probably won’t bring her to orgasms, but it feels wonderful and makes for a nice interlude between types of clitoral stimulation.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #6 – Suck her clitoris.

Be very careful with this move as some women will find it too intense.

Gently expose the clitoris by holding back the clitoral hood.

Then suck on her clitoris very gently.

You can also try nibbling it a little, but pay close attention to her body movements and responses; not every woman enjoys the feeling of teeth, no matter how lightly you use them.

Your partner may also find direct clitoral stimulation to be too intense for them. In this case, focus your licking on her clitoral hood.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #7 – Use your fingers

While your tongue is busy, don’t let your hands sit idle!

You may choose to use your fingers to keep her outer labia open, but it’s a great idea to continue to stroke her while you’re giving her oral sex.

You can also penetrate her with one or more fingers while you lick her clitoris.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #8 – Vary your speed for maximum pleasure.

As you continue to lick, nibble and nuzzle her, escalate the action. Start slowly, and then move faster.

Start gently, and then increase the pressure of your tongue. As she continues to become more and more aroused, she’ll reach the “plateau” phase of her sexual arousal cycle.

Keep her at the phase for as long as possible before guiding her to orgasm, and her climax will be even more powerful.

Advanced Oral Sex Technique #9 – Take Her to Climax – Give Her an Oral Sex Orgasm.

As you feel her body moving toward orgasm, continue to escalate your movements until her body is taut and her muscles are tensed with pleasure.

When you feel her start to get close to climaxing, focus your attention on the kind of stimulation she enjoys best until she has an orgasm.

Most women enjoy a variety of stimulation during oral sex, but find that when they’re getting ready to climax, they need the same type of stimulation to achieve orgasm.

In other words, if what you’re doing has brought her close to the edge, keep doing what you’re doing until she orgasms.

In this section we covered the beginner as well as the advanced techniques of oral sex from start to end.

If you follow my instructions carefully, you’ll provide your partner with an amazing pussy eating experience.

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Section Four : How To Give Oral Sex With Toys.

If you followed the advice I gave in the first section, you’re well on your way to becoming a pro at eating pussy.

If you and your partner are satisfied with your skills and don’t want to add anything fancy, then you’re still doing great—you’re giving your partner what she wants and needs.

However, if you’d like to add a few exciting elements to your oral play, you might want to experiment with sex toys.

Types Of Sex Toys for Oral Sex.

If you’ve ever been to an adult store, online or in person, you might have been a little confused by all the different toys.

You aren’t alone!

The sex toy industry makes a lot of money coming up with new items to stimulate your partner, and some of them can seem downright mysterious.

Sex toys can impact your sex life in a great way. The good news is that there are a few basic toys that work well when combined with oral sex, which narrows down the selection quite a lot.


A little vibration can send your partner over the edge, but when using a vibrator in combination with oral sex, things start to get a little tricky.

The intense stimulation from a vibrator can quickly desensitize especially sensitive areas, especially the clitoris and clitoral hood.

If you’d like to try adding a vibe to your oral play, save it for the end, so that her intimate areas will respond to your touch during oral sex.

You can try using the tip of a standard or mini vibrator on her clitoral hood as she’s starting to climax, or try inserting a toy into her vaginal opening during oral sex.


Some women find it difficult to climax without penetration; others just really enjoy it. If your partner falls into one of these two categories, you’ll definitely want to try using a dildo during oral sex.

Let her decide what size and shape toy she prefers—she may want something big or small, hard like glass or steel, or soft like latex or realistic materials.

If you’ve never used a dildo with your partner, ask her to show you what feels good to her. You should also find out if she prefers penetration at the end of oral sex or throughout.

G-Spot Stimulators.

Because the G spot responds best to firm pressure, your tongue won’t be strong enough to use for this form of play.

Even if you have the strongest tongue in the world, you still probably won’t be able to reach it because it is located a few inches inside the vaginal opening, on the anterior side of her vaginal wall.

If your partner enjoys G spot stimulation and would like to try it in conjunction with oral sex, you’ll need to invest in a G spot Stimulator a special toy made just for G spot stimulation.

You’ll have plenty of options, so, again, let your partner decide what will work best for her. As with using a dildo, find out how much stimulation she wants and when she’d like to receive it.

The Right Techniques To Using Sex Toys For Best Oral Pleasure.

Using toys during cunnilingus is all about timing.

Your partner may want toy stimulation throughout oral sex, but most women enjoy it most during the end of the experience.

If that’s the case with your partner, try these moves as described below.

The Right Technique To Using Vibrators During Oral Sex.

  1. As you’re using your tongue to stimulate her, use one of your hands to run the vibrator over the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs and abdomen and around her vulva.

  1. Hold the tip of the vibrator to her perineum, which will send vibrations toward her pleasure centers without desensitizing them.

  1. Insert the vibrator into her vagina as she’s moving toward orgasm and turn it on when she’s just about to climax.

Source –

The Right Technique To Using Dildo During Oral Sex.

  1. The first step is to insert just the tip of the dildo into her vaginal opening. But make sure your she is comfortable so go slowly.

  1. Begin to push the dildo in and out of her vagina, being very gentle at first. As you continue to lick her clitoris or clitoral hood, use the dildo to penetrate her faster. Match your speed with her body’s contortions; as you observe she’s getting closer to climax, move the dildo faster, being careful not to hurt her.

  1. As she’s starting to climax, adjust your penetration according to what she needs to have an orgasm. This last step will differ from woman to woman, so try both techniques and see which works better.

  1. Continue to penetrate her in and out until she climaxes.

  1. Hold the dildo deep inside her during orgasm.

Source –

The Right Technique To Using G-Spot Vibrator.

  1. Just like above the first step is to insert the G Spot Vibrator into her vaginal opening. But make sure your she is comfortable so go slowly.

  1. Once you’ve inserted the g spot stimulator, make sure it’s in the right place. If you aren’t sure, ask your partner.

  1. Use the toy to begin applying pressure to the g spot. She may enjoy this throughout oral sex, or may only want intense, direct pressure at the end. Follow her guidelines.

  1. If she enjoys it, try using the g spot stimulator as you would a dildo, inserting and removing it with a steady rhythm.

  1. As she reaches climax, apply firm, constant pressure to the g spot. If you’re using a vibrating g spot stimulator, wait until just before climax to turn it on.

Source – YouTube

Section Five : How To Give Oral Sex with Anal Stimulation.

Before I begin to explain this technique, I must caution you: anal stimulation isn’t for everyone.

Many people still consider anal play to be dirty, taboo or unappealing.

However, you won’t know if you and your partner like anal stimulation during oral sex until you try it! Talk to her about it and see what she thinks.

If she decides she doesn’t like it, you don’t have to do it again.

Special Tips And Precautions For Anal Play.

  1. Be gentle, especially if anal penetration is new for you and your partner. The anus is covered with very sensitive nerve endings that are easily damaged when treated too roughly. Make sure your fingernails are smooth and clean.

  1. Go SLOW. I cannot stress this enough! Anal penetration can be uncomfortable at first, so take your time if you’re using your fingers or a toy to add anal stimulation to oral sex. Move inward a little at a time, giving her a chance to accustom herself to the new sensation.

  1. Lubrication is essential. Although your tongue and her juices will produce plenty of moisture, her anal passage, unlike her vagina, doesn’t produce its own lubrication. She may be wet enough that you can use her natural vaginal lubrication to moisten your finger enough for anal penetration, but if she isn’t, a little anal lubricant will do the job.

  1. Bacteria are a real concern when you’re combining anal penetration with vaginal fingering or the use of sex toys. The general rule is that once something has penetrated your partner’s anus, it doesn’t go back into her vagina until it’s been thoroughly washed. You can also interchange fingers if you’re using manual stimulation—just remember which fingers have gone where.

Source –

Anal Stimulation Using Your Fingers (While Performing Oral Sex).

If you’re new to anal play and aren’t sure if you and your partner will like it, try using only your fingers to stimulate the area.

The first time you try anal play while giving her oral sex, try just touching her anus as she reaches climax, applying more pressure as her orgasm continues.

You can also try inserting your finger during just before orgasm, which can increase the sensation exponentially.

Be sure your finger is well lubricated, and only insert one to begin with. Once your partner is more comfortable with anal penetration, you can try inserting more than one finger.

Try shunting your finger in and out, or simply leave it in place while she climaxes.

Types of Anal Toys And Techniques.

Anal Vibrators: Use internally or externally to add vibrating stimulation to the anus and/or rectal passage. During oral, you can either insert an anal vibrator or use only the tip to stimulate her anus. Never use a vibrator or any other anal toy unless you also use plenty of lubrication, natural or lube, to keep the area moist.

Anal Plugs: Insert an anal plug before or during oral sex for a feeling of fullness. Remember to use lots of lubricant and go very slowly, giving her plenty of time to accommodate the plug. Some women may enjoy the feeling of having the plug removed during the moment of orgasm, and some may prefer to have it inside them still when they climax.

Anal Beads: Anal beads are a series of connected beads that are either the same size or graduated in size, with the smallest bead at the bottom. Insert anal beads before or during oral sex, and then slowly remove them at the moment of orgasm. Again, use lots of lube!

Condoms: If you are using a toy for anal penetration during oral sex, it’s a good idea to cover the toy with a condom before using it. Not only will it keep the toy cleaner and make general cleanup easier, but it will also prolong the life of the sex toy.

Don’t Miss!


I hope this step-by-step guide has given you deep insight on how to eat pussy one of the most pleasurable forms of sexual play.

As you put my advice into practice, try not to feel frustrated if something new doesn’t work perfectly the first time.

Consider my tips and instructions to be merely guidelines as you as your partner incorporate this fun form of play into your sexual repertoire.

Over time, and with lots of practice, you and your partner will find the best combination of oral stimulation for her body.

FAQ About Oral Sex and How to Eat Her Pussy.

Best techniques for giving oral sex to women?

The best way to perform oral sex will vary from woman to woman.

As a couple you need to explore all possibilities like oral sex through the tongue, fingering, licking, or using sex toys and see how it goes.

Can I use sex toys during oral play?

Yes, you can use sex toys for oral play as toys increase the pleasure and sensations during oral play.

But then you also need to find out which sex toys are more satisfying for your partner which is something we’ve written in-depth in our guide.

Can a woman get infected during Oral and Anal play?

Yes, she can that is why it is important to keep your fingers and nails clean before inserting them into her vagina or anus.

Also, if you are using toys make sure it is clean and you’ve all the knowledge so that you do not hurt her.

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Manish Yadav

My name is Manish Yadav and I’m the owner of the blog "Love Finds its Way". My advice does away with the manipulations and mind games recommended by magazines and the surface level advice of TV gurus… We’ll dive DEEP to you actionable steps you can use today. Over 900,000 men & women have transformed their lives, and I've been featured in Lifehack, Return of Kings, Menimprovement, Urban Dater, and so on...
...My only intention is to help you have all of achieve your dreams and desires and live a beautiful and prosperous life.
And we’re just getting started!

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